-- ------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
   Module     : Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.XmlSchema.DataTypeLibW3C
   Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2005 Uwe Schmidt
   License    : MIT

   Maintainer : Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de)
   Stability  : experimental
   Portability: portable
   Version    : $Id$

   Datatype library for the W3C XML schema datatypes


-- ------------------------------------------------------------

module Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.XmlSchema.DataTypeLibW3C
  ( w3cNS
  , w3cDatatypeLib

  , xsd_string                  -- data type names
  , xsd_normalizedString
  , xsd_token
  , xsd_language
  , xsd_NMTOKEN
  , xsd_NMTOKENS
  , xsd_Name
  , xsd_NCName
  , xsd_ID
  , xsd_IDREF
  , xsd_IDREFS
  , xsd_ENTITY
  , xsd_ENTITIES
  , xsd_anyURI
  , xsd_QName
  , xsd_NOTATION
  , xsd_hexBinary
  , xsd_base64Binary
  , xsd_decimal

  , xsd_length                  -- facet names
  , xsd_maxLength
  , xsd_minLength
  , xsd_maxExclusive
  , xsd_minExclusive
  , xsd_maxInclusive
  , xsd_minInclusive
  , xsd_totalDigits
  , xsd_fractionDigits
  , xsd_pattern
  , xsd_enumeration

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio

import Network.URI                              ( isURIReference )

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.QualifiedName           ( isWellformedQualifiedName
                                                , isNCName
import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.DataTypeLibUtils
import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.XmlSchema.Regex     ( Regex
                                                , matchWithRE
import Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.XmlSchema.RegexParser
                                                ( parseRegex

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Namespace of the W3C XML schema datatype library

w3cNS   :: String
w3cNS   = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-datatypes"

 , xsd_normalizedString
 , xsd_token
 , xsd_language
 , xsd_NMTOKEN
 , xsd_Name
 , xsd_NCName
 , xsd_ID
 , xsd_IDREF
 , xsd_IDREFS
 , xsd_ENTITY
 , xsd_anyURI
 , xsd_QName
 , xsd_hexBinary
 , xsd_base64Binary
 , xsd_decimal
 , xsd_integer
 , xsd_nonPositiveInteger
 , xsd_negativeInteger
 , xsd_nonNegativeInteger
 , xsd_positiveInteger
 , xsd_long
 , xsd_int
 , xsd_short
 , xsd_byte
 , xsd_unsignedLong
 , xsd_unsignedInt
 , xsd_unsignedShort
 , xsd_unsignedByte :: String

xsd_string              = "string"
xsd_normalizedString    = "normalizedString"
xsd_token               = "token"
xsd_language            = "language"
xsd_NMTOKEN             = "NMTOKEN"
xsd_NMTOKENS            = "NMTOKENS"
xsd_Name                = "Name"
xsd_NCName              = "NCName"
xsd_ID                  = "ID"
xsd_IDREF               = "IDREF"
xsd_IDREFS              = "IDREFS"
xsd_ENTITY              = "ENTITY"
xsd_ENTITIES            = "ENTITIES"
xsd_anyURI              = "anyURI"
xsd_QName               = "QName"
xsd_NOTATION            = "NOTATION"
xsd_hexBinary           = "hexBinary"
xsd_base64Binary        = "base64Binary"
xsd_decimal             = "decimal"
xsd_integer             = "integer"
xsd_nonPositiveInteger  = "nonPositiveInteger"
xsd_negativeInteger     = "negativeInteger"
xsd_nonNegativeInteger  = "nonNegativeInteger"
xsd_positiveInteger     = "positiveInteger"
xsd_long                = "long"
xsd_int                 = "int"
xsd_short               = "short"
xsd_byte                = "byte"
xsd_unsignedLong        = "unsignedLong"
xsd_unsignedInt         = "unsignedInt"
xsd_unsignedShort       = "unsignedShort"
xsd_unsignedByte        = "unsignedByte"

 , xsd_maxLength
 , xsd_minLength
 , xsd_maxExclusive
 , xsd_minExclusive
 , xsd_maxInclusive
 , xsd_minInclusive
 , xsd_totalDigits
 , xsd_fractionDigits
 , xsd_pattern
 , xsd_enumeration :: String

xsd_length              = rng_length
xsd_maxLength           = rng_maxLength
xsd_minLength           = rng_minLength

xsd_maxExclusive        = rng_maxExclusive
xsd_minExclusive        = rng_minExclusive
xsd_maxInclusive        = rng_maxInclusive
xsd_minInclusive        = rng_minInclusive

xsd_totalDigits         = "totalDigits"
xsd_fractionDigits      = "fractionDigits"

xsd_pattern             = "pattern"
xsd_enumeration         = "enumeration"

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | The main entry point to the W3C XML schema datatype library.
-- The 'DTC' constructor exports the list of supported datatypes and params.
-- It also exports the specialized functions to validate a XML instance value with
-- respect to a datatype.
w3cDatatypeLib :: DatatypeLibrary
w3cDatatypeLib = (w3cNS, DTC datatypeAllowsW3C datatypeEqualW3C w3cDatatypes)

-- | All supported datatypes of the library
w3cDatatypes :: AllowedDatatypes
w3cDatatypes = [ (xsd_string,                   stringParams)
               , (xsd_normalizedString,         stringParams)
               , (xsd_token,                    stringParams)
               , (xsd_language,                 stringParams)
               , (xsd_NMTOKEN,                  stringParams)
               , (xsd_NMTOKENS,                 listParams  )
               , (xsd_Name,                     stringParams)
               , (xsd_NCName,                   stringParams)
               , (xsd_ID,                       stringParams)
               , (xsd_IDREF,                    stringParams)
               , (xsd_IDREFS,                   listParams  )
               , (xsd_ENTITY,                   stringParams)
               , (xsd_ENTITIES,                 listParams  )
               , (xsd_anyURI,                   stringParams)
               , (xsd_QName,                    stringParams)
               , (xsd_NOTATION,                 stringParams)
               , (xsd_hexBinary,                stringParams)
               , (xsd_base64Binary,             stringParams)
               , (xsd_decimal,                  decimalParams)
               , (xsd_integer,                  integerParams)
               , (xsd_nonPositiveInteger,       integerParams)
               , (xsd_negativeInteger,          integerParams)
               , (xsd_nonNegativeInteger,       integerParams)
               , (xsd_positiveInteger,          integerParams)
               , (xsd_long,                     integerParams)
               , (xsd_int,                      integerParams)
               , (xsd_short,                    integerParams)
               , (xsd_byte,                     integerParams)
               , (xsd_unsignedLong,             integerParams)
               , (xsd_unsignedInt,              integerParams)
               , (xsd_unsignedShort,            integerParams)
               , (xsd_unsignedByte,             integerParams)

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | List of allowed params for the string datatypes
stringParams    :: AllowedParams
stringParams    = xsd_pattern : map fst fctTableString

-- ----------------------------------------

patternValid    :: ParamList -> CheckString
patternValid params
    = foldr (>>>) ok . map paramPatternValid $ params
      paramPatternValid (pn, pv)
          | pn == xsd_pattern   = assert (patParamValid pv) (errorMsgParam pn pv)
          | otherwise           = ok

patParamValid :: String -> String -> Bool
patParamValid regex a
    = case parseRegex regex of
      (Left _  )        -> False
      (Right ex)        -> isNothing . matchWithRE ex $ a

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | List of allowed params for the decimal datatypes

decimalParams   :: AllowedParams
decimalParams   = xsd_pattern : map fst fctTableDecimal

fctTableDecimal :: [(String, String -> Rational -> Bool)]
    = [ (xsd_maxExclusive,   cvd (>))
      , (xsd_minExclusive,   cvd (<))
      , (xsd_maxInclusive,   cvd (>=))
      , (xsd_minInclusive,   cvd (<=))
      , (xsd_totalDigits,    cvi (\ l v ->    totalDigits v == l))
      , (xsd_fractionDigits, cvi (\ l v -> fractionDigits v == l))
    cvd         :: (Rational -> Rational -> Bool) -> (String -> Rational -> Bool)
    cvd op      = \ x y -> isDecimal x && readDecimal x `op` y

    cvi         :: (Int -> Rational -> Bool) -> (String -> Rational -> Bool)
    cvi op      = \ x y -> isNumber x && read x `op` y

decimalValid    :: ParamList -> CheckA Rational Rational
decimalValid params
    = foldr (>>>) ok . map paramDecimalValid $ params
    paramDecimalValid (pn, pv)
        = assert
          ((fromMaybe (const . const $ True) . lookup pn $ fctTableDecimal) pv)
          (errorMsgParam pn pv . showDecimal)

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | List of allowed params for the decimal and integer datatypes

integerParams   :: AllowedParams
integerParams   = xsd_pattern : map fst fctTableInteger

fctTableInteger :: [(String, String -> Integer -> Bool)]
    = [ (xsd_maxExclusive,   cvi (>))
      , (xsd_minExclusive,   cvi (<))
      , (xsd_maxInclusive,   cvi (>=))
      , (xsd_minInclusive,   cvi (<=))
      , (xsd_totalDigits,    cvi (\ l v -> totalD v == toInteger l))
    cvi         :: (Integer -> Integer -> Bool) -> (String -> Integer -> Bool)
    cvi op      = \ x y -> isNumber x && read x `op` y

    totalD i
        | i < 0     = totalD (0-i)
        | otherwise = toInteger . length . show $ i

integerValid    :: DatatypeName -> ParamList -> CheckA Integer Integer
integerValid datatype params
    = assertInRange
      (foldr (>>>) ok . map paramIntegerValid $ params)
    assertInRange       :: CheckA Integer Integer
        = assert
          (fromMaybe (const True) . lookup datatype $ integerRangeTable)
          (\ v -> ( "Datatype " ++ show datatype ++
                    " with value = " ++ show v ++
                    " not in integer value range"
    paramIntegerValid (pn, pv)
        = assert
          ((fromMaybe (const . const $ True) . lookup pn $ fctTableInteger) pv)
          (errorMsgParam pn pv . show)

integerRangeTable       :: [(String, Integer -> Bool)]
integerRangeTable       = [ (xsd_integer,               const True)
                          , (xsd_nonPositiveInteger,    (<=0)   )
                          , (xsd_negativeInteger,       ( <0)   )
                          , (xsd_nonNegativeInteger,    (>=0)   )
                          , (xsd_positiveInteger,       ( >0)   )
                          , (xsd_long,                  inR 9223372036854775808)
                          , (xsd_int,                   inR 2147483648)
                          , (xsd_short,                 inR 32768)
                          , (xsd_byte,                  inR 128)
                          , (xsd_unsignedLong,          inP 18446744073709551616)
                          , (xsd_unsignedInt,           inP 4294967296)
                          , (xsd_unsignedShort,         inP 65536)
                          , (xsd_unsignedByte,          inP 256)
                          inR b i       = (0 - b) <= i && i < b
                          inP b i       = 0 <= i       && i < b

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | List of allowed params for the list datatypes

listParams      :: AllowedParams
listParams      = xsd_pattern : map fst fctTableList

listValid       :: DatatypeName -> ParamList -> CheckString
listValid d     = stringValidFT fctTableList d 0 (-1)

-- ----------------------------------------

isNameList      :: (String -> Bool) -> String -> Bool
isNameList p w
    = not (null ts) && all p ts
      ts = words w

-- ----------------------------------------

rex             :: String -> Regex
rex             = either undefined id . parseRegex

isRex           :: Regex -> String -> Bool
isRex ex        = isNothing . matchWithRE ex

-- ----------------------------------------

  , rexHexBinary
  , rexBase64Binary
  , rexDecimal
  , rexInteger  :: Regex

rexLanguage     = rex "[A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z]{1,8})*"
rexHexBinary    = rex "([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})*"
rexBase64Binary = rex $
                  "(" ++ b64 ++ "{4})*((" ++ b64 ++ "{2}==)|(" ++ b64 ++ "{3}=)|)"
                  b64     = "[A-Za-z0-9+/]"
rexDecimal      = rex "(\\+|-)?(([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?)|(\\.[0-9]+))"
rexInteger      = rex "(\\+|-)?[0-9]+"

  , isHexBinary
  , isBase64Binary
  , isDecimal
  , isInteger   :: String -> Bool

isLanguage      = isRex rexLanguage
isHexBinary     = isRex rexHexBinary
isBase64Binary  = isRex rexBase64Binary
isDecimal       = isRex rexDecimal
isInteger       = isRex rexInteger

-- ----------------------------------------

normBase64      :: String -> String
normBase64      = filter isB64
                  isB64 c = ( 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z')
                            ( 'a' <= c && c <= 'z')
                            ( '0' <= c && c <= '9')
                            c == '+'
                            c == '/'
                            c == '='

-- ----------------------------------------

  , readDecimal'        :: String -> Rational

readDecimal ('+':s)     = readDecimal' s
readDecimal ('-':s)     = negate (readDecimal' s)
readDecimal      s      = readDecimal' s

readDecimal' s
    | f == 0    = (n % 1)
    | otherwise = (n % 1) + (f % (10 ^ (toInteger (length fs))))
    (ns, fs') = span (/= '.') s
    fs = drop 1 fs'

    f :: Integer
    f | null fs         = 0
      | otherwise       = read fs
    n :: Integer
    n | null ns         = 0
      | otherwise       = read ns

  , totalDigits'
  , fractionDigits      :: Rational -> Int

totalDigits r
    | r == 0                    = 0
    | r < 0                     = totalDigits' . negate  $ r
    | otherwise                 = totalDigits'           $ r

totalDigits' r
    | denominator r == 1        = length . show . numerator  $ r
    | r < (1%1)                 = (\ x -> x-1) . totalDigits' . (+ (1%1))    $ r
    | otherwise                 = totalDigits' . (* (10 % 1)) $ r

fractionDigits r
    | denominator r == 1        = 0
    | otherwise                 = (+1) . fractionDigits . (* (10 % 1)) $ r

  , showDecimal'                :: Rational -> String

showDecimal d
    | d < 0     = ('-':) . showDecimal' . negate    $ d
    | d < 1     = drop 1 . showDecimal' . (+ (1%1)) $ d
    | otherwise =          showDecimal'             $ d

showDecimal' d
    | denominator d == 1        = show . numerator $ d
    | otherwise                 = times10 0        $ d
    times10 i' d'
        | denominator d' == 1   = let
                                  (x, y) = splitAt i' . reverse . show . numerator $ d'
                                  reverse y ++ "." ++ reverse x
        | otherwise             = times10 (i' + 1) (d' * (10 % 1))

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | Tests whether a XML instance value matches a data-pattern.
-- (see also: 'stringValid')

datatypeAllowsW3C :: DatatypeAllows
datatypeAllowsW3C d params value _
    = performCheck check value
    validString normFct
        = validPattern
          arr normFct

        = validString normalizeWhitespace

        = patternValid params

        = stringValid d 0 (-1) params

        = validPattern
          arr normalizeWhitespace

        = listValid d params

    validName isN
        = assertW3C isN

        = validNormString >>> validName isNCName

        = validNormString >>> validName isWellformedQualifiedName

        = arr normalizeWhitespace
          assertW3C isDecimal
          checkWith readDecimal (decimalValid params)

    validInteger inRange
        = validPattern
          arr normalizeWhitespace
          assertW3C isInteger
          checkWith read (integerValid inRange params)

    check       :: CheckString
    check       = fromMaybe notFound . lookup d $ checks

    notFound    = failure $ errorMsgDataTypeNotAllowed w3cNS d params

    checks      :: [(String, CheckA String String)]
    checks      = [ (xsd_string,                validString id)
                  , (xsd_normalizedString,      validString normalizeBlanks)
                  , (xsd_token,                 validNormString)
                  , (xsd_language,              validNormString >>> assertW3C isLanguage)
                  , (xsd_NMTOKEN,               validNormString >>> validName isNmtoken)
                  , (xsd_NMTOKENS,              validList       >>> validName (isNameList isNmtoken))
                  , (xsd_Name,                  validNormString >>> validName isName)
                  , (xsd_NCName,                validNCName)
                  , (xsd_ID,                    validNCName)
                  , (xsd_IDREF,                 validNCName)
                  , (xsd_IDREFS,                validList       >>> validName (isNameList isNCName))
                  , (xsd_ENTITY,                validNCName)
                  , (xsd_ENTITIES,              validList       >>> validName (isNameList isNCName))
                  , (xsd_anyURI,                validName isURIReference >>> validString escapeURI)
                  , (xsd_QName,                 validQName)
                  , (xsd_NOTATION,              validQName)
                  , (xsd_hexBinary,             validString id         >>> assertW3C isHexBinary)
                  , (xsd_base64Binary,          validString normBase64 >>> assertW3C isBase64Binary)
                  , (xsd_decimal,               validPattern >>> validDecimal)
                  , (xsd_integer,               validInteger xsd_integer)
                  , (xsd_nonPositiveInteger,    validInteger xsd_nonPositiveInteger)
                  , (xsd_negativeInteger,       validInteger xsd_negativeInteger)
                  , (xsd_nonNegativeInteger,    validInteger xsd_nonNegativeInteger)
                  , (xsd_positiveInteger,       validInteger xsd_positiveInteger)
                  , (xsd_long,                  validInteger xsd_long)
                  , (xsd_int,                   validInteger xsd_int)
                  , (xsd_short,                 validInteger xsd_short)
                  , (xsd_byte,                  validInteger xsd_byte)
                  , (xsd_unsignedLong,          validInteger xsd_unsignedLong)
                  , (xsd_unsignedInt,           validInteger xsd_unsignedInt)
                  , (xsd_unsignedShort,         validInteger xsd_unsignedShort)
                  , (xsd_unsignedByte,          validInteger xsd_unsignedByte)
    assertW3C p = assert p errW3C
    errW3C      = errorMsgDataLibQName w3cNS d

-- ----------------------------------------

-- | Tests whether a XML instance value matches a value-pattern.

datatypeEqualW3C :: DatatypeEqual
datatypeEqualW3C d s1 _ s2 _
    = performCheck check (s1, s2)
    check       :: CheckA (String, String) (String, String)
    check       = maybe notFound found . lookup d $ norm

    notFound    = failure $ const (errorMsgDataTypeNotAllowed0 w3cNS d)

    found nf    = arr (\ (x1, x2) -> (nf x1, nf x2))                    -- normalize both values
                  assert (uncurry (==)) (uncurry $ errorMsgEqual d)     -- and check on (==)

    norm = [ (xsd_string,               id                      )
           , (xsd_normalizedString,     normalizeBlanks         )
           , (xsd_token,                normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_language,             normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_NMTOKEN,              normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_NMTOKENS,             normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_Name,                 normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_NCName,               normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_ID,                   normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_IDREF,                normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_IDREFS,               normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_ENTITY,               normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_ENTITIES,             normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_anyURI,               escapeURI . normalizeWhitespace )
           , (xsd_QName,                normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_NOTATION,             normalizeWhitespace     )
           , (xsd_hexBinary,            id                      )
           , (xsd_base64Binary,         normBase64              )
           , (xsd_decimal,              show . readDecimal . normalizeWhitespace        )

-- ----------------------------------------