name: huck version: 0.0.1 license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Tim McGilchrist maintainer: Tim McGilchrist copyright: (c) 2017 Tim McGilchrist synopsis: huck category: System cabal-version: >= 1.8 build-type: Simple homepage: description: A Haskell TOML parsing library. . 'Cause just like in the classic mis-adventure, Tom doesn't really pull his weight. So Huck is gathering all the toml parsers and making them betterer. source-repository head type: git location: git:// library build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5 , classy-prelude == 1.3.* , containers >= 0.4 && < 0.6 , text == 1.2.* , time >= 1.7 && < 1.9 , megaparsec == 5.0.* , scientific == 0.3.* , unordered-containers == 0.2.* ghc-options: -Wall hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Huck test-suite test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: test.hs ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -O2 hs-source-dirs: test build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5 , classy-prelude , unordered-containers == 0.2.* , megaparsec == 5.* , text , hedgehog >= 0.5 && < 0.6 , time test-suite test-io type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: test-io.hs ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -O2 hs-source-dirs: test build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5 , classy-prelude , text , hedgehog >= 0.5 && < 0.6