Huff ==== Huff is an implementation of the fast-forward forward-chaining planner in Haskell. The main interface is the quasi-quoter `huff`, which allows the user to define re-usable domains that can be used with the planner to solve different problems. Example ------- Consider the blocks world planning domain from [Chapter 11]( of "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach". The domain includes two actions, `Move` and `MoveToTable`, four objects, `A`, `B`, `C`, `Table`, and two predicates, `On` and `Clear`. Embedding the domain in Haskell using `huff` looks like this: ```haskell module Main where import Huff [huff| domain BlocksWorld { object Obj = A | B | C | Table predicate on(Obj,Obj), clear(Obj) operator Move(b: Obj, x: Obj, y: Obj) { requires: on(b,x), clear(b), clear(y) effect: on(b,y), clear(x), !clear(y) } operator MoveToTable(b: Obj, x: Obj) { requires: on(b,x), clear(b) effect: on(b,Table), clear(x) } } |] ``` The quasi-quoter will introduce five new declarations: * A data declaration for the `Obj` object * A data declaration for the `BlocksWorld` domain, that will consist of two constructors `Move :: Obj -> Obj -> Obj -> BlocksWorld` and `MoveToTable :: Obj -> Obj -> BlocksWorld` * Two classes called `Has_on` and `Has_clear`, that define the `on` and `clear` functions, respectively * The `blocksWorld` function of the type `[Literal] -> Term -> Spec BlocksWorld` The `blocksWorld` function accepts the initial state and goal, and produces a `Spec BlocksWorld` value that can be used in conjunction with the `findPlan` function to attempt to find a plan. For example, the problem specified in chapter 11 Russel and Norvig can be solved as follows: ```haskell main = do mb <- findPlan $ blocksWorld [ on A Table, on B Table, on C Table, clear A , clear B, clear C ] [on A B, n B C] print mb ``` Running the example will produce the output: ```shell $ find dist-newstyle -name blocksWorld -type f -exec {} \; Just [MoveTo B Table C, MoveTo A Table B] ```