{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | A toolbox with high-level functions to interact with an established HTTP2
-- conection.
-- These helpers make the assumption that you want to work in a multi-threaded
-- environment and that you want to send and receiving whole HTTP requests at
-- once (i.e., you do not care about streaming individual HTTP
-- requests/responses but want to make many requests).
module Network.HTTP2.Client.Helpers (
  -- * Sending and receiving HTTP body
  , waitStream
  , fromStreamResult 
  , onPushPromise
  , StreamResult
  , StreamResponse
  -- * Diagnostics
  , ping
  , TimedOut
  , PingReply
  ) where

import           Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import qualified Network.HTTP2 as HTTP2
import qualified Network.HPACK as HPACK
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import           Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import           Control.Concurrent.Async (race)
import           Control.Monad (forever)

import Network.HTTP2.Client

-- | Opaque type to express an action which timed out.
data TimedOut = TimedOut
  deriving Show

-- | Result for a 'ping'.
type PingReply = (UTCTime, UTCTime, Either TimedOut (HTTP2.FrameHeader, HTTP2.FramePayload))

-- | Performs a 'ping' and waits for a reply up to a given timeout (in
-- microseconds).
ping :: Http2Client
     -- ^ client connection
     -> Int
     -- ^ timeout in microseconds
     -> ByteString
     -- ^ 8-bytes message to uniquely identify the reply
     -> IO PingReply
ping conn timeout msg = do
    t0 <- getCurrentTime
    waitPing <- _ping conn msg
    pingReply <- race (threadDelay timeout >> return TimedOut) waitPing
    t1 <- getCurrentTime
    return $ (t0, t1, pingReply)

-- | Result containing the unpacked headers and all frames received in on a
-- stream. See 'StreamResponse' and 'fromStreamResult' to get a higher-level
-- utility.
type StreamResult = (Either HTTP2.ErrorCode HPACK.HeaderList, [Either HTTP2.ErrorCode ByteString])

-- | An HTTP2 response, once fully received, is made of headers and a payload.
type StreamResponse = (HPACK.HeaderList, ByteString)

-- | Uploads a whole HTTP body at a time.
-- This function should be called at most once per stream.  This function
-- closes the stream with HTTP2.setEndStream chunk at the end.  If you want to
-- post data (e.g., streamed chunks) your way to avoid loading a whole
-- bytestring in RAM, please study the source code of this function first.
-- This function sends one chunk at a time respecting by preference:
-- - server's flow control desires
-- - server's chunking preference
-- Uploading an empty bytestring will send a single DATA frame with
-- setEndStream and no payload.
upload :: ByteString
       -- ^ HTTP body.
       -> Http2Client
       -- ^ The client.
       -> OutgoingFlowControl
       -- ^ The outgoing flow control for this client. (We might remove this
       -- argument in the future because we can get it from the previous
       -- argument.
       -> Http2Stream
       -- ^ The corresponding HTTP stream.
       -> OutgoingFlowControl
       -- ^ The flow control for this stream.
       -> IO ()
upload "" conn _ stream _ = do
    sendData conn stream HTTP2.setEndStream ""
upload dat conn connectionFlowControl stream streamFlowControl = do
    let wanted = ByteString.length dat

    gotStream <- _withdrawCredit streamFlowControl wanted
    got       <- _withdrawCredit connectionFlowControl gotStream
    -- Recredit the stream flow control with the excedent we cannot spend on
    -- the connection.
    _receiveCredit streamFlowControl (gotStream - got)

    let uploadChunks flagMod =
            sendData conn stream flagMod (ByteString.take got dat)

    if got == wanted
        uploadChunks HTTP2.setEndStream
    else do
        uploadChunks id
        upload (ByteString.drop got dat) conn connectionFlowControl stream streamFlowControl

-- | Wait for a stream until completion.
-- This function is fine if you don't want to consume results in chunks.  See
-- 'fromStreamResult' to collect the complicated 'StreamResult' into a simpler
-- 'StramResponse'.
waitStream :: Http2Stream -> IncomingFlowControl -> IO StreamResult
waitStream stream streamFlowControl = do
    (_,_,hdrs) <- _waitHeaders stream
    dataFrames <- moredata []
    return (hdrs, reverse dataFrames)
    moredata xs = do
        (fh, x) <- _waitData stream
        if HTTP2.testEndStream (HTTP2.flags fh)
            return (x:xs)
        else do
            _ <- _updateWindow $ streamFlowControl
            moredata (x:xs)

-- | Converts a StreamResult to a StramResponse, stopping at the first error
-- using the `Either HTTP2.ErrorCode` monad.
fromStreamResult :: StreamResult -> Either HTTP2.ErrorCode StreamResponse
fromStreamResult (headersE, chunksE) = do
    hdrs <- headersE
    chunks <- sequence chunksE
    return (hdrs, mconcat chunks)

-- | Sequentially wait for every push-promise with a handler.
-- This function runs forever and you should wrap it with 'withAsync'.
-- This function immediately returns if run on a stream that has no PushPromise
-- handler (i.e., server-streams when already waiting for push promises).
onPushPromise :: Http2Stream -> PushPromiseHandler -> IO ()
onPushPromise stream handler =
    case _waitPushPromise stream of
        Nothing -> pure ()
        Just w  -> forever $ w handler