husky command line calculator

Author: Markus Dittrich
Version: 0.1 (02/18/2008)


husky is a command line calculator with a small memory footprint. It can be used in a fashion similar to the interactive shells of python, octave, or ghci.

Currently, the mathematical operations "+", "-", "*", and "/" are supported with arbitrary nesting of parenthesised expressions. All calculations are performed in double precision. In addition to the standard operations above, the following functions are currently supported:

Furthermore, users can define any number of variables via

variable name = value

where variable name can be any combination of alphanumeric characters but has to begin with a letter. Hence, foobar1 is fine, but 1foobar is not. Defined variables can be used in expressions and definition of other variables.

Since husky uses the GNU readline library all readline related functionality is available at husky's interactive prompt (including command history). See [1] for more detail.

You can exit a husky session anytime by typing :q at the command prompt.


Please report all bugs to <>. Thank you!


[1]The GNU readline library