{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {- | Support for testing Distribution.Hup.Upload -} module Distribution.Hup.Upload.Test where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS -- pack import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP.Client import System.FilePath ( () ) import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory) import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (run, assert, monadicIO) import Distribution.Hup.Upload import Distribution.Hup.Parse import Distribution.Hup.Parse.Test type ParsedTgz = Either String (IsDocumentation, Package) arbAuth = mkAuth <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary -- | Round-trips an http request to check things seem to be going to the -- right URLs. -- -- Doesn't check the file/body, just metadata. httpRoundTripsOK' :: (HTTP.Client.Request -> IO Response) -> Int -> Property httpRoundTripsOK' sendRequest port = forAll arbUpload $ \upl -> forAll arbAuth $ \auth -> httpRoundTripsOK sendRequest port upl auth httpRoundTripsOK sendRequest port upl auth = monadicIO $ do response <- run $ emptyFileRequest port upl auth assert $ statusCode response == 200 let bod = LBS.unpack $ responseBody response _unserialized :: (IsDocumentation, IsCandidate, ParsedTgz) _unserialized@(recdIsDoc1, recdIsCand, parsedTgz) = read bod let sentIsCand = isCandidate upl sentIsDoc = uploadType upl sentPkg = package upl assert (parsedTgz == Right (sentIsDoc, sentPkg) ) assert (sentIsCand == recdIsCand) assert (sentIsDoc == recdIsDoc1) where emptyFileRequest :: Int -> Upload -> Maybe Auth -> IO Response emptyFileRequest port upl auth = withSystemTempDirectory "huptest" $ \tmpDir -> do let newFile = tmpDir fileToUpload upl upl <- return $ upl { fileToUpload = newFile } writeFile (tmpDir fileToUpload upl) "" let url = "http://localhost:" ++ show port ++ "/" buildRequest url upl auth >>= sendRequest -- | Round-trips an http request to check things seem to be going to the -- right URLs. -- -- Doesn't check the file/body, just metadata. badUrlReturns' :: (HTTP.Client.Request -> IO Response) -> Int -> Property badUrlReturns' sendRequest port = forAll arbUpload $ \upl -> forAll arbAuth $ \auth -> badUrlReturns sendRequest port upl auth -- | Given a bad url, the http library should return a -- non-2XX status code, rather than throwing an exception. badUrlReturns sendRequest port upl auth = do monadicIO $ do response <- run $ badRequest port upl auth assert $ statusCode response /= 200 where badRequest :: Int -> Upload -> Maybe Auth -> IO Response badRequest port upl auth = withSystemTempDirectory "huptest" $ \tmpDir -> do let newFile = tmpDir (fileToUpload upl) upl <- return $ upl { fileToUpload = newFile } writeFile (tmpDir (fileToUpload upl)) "" let url = "http://localhost:" ++ show port ++ "/fubar/" buildRequest url upl auth >>= sendRequest