-- |
-- Navigable tree structure which allow a program to traverse
-- for XPath expressions
-- copied and modified from HXML (<http://www.flightlab.com/~joe/hxml/>)

module Text.XML.HXT.XPath.NavTree
    ( module Text.XML.HXT.XPath.NavTree
    , module Data.NavTree

import Data.Maybe

import Data.NavTree

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.Interface
    ( XNode
    , xmlnsNamespace
    , namespaceUri

import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlNode
    ( isRoot
    , isElem
    , getName
    , getAttrl

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- functions for representing XPath axes. All axes except the namespace-axis are supported

parentAxis		:: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
parentAxis		= maybeToList . upNT

ancestorAxis		:: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
ancestorAxis 		= \(NT _ u _ _) -> u		-- or: maybePlus upNT

ancestorOrSelfAxis	:: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
ancestorOrSelfAxis	= \t@(NT _ u _ _) -> t:u	-- or: maybeStar upNT

childAxis		:: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
childAxis		= maybe [] (maybeStar rightNT) . downNT

descendantAxis		:: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
descendantAxis		= tail . preorderNT -- concatMap preorderNT . childAxis

descendantOrSelfAxis		:: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
descendantOrSelfAxis	= preorderNT

followingSiblingAxis	:: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
followingSiblingAxis	= maybePlus rightNT

precedingSiblingAxis	:: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
precedingSiblingAxis	= maybePlus leftNT

selfAxis		:: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
selfAxis		= wrap  where wrap x = [x]

followingAxis		:: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
followingAxis		= preorderNT     `o'` followingSiblingAxis `o'` ancestorOrSelfAxis

precedingAxis		:: NavTree a -> [NavTree a]
precedingAxis		= revPreorderNT  `o'` precedingSiblingAxis `o'` ancestorOrSelfAxis

attributeAxis :: NavTree XNode -> [NavTree XNode]
attributeAxis t@(NT xt a _ _)
    | isElem xt
      not (isRoot xt)
	= foldr (\ attr -> ((NT attr (t:a) [] []):)) [] al
    | otherwise
	= []
    al = filter ((/= xmlnsNamespace) . maybe "" namespaceUri . getName) . fromMaybe [] . getAttrl $ xt

-- ------------------------------------------------------------