# Hum: a Haskell Music Manager A TUI mpd client, currently in beta and under active development. The plan is to basically reimplement ncmpcpp in haskell (at least featurewise). The reasons are as follows: - Haskell is much more fun than C++ - I find the tag editor of ncmpcpp to be lacking and want to change it - Generally, I want to change some stuff with the UI - It's faster (try scrolling down the artists in the library in both programs) - I wanted to design the program around vim style bindings - I don't know C++ ## Installation As this is an MPD client, you will need to install [mpd](https://github.com/MusicPlayerDaemon/MPD) from your favorite package manager. You can install `hum` either by running `cabal install hum` to install directly from hackage, or by cloning the repo and running `cabal install` from within it. ## Features ### Current - playback keys - Viewing the Queue, Library, and Playlists screens - Editing the Queue with vim like cut copy and paste - adding and bulk adding songs from the Library and Play nlists - vim style search - a help command - playlist editing ### Planned - better documentation - tag info and editing - mpdish file browser browser and more advanced search - visualizer because why not - having a random mode when you can see what the next song is - making the UI nicer - more commands - more vimmy keybindings (e.g. 10j, perhaps making y and d verbs) - doing stuff with album art using uegerzug - config file For a list of all the keybindings and ex style commands, type `:help` and press `RET`.