# Changelog for Hup ## - Library API: no changes. - Executable behaviour: no change. - Changes to code and cabal file: - Tightened bounds on dependencies, to avoid known incompatible versions of dependencies. - Internal tidying of unused imports, trailing whitespace, missing sigs etc. - Enabled extra ghc warning flags during build. - Shifted "stack.yaml" out of top directory - poor form :/ - Added some extra compilation flags (e.g. for tests that are unlikely to run without "stack", like doctests). ## - Library API: no changes. - Executable behaviour: no change. - Some changes to README and Travis config file, and thus to the deployed "releases" binary, though. ## - Bug fixes - Updated documentation, added a "quick usage" section and troubleshooting - `hup` now checks whether `cabal` is in the package snapshot binaries directory, and installs it if not. - Added `packbuild` and `packboth` commands. - Added a program test to .travis.yml ## - Bug fixes - Allow an Upload to store contents of file to be uploaded. - Support older versions of directory and http-client - Allow extra args to be passed to cabal when configuring or when running haddock. - Added hspec and docstring tests - Now running travis CI on a range of platforms and ghc versions.