{- hums - The Haskell UPnP Server Copyright (C) 2009 Bardur Arantsson This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . -} module Service ( generateDescriptionXml , generateActionResponseXml , DeviceType(..) , deviceTypeToString ) where import Data.Bits import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import Data.Int import Data.List.Utils import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Lazy (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import Text.Printf import Text.XML.HaXml.Types import Text.XML.HaXml.ByteStringPP import Configuration import Action import Object import MimeType import URIExtra myQuote :: Text -> Text myQuote = -- TODO: There *must* be a better way to achieve our quoting needs. TL.concatMap f where f '<' = TL.pack "<" f '>' = TL.pack ">" f c = TL.singleton c sanitizeXmlChars :: String -> String sanitizeXmlChars = map f where f '<' = '_' f '>' = '_' f '&' = '_' f c = c -- -- Helpers for constructing XML. -- comment :: String -> Content () comment c = CMisc (Comment c) () simpleElement :: String -> [Content ()] -> Content () simpleElement n c = CElem (Elem (N n) [] c) () textElement :: String -> String -> Content () textElement n t = optTextElement n $ Just t emptyElement :: Name -> Content () emptyElement n = elementToContent $ Elem (N n) [] [] text :: String -> Content () text t = CString False t () optTextElement :: Name -> Maybe String -> Content () optTextElement n Nothing = comment $ printf " %s omitted" n optTextElement n (Just t) = elementToContent $ Elem (N n) [] [text t] attribute :: String -> String -> Attribute attribute n v = (N n, AttValue [Left v]) mkDocument :: Element () -> Document () mkDocument rootElement = (Document _prolog emptyST rootElement []) where _prolog = Prolog xmlDecl [] Nothing [] xmlDecl = Just $ XMLDecl xmlVers encDecl Nothing encDecl = Just $ EncodingDecl "utf-8" xmlVers = "1.0" elementToContent :: Element () -> Content () elementToContent e = CElem e () -- Device types. data DeviceType = MediaServer | ContentDirectoryDevice | ConnectionManagerDevice deviceTypeToString :: DeviceType -> String deviceTypeToString ContentDirectoryDevice = "ContentDirectory" deviceTypeToString ConnectionManagerDevice = "ConnectionManager" deviceTypeToString MediaServer = "MediaServer" serviceNs :: String -> DeviceType -> Attribute serviceNs prefix st = attribute an av where an = printf "xmlns:%s" prefix av = printf "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:%s:1" $ deviceTypeToString st serviceNs' :: DeviceType -> String serviceNs' = printf "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:%s:1" . deviceTypeToString -- Generate the icon list. generateIconList :: Bool -> Content () generateIconList False = comment " omitted device icon list " generateIconList True = (simpleElement "iconList" [ simpleElement "icon" [ textElement "mimetype" $ B8.unpack $ guessMimeType imageUrl , textElement "width" "240" , textElement "height" "240" , textElement "url" imageUrl ] ]) where imageUrl = "/static/images/hums.jpg" generateServiceList :: [DeviceType] -> Content () generateServiceList services = simpleElement "serviceList" $ map generateService services where generateService service = ( simpleElement "service" [ textElement "serviceType" $ serviceNs' service , textElement "serviceId" $ printf "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:%s" dt , textElement "SCPDURL" $ printf "/static/services/%s/description.xml" dt , textElement "controlURL" $ printf "/dynamic/services/%s/control/" dt , textElement "eventSubURL" $ printf "/dynamic/services/%s/event/" dt ] ) where dt = deviceTypeToString service generateDescription :: Configuration -> MediaServerConfiguration -> [DeviceType] -> Document () generateDescription c mc services = (mkDocument (Elem (N "root") [attribute "xmlns" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0"] [ simpleElement "specVersion" [ textElement "major" "1" , textElement "minor" "0" ] , textElement "URLBase" $ show $ httpServerBase c , simpleElement "device" [ textElement "UDN" $ printf "uuid:%s" $ uuid mc , textElement "friendlyName" $ friendlyName mc , textElement "manufacturer" $ manufacturer mc , textElement "manufacturerURL" $ manufacturerUrl mc , optTextElement "modelDescription" $ modelDescription mc , textElement "modelName" $ modelName mc , textElement "modelNumber" $ modelNumber mc , textElement "modelURL" $ modelUrl mc , optTextElement "serialNumber" $ serialNumber mc , textElement "deviceType" $ printf "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:%s:1" deviceType , optTextElement "UPC" $ upc mc -- , optSelemNs "dlna:X_DNLADOC" [sattr "xmlns" "urn:schemas-dlna-org:device-1-0"] $ dlna , generateIconList $ enableDeviceIcon c , generateServiceList services , textElement "presentationURL" "index.html" ] ])) where deviceType = deviceTypeToString MediaServer -- dlna = if useDlna mc then (Just "DMS-1.00") else Nothing mkBrowseResponse :: (Show a, Integral a) => Configuration -> DeviceType -> Objects -> a -> a -> Element () -> Element () mkBrowseResponse cfg st os numberReturned totalMatches didl = ( Elem (N "u:BrowseResponse") [ serviceNs "u" st ] [ textElement "Result" didlXml , textElement "NumberReturned" $ show numberReturned -- CD/§ , textElement "TotalMatches" $ show totalMatches -- CD/§ , textElement "UpdateID" $ printf "%d" $ systemUpdateId os ] ) where didlXml = TL.unpack $ myQuote $ decodeUtf8 $ element $ didl generateBrowseResponse :: Configuration -> DeviceType -> Objects -> BrowseAction -> Element () generateBrowseResponse cfg st os (BrowseMetadata bps) = mkBrowseResponse cfg st os n n didl where n = 1 :: Int didl = mkDidl [generateObjectElement cfg os (oid,o)] oid = objectId bps o = findExistingByObjectId oid os -- TODO: Might handle non-existing objects better. generateBrowseResponse cfg st os (BrowseDirectChildren bps) = mkBrowseResponse cfg st os numberReturned totalMatches didl where oid = objectId bps si = startingIndex bps rc = requestedCount bps totalMatches = getNumberOfChildren os oid -- CD/§ numberReturned = length chosenChildren slicer = if rc<=0 then id else slice si rc -- CD/§ chosenChildren = slicer $ Object.getChildren os oid didl = mkDidl $ map (generateObjectElement cfg os) chosenChildren generateDescriptionXml :: Configuration -> MediaServerConfiguration -> [DeviceType] -> ByteString generateDescriptionXml c mc = document . generateDescription c mc generateResponseXml :: Element () -> ByteString generateResponseXml d = document $ generateSoapEnvelope d generateBrowseResponseXml :: Configuration -> DeviceType -> Objects -> BrowseAction -> ByteString generateBrowseResponseXml cfg st os action = generateResponseXml $ generateBrowseResponse cfg st os action generateActionResponseXml :: Configuration -> DeviceType -> Objects -> ContentDirectoryAction -> ByteString generateActionResponseXml _ st os ContentDirectoryGetSystemUpdateId = generateResponseXml body where body = ( Elem (N "u:GetSystemUpdateIDResponse") [ serviceNs "u" st ] [ textElement "Id" $ show $ systemUpdateId os ] ) generateActionResponseXml cfg st os (ContentDirectoryBrowse ba) = generateBrowseResponseXml cfg st os ba generateActionResponseXml _ st _ ContentDirectoryGetSearchCapabilities = generateResponseXml body where body = ( Elem (N "u:GetSearchCapabilitiesResponse") [ serviceNs "u" st ] [ emptyElement "SearchCaps" ] -- No search capabilities (CD/§2.5.18) ) generateActionResponseXml _ st _ ContentDirectoryGetSortCapabilities = generateResponseXml body where body = ( Elem (N "u:GetSortCapabilitiesResponse") [ serviceNs "u" st ] [ emptyElement "SortCaps" ] -- No sorting capabilities (CD/§2.5.19) ) generateSoapEnvelope :: Element () -> Document () generateSoapEnvelope bodyE = ( mkDocument ( Elem (N "s:Envelope") [ soapNs, soapEncodingStyle ] [ simpleElement "s:Body" [elementToContent bodyE] ] ) ) where soapNs = attribute "xmlns:s" $ (urlPrefix ++ "/envelope/") soapEncodingStyle = attribute "s:encodingStyle" $ printf "%s/encoding/" urlPrefix urlPrefix = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap" generateObjectElement :: Configuration -> Objects -> (ObjectId, Object) -> Element () generateObjectElement cfg objects (oid, o) = ( Elem en (as ++ eas) ( [ textElement "dc:title" $ sanitizeXmlChars $ objectTitle od , textElement "upnp:class" $ getObjectClassName o ] ++ (map elementToContent ee) ) ) where od = getObjectData o en = N $ getObjectElementName o ee = generateExtraElements cfg (oid,o) as = [ attribute "id" $ T.unpack oid , attribute "parentID" $ T.unpack $ objectParentId od ] eas = generateExtraAttributes objects (oid,o) -- Generate any attributes required for any given object. -- (Apart from the attributes of the 'object' class itself.) generateExtraAttributes :: Objects -> (ObjectId, Object) -> [Attribute] generateExtraAttributes objects (oid, (Container,_)) = genContainerAttributes objects oid generateExtraAttributes objects (oid, (ContainerStorageFolder,_)) = genContainerAttributes objects oid generateExtraAttributes _ (_, (ItemMusicTrack,_)) = genItemAttributes generateExtraAttributes _ (_, (ItemVideoMovie,_)) = genItemAttributes -- Generate content URL -- Generate any extra elements for any given object. generateExtraElements :: Configuration -> (ObjectId, Object) -> [Element ()] generateExtraElements _ (oid, (Container,_)) = [] generateExtraElements _ (oid, (ContainerStorageFolder,_)) = [] generateExtraElements cfg (oid, (ItemMusicTrack,d)) = generateExtraElementsForFile cfg oid d generateExtraElements cfg (oid, (ItemVideoMovie,d)) = generateExtraElementsForFile cfg oid d generateExtraElementsForFile :: Configuration -> ObjectId -> ObjectData -> [Element ()] generateExtraElementsForFile cfg oid d = [ Elem (N "res") [ attribute "protocolInfo" protocolInfo , attribute "size" $ printf "%d" $ objectFileSize d ] -- TODO: should be disabled by Transcoding flag! [ contentUrl ] ] where mimeType = B8.unpack $ objectMimeType d protocolInfo = generateProtocolInfo cfg False mimeType Nothing -- TODO: profileId contentUrl = text $ show $ mkURI ["content", T.unpack $ oid] $ httpServerBase cfg mapMaybe1 :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b mapMaybe1 f Nothing = Nothing mapMaybe1 f (Just a) = Just $ f a generateProtocolInfo :: Configuration -> Bool -> String -> Maybe String -> String generateProtocolInfo cfg transcode mimeType profileId = protocolPrefix ++ protocolSuffix where playSpeed = 1 :: Int -- DLNA play speed: Normal conversionFlags = -- DLNA conversion flags if transcode then 1 else 0 :: Int operationsParameter = -- DLNA operations parameter if transcode then 0 :: Int -- Don't support bytes ranges, nor time seek ranges. else 1 -- Support byte ranges, but not time seek ranges. flags = _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_STREAMING_TRANSFER_MODE .|. _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_BACKGROUND_TRANSFER_MODE .|. _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_CONNECTION_STALL .|. _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_DLNA_V15 .|. if transcode then 0 else _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_BYTE_BASED_SEEK fields = [ ("DLNA.ORG_PS", Just $ printf "%d" playSpeed) , ("DLNA.ORG_CI", Just $ printf "%d" conversionFlags) , ("DLNA.ORG_OP", Just $ printf "%02x" operationsParameter) , ("DLNA.ORG_PN", dlnaProfileName cfg) , ("DLNA.ORG_FLAGS" , Just $ printf "%08x%024x" flags (0 :: Int32) ) ] protocolPrefix = "http-get:*:" ++ mimeType ++ ":" protocolSuffix = if useDlna cfg then join ";" $ mapMaybe (\(n,v) -> mapMaybe1 (\v' -> n ++ "=" ++ v') v) fields else "*" -- Protocol constants. _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_SENDER_PACED = bit 31 :: Int32 _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_TIME_BASED_SEEK = bit 30 :: Int32 _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_BYTE_BASED_SEEK = bit 29 :: Int32 _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_PLAY_CONTAINER = bit 28 :: Int32 _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_S0_INCREASE = bit 27 :: Int32 _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_SN_INCREASE = bit 26 :: Int32 _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_RTSP_PAUSE = bit 25 :: Int32 _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_STREAMING_TRANSFER_MODE = bit 24 :: Int32 _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_INTERACTIVE_TRANSFER_MODE = bit 23 :: Int32 _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_BACKGROUND_TRANSFER_MODE = bit 22 :: Int32 _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_CONNECTION_STALL = bit 21 :: Int32 _DLNA_ORG_FLAG_DLNA_V15 = bit 20 :: Int32 -- Gnerate extra attributes for containers. genContainerAttributes :: Objects -> ObjectId -> [Attribute] genContainerAttributes objects oid = [ attribute "searchable" "0" , attribute "restricted" "0" , attribute "childCount" $ show $ getNumberOfChildren objects oid ] -- Generate extra attributes for items. genItemAttributes :: [Attribute] genItemAttributes = [] -- Create the DIDL result object. mkDidl :: [Element ()] -> Element () mkDidl es = ( Elem (N "DIDL-Lite") [ attribute "xmlns:dc" "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" , attribute "xmlns:upnp" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/upnp/" , attribute "xmlns" "urn:schemas-upnp-org:metadata-1-0/DIDL-Lite/" ] ( map elementToContent es ) ) -- Slice out a portion of a list. slice :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a] slice i n = take n . drop i