module Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Sources.Ext.Pegasus.Pdl where import Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Sources.Core import Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Sources.Ext.Json.Model import Hydra.All import Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Dsl.Types as Types import Hydra.Impl.Haskell.Dsl.Standard pegasusPdlModule :: Module Meta pegasusPdlModule = Module ns elements [jsonModelModule] $ Just ("A model for PDL (Pegasus Data Language) schemas. Based on the specification at:\n" ++ "") where ns = Namespace "hydra/ext/pegasus/pdl" def = datatype ns pdl = nsref ns json = nsref $ moduleNamespace jsonModelModule elements = [ def "Annotations" $ doc "Annotations which can be applied to record fields, aliased union members, enum symbols, or named schemas" $ record [ "doc">: optional string, "deprecated">: boolean], def "EnumField" $ record [ "name">: pdl "EnumFieldName", "annotations">: pdl "Annotations"], def "EnumFieldName" string, def "EnumSchema" $ record [ "fields">: list $ pdl "EnumField"], def "FieldName" string, def "NamedSchema" $ record [ "qualifiedName">: pdl "QualifiedName", "type">: pdl "NamedSchema.Type", "annotations">: pdl "Annotations"], def "NamedSchema.Type" $ union [ "record">: pdl "RecordSchema", "enum">: pdl "EnumSchema", "typeref">: pdl "Schema"], def "Name" string, def "Namespace" string, def "Package" string, def "PrimitiveType" $ enum [ "boolean", "bytes", "double", "float", "int", "long", "string"], def "PropertyKey" string, def "Property" $ record [ "key">: pdl "PropertyKey", "value">: optional $ json "Value"], def "QualifiedName" $ record [ "name">: pdl "Name", "namespace">: optional $ pdl "Namespace"], def "RecordField" $ record [ "name">: pdl "FieldName", "value">: pdl "Schema", "optional">: boolean, -- Note: the default value for an enum-valued must be one of the enumerated string symbols "default">: optional $ json "Value", "annotations">: pdl "Annotations"], def "RecordSchema" $ record [ "fields">: list $ pdl "RecordField", -- Note: all included schemas must be record schemas "includes">: list $ pdl "NamedSchema"], def "Schema" $ union [ "array">: pdl "Schema", "fixed">: int32, "inline">: pdl "NamedSchema", "map">: pdl "Schema", "named">: pdl "QualifiedName", "null">: unit, "primitive">: pdl "PrimitiveType", "union">: pdl "UnionSchema"], def "SchemaFile" $ record [ "namespace">: pdl "Namespace", "package">: optional $ pdl "Package", "imports">: list $ pdl "QualifiedName", "schemas">: list $ pdl "NamedSchema"], def "UnionMember" $ record [ "alias">: optional $ pdl "FieldName", "value">: pdl "Schema", -- Note: annotations are only available for aliased members "annotations">: pdl "Annotations"], -- Note: unions are not allowed as member types of other unions def "UnionSchema" $ list $ pdl "UnionMember"]