{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- **Hyakko** is a Haskell port of [docco](http://jashkenas.github.com/docco/): -- the original quick-and-dirty, hundred-line-line, literate-programming-style -- documentation generator. It produces HTML that displays your comments -- alongside your code. Comments are passed through -- [Markdown](http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) and code is -- passed through [Pygments](http://pygments.org/) syntax highlighting. -- This page is the result of running Hyakko against its own source file. -- -- If you install Hyakko, you can run it from the command-line: -- -- hyakko src/*.hs -- -- ...will generate linked HTML documentation for the named source files, saving -- it into a `docs` folder. -- The [source for Hyakko](https://github.com/sourrust/hyakko) available on GitHub. -- -- To install Hyakko -- -- git clone git://github.com/sourrust/hyakko.git -- cd hyakko -- cabal install -- -- or -- -- cabal update -- cabal install hyakko module Main where import Text.Markdown import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L import Data.List (sort, groupBy) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Control.Monad (filterM) import Text.Pandoc.Templates import Text.Regex import Text.Regex.PCRE ((=~)) import System.Directory (getDirectoryContents, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.FilePath (takeBaseName, takeExtension, takeFileName, ()) import System.Process (system, readProcess) import Paths_hyakko (getDataFileName) -- ### Main Documentation Generation Functions -- Make type signature more readable with these two `Callback` types. type Callback = IO () type Callback' = [Map String ByteString] -> IO () (><) :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString (><) = L.append {-# INLINE (><) #-} -- Generate the documentation for a source file by reading it in, splitting it -- up into comment/code sections, highlighting them for the appropriate language, -- and merging them into an HTML template. generateDocumentation :: [FilePath] -> IO () generateDocumentation [] = return () generateDocumentation (x:xs) = do code <- L.readFile x let sections = parse (getLanguage x) code if null sections then putStrLn $ "hyakko doesn't support the language extension " ++ takeExtension x else highlight x sections $ \y -> do generateHTML x y generateDocumentation xs -- Given a string of source code, parse out each comment and the code that -- follows it, and create an individual **section** for it. -- Sections take the form: -- -- [ -- ("docsText", ...), -- ("docsHtml", ...), -- ("codeText", ...), -- ("codeHtml", ...) -- ] -- inSections :: [ByteString] -> ByteString -> [Map String ByteString] inSections xs r = let mkRegex' = mkRegex . (=~ r) -- Generalized function used to section off code and comments groupBy' t t1 = groupBy $ \x y -> and $ map (t1 . (=~ r)) [t x, t y] -- Replace the beggining comment symbol with nothing replace = L.unlines . map (\y -> let y' = L.unpack y in L.pack $ subRegex (mkRegex' y') y' "") -- Clump sectioned off lines into doc and code text. clump [] = [] clump [x] = clump $ ensurePair [x] clump (x:y:ys) = [("docsText", replace x),("codeText", L.unlines y)] : clump ys -- Make sure the result is in the right pairing order ensurePair ys = if even $ length ys then ys else if (head . head) ys =~ r then ys ++ [[""]] else [""]:ys -- Group comments into a list s1 = groupBy' id id xs -- Group code into a list s2 = groupBy' head not s1 -- Bring the lists together into groups of comment and groups of code -- pattern. s3 = ensurePair $ map concat s2 in [M.fromList l | l <- clump s3] parse :: Maybe (Map String ByteString) -> ByteString -> [Map String ByteString] parse Nothing _ = [] parse (Just src) code = let line = filter ((/=) "#!" . L.take 2) $ L.lines code in inSections line $ src M.! "comment" -- Highlights a single chunk of Haskell code, using **Pygments** over stdio, -- and runs the text of its corresponding comment through **Markdown**, using the -- Markdown translator in **[Pandoc](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/)**. -- -- We process the entire file in a single call to Pygments by inserting little -- marker comments between each section and then splitting the result string -- wherever our markers occur. highlight :: FilePath -> [Map String ByteString] -> Callback' -> IO () highlight src section cb = do let language = fromJust $ getLanguage src options = ["-l", L.unpack $ language M.! "name", "-f", "html", "-O", "encoding=utf-8"] input = concatMap (\x -> let codeText = L.unpack $ x M.! "codeText" divider = L.unpack $ language M.! "dividerText" in codeText ++ divider) section output <- readProcess "pygmentize" options input let output' = subRegex (mkRegex highlightReplace) output "" fragments = splitRegex (mkRegex . L.unpack $ language M.! "dividerHtml") output' cb $ map (\x -> let s = section !! x in M.insert "docsHtml" (toHTML . L.unpack $ s M.! "docsText") $ M.insert "codeHtml" (highlightStart >< (L.pack $ fragments !! x) >< highlightEnd) s) [0..(length section) - 1] -- Once all of the code is finished highlighting, we can generate the HTML file -- and write out the documentation. Pass the completed sections into the template -- found in `resources/hyakko.html` generateHTML :: FilePath -> [Map String ByteString] -> IO () generateHTML src section = do let title = takeFileName src dest = destination src source <- sources html <- hyakkoTemplate $ concat [ [("title", title)], if length source > 1 then [("multi","1")] else [], map (\x -> ("source", unlines [ "", " "++takeFileName x,""])) source, map (\x -> ("section", unlines [ "", " ", "
", " λ", "
", L.unpack $ (section !! x) M.! "docsHtml", " ", " ", L.unpack $ (section !! x) M.! "codeHtml", " ", "" ])) [0..(length section) - 1] ] putStrLn $ "hyakko: " ++ src ++ " -> " ++ dest L.writeFile dest html -- ### Helpers & Setup -- A list of the languages that Hyakko supports, mapping the file extension to -- the name of the Pygments lexer and the symbol that indicates a comment. To -- add another language to Hyakko's repertoire, add it here. languages :: Map String (Map String ByteString) languages = let hashSymbol = ("symbol", "#") l = M.fromList [ (".hs", M.fromList [ ("name", "haskell"), ("symbol", "--")]), (".coffee", M.fromList [ ("name", "coffee-script"), hashSymbol]), (".js", M.fromList [ ("name", "javascript"), ("symbol", "//")]), (".py", M.fromList [ ("name", "python"), hashSymbol]), (".rb", M.fromList [ ("name", "ruby"), hashSymbol]) ] -- Build out the appropriate matchers and delimiters for each language. in M.map (\x -> let s = x M.! "symbol" -- Does the line begin with a comment? in M.insert "comment" ("^\\s*"><"\\s?") $ -- The dividing token we feed into Pygments, to delimit the boundaries -- between sections. M.insert "dividerText" ("\n"><"DIVIDER\n") $ -- The mirror of `divider_text` that we expect Pygments to return. We can -- split on this to recover the original sections. -- Note: the class is "c" for Python and "c1" for the other languages M.insert "dividerHtml" ("\n*"><"DIVIDER\n") x) l -- Get the current language we're documenting, based on the extension. getLanguage :: FilePath -> Maybe (Map String ByteString) getLanguage src = M.lookup (takeExtension src) languages -- Compute the destination HTML path for an input source file path. If the source -- is `lib/example.hs`, the HTML will be at docs/example.html destination :: FilePath -> FilePath destination fp = "docs" (takeBaseName fp) ++ ".html" -- Ensure that the destination directory exists. ensureDirectory :: Callback -> IO () ensureDirectory cb = system "mkdir -p docs" >> cb -- Create the template that we will use to generate the Hyakko HTML page. hyakkoTemplate :: [(String, String)] -> IO ByteString hyakkoTemplate var = readDataFile "resources/hyakko.html" >>= return . renderTemplate var . L.unpack -- The CSS styles we'd like to apply to the documentation. hyakkoStyles :: IO ByteString hyakkoStyles = readDataFile "resources/hyakko.css" -- The start and end of each Pygments highlight block. highlightStart, highlightEnd :: ByteString highlightStart = "
highlightEnd     = "
" highlightReplace :: String highlightReplace = L.unpack highlightStart ++ "|" ++ L.unpack highlightEnd -- Reads from resource path given in cabal package readDataFile :: FilePath -> IO ByteString readDataFile f = getDataFileName f >>= L.readFile -- For each source file passed in as an argument, generate the documentation. sources :: IO [FilePath] sources = getArgs >>= unpack >>= return . sort . concat where unpack = mapM (\x -> do isDir <- doesDirectoryExist x if isDir then unpackDirectories x else return [x]) -- Turns the directory give into a list of files including all of the files -- in sub-directories. unpackDirectories :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] unpackDirectories d = do let reg = "[^(^\\.{1,2}$)]" :: ByteString content <- getDirectoryContents d >>= return . filter (=~ reg) let content' = map (d ) content files <- filterM doesFileExist content' subdir <- filterM doesDirectoryExist content' subcontent <- mapM unpackDirectories subdir >>= return . concat return (files ++ subcontent) -- Run the script. main :: IO () main = do style <- hyakkoStyles source <- sources ensureDirectory $ do L.writeFile "docs/hyakko.css" style generateDocumentation source