{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings  #-}

module Network.HTTP2.Client (
    -- * Creating a client
    , newHttp2Client
    , PushPromiseHandler
    -- * Starting streams
    , StreamDefinition(..)
    , StreamStarter
    , TooMuchConcurrency(..)
    , StreamThread
    , Http2Stream(..)
    -- * Sending data for POSTs.
    , sendData
    -- * Flow control
    , IncomingFlowControl(..)
    , OutgoingFlowControl(..)
    -- * Misc.
    , _gtfo
    -- * Convenience re-exports
    , module Network.HTTP2.Client.FrameConnection
    , module Network.Socket
    , module Network.TLS
    ) where

import           Control.Exception (bracket, throw)
import           Control.Concurrent.Async (race)
import           Control.Concurrent.MVar (newMVar, takeMVar, putMVar)
import           Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import           Control.Concurrent.Chan (Chan, newChan, dupChan, readChan, writeChan)
import           Control.Monad (forever, void, when, forM_)
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import           Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, atomicModifyIORef', readIORef)
import           Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid ((<>))
import           GHC.Exception (Exception)
import           Network.HPACK as HPACK
import           Network.HTTP2 as HTTP2
import           Network.Socket (HostName, PortNumber)
import           Network.TLS (ClientParams)

import           Network.HTTP2.Client.FrameConnection

-- | Offers credit-based flow-control.
-- Any mutable changes are atomic and hence work as intended in a multithreaded
-- setup.
-- The design of the flow-control mechanism is subject to changes.  One
-- important thing to keep in mind with current implementation is that both the
-- connection and streams are credited with '_addCredit' as soon as DATA frames
-- arrive, hence no-need to account for the DATA frames (but you can account
-- for delay-bandwidth product for instance).
data IncomingFlowControl = IncomingFlowControl {
    _addCredit   :: WindowSize -> IO ()
  -- ^ Add credit (using a hidden mutable reference underneath). This function
  -- only does accounting, the IO only does mutable changes. See '_updateWindow'.
  , _consumeCredit :: WindowSize -> IO Int
  -- ^ Consumes some credit and returns the credit left.
  , _updateWindow :: IO Bool
  -- ^ Sends a WINDOW_UPDATE frame crediting it with the whole amount credited
  -- since the last _updateWindow call. The boolean tells whether an update was
  -- actually sent or not. A reason for not sending an update is if there is no
  -- credit in the flow-control system.

-- | Receives credit-based flow-control or block.
-- There is no way to observe the total amount of credit and receive/withdraw
-- are atomic hence this object is thread-safe. However we plan to propose an
-- STM-based API to allow withdrawing atomically from both the connection and a
-- per-stream 'OutgoingFlowControl' objects at a same time. Without such
-- atomicity one must ensure consumers do not exhaust the connection credit
-- before taking the per-stream credit (else they might prevent others sending
-- data without taking any).
-- Longer term we plan to hide outgoing-flow-control increment/decrement
-- altogether because exception between withdrawing credit and sending DATA
-- could mean lost credit (and hence hanging streams).
data OutgoingFlowControl = OutgoingFlowControl {
    _receiveCredit  :: WindowSize -> IO ()
  -- ^ Add credit (using a hidden mutable reference underneath).
  , _withdrawCredit :: WindowSize -> IO WindowSize
  -- ^ Wait until we can take credit from stash. The returned value correspond
  -- to the amount that could be withdrawn, which is min(current, wanted). A
  -- caller should withdraw credit to send DATA chunks and put back any unused
  -- credit with _receiveCredit.

-- | Defines a client stream.
-- Please red the doc for this record fields and then see 'StreamStarter'.
data StreamDefinition a = StreamDefinition {
    _initStream   :: IO StreamThread
  -- ^ Function to initialize a new client stream. This function runs in a
  -- exclusive-access section of the code and may prevent other threads to
  -- initialize new streams. Hence, you should ensure this IO does not wait for
  -- long periods of time.
  , _handleStream :: IncomingFlowControl -> OutgoingFlowControl -> IO a
  -- ^ Function to operate with the stream. IncomingFlowControl currently is
  -- credited on your behalf as soon as a DATA frame arrives (and before you
  -- handle it with '_waitData'). However we do not send WINDOW_UPDATE with
  -- '_updateWindow'. This design may change in the future to give more leeway
  -- to library users.

-- | Type alias for callback-based functions starting new streams.
-- The callback a user must provide takes an 'Http2Stream' and returns a
-- 'StreamDefinition'. This construction may seem wrong because a 'StreamDefinition'
-- contains an initialization and a handler functions. The explanation for this
-- twistedness is as follows: in HTTP2 stream-ids must be monotonically
-- increasing, if we want to support multi-threaded clients we need to
-- serialize access to a critical region of the code when clients send
-- Passing the 'Http2Stream' object as part of the callback avoids leaking the
-- implementation of the critical region, meanwhile, the 'StreamDefinition'
-- delimits this critical region.
type StreamStarter a =
     (Http2Stream -> StreamDefinition a) -> IO (Either TooMuchConcurrency a)

-- | Whether or not the client library believes the server will reject the new
-- stream. The Int content corresponds to the number of streams that should end
-- before accepting more streams. A reason this number can be more than zero is
-- that servers can change (and hence reduce) the advertised number of allowed
-- 'maxConcurrentStreams' at any time.
newtype TooMuchConcurrency = TooMuchConcurrency { _getStreamRoomNeeded :: Int }
    deriving Show

-- | Record holding functions one can call while in an HTTP2 client session.
data Http2Client = Http2Client {
    _ping             :: ByteString -> IO (IO (FrameHeader, FramePayload))
  -- ^ Send a PING, the payload size must be exactly eight bytes.
  -- Returns an IO to wait for a ping reply. No timeout is provided. Only the
  -- first call to this IO will return if a reply is received. Hence we
  -- recommend wrapping this IO in an Async (e.g., with @race (threadDelay
  -- timeout)@.)
  , _settings         :: SettingsList -> IO (IO (FrameHeader, FramePayload))
  -- ^ Sends a SETTINGS. Returns an IO to wait for a settings reply. No timeout
  -- is provided. Only the first call to this IO will return if a reply is
  -- received. Hence we recommend wrapping this IO in an Async (e.g., with
  -- @race (threadDelay timeout)@.)
  , _goaway           :: ErrorCodeId -> ByteString -> IO ()
  -- ^ Sends a GOAWAY. 
  , _startStream      :: forall a. StreamStarter a
  -- ^ Spawns new streams. See 'StreamStarter'.
  , _incomingFlowControl :: IncomingFlowControl
  -- ^ Simple getter for the 'IncomingFlowControl' for the whole client
  -- connection.
  , _outgoingFlowControl :: OutgoingFlowControl
  -- ^ Simple getter for the 'OutgoingFlowControl' for the whole client
  -- connection.
  , _paylodSplitter :: IO PayloadSplitter
  -- ^ Returns a function to split a payload.

-- | Couples client and server settings together.
data ConnectionSettings = ConnectionSettings {
    _clientSettings :: !Settings
  , _serverSettings :: !Settings

defaultConnectionSettings :: ConnectionSettings
defaultConnectionSettings =
    ConnectionSettings defaultSettings defaultSettings

-- | Synonym of '_goaway'.
-- https://github.com/http2/http2-spec/pull/366
_gtfo :: Http2Client -> ErrorCodeId -> ByteString -> IO ()
_gtfo = _goaway

-- | Opaque proof that a client stream was initialized.
-- This type is only useful to force calling '_headers' in '_initStream' and
-- contains no information.
data StreamThread = CST

-- | Record holding functions one can call while in an HTTP2 client stream.
data Http2Stream = Http2Stream {
    _headers      :: HPACK.HeaderList
                  -> (FrameFlags -> FrameFlags)
                  -> IO StreamThread
  -- ^ Starts the stream with HTTP headers. Flags modifier can use
  -- 'setEndStream' if no data is required passed the last block of headers.
  -- Usually, this is the only call needed to build an '_initStream'.
  , _prio         :: Priority -> IO ()
  -- ^ Changes the PRIORITY of this stream.
  , _rst          :: ErrorCodeId -> IO ()
  -- ^ Resets this stream with a RST frame. You should not use this stream past this call.
  , _waitHeaders  :: IO (FrameHeader, StreamId, Either ErrorCode HeaderList)
  -- ^ Waits for HTTP headers from the server. This function also passes the
  -- last frame header of the PUSH-PROMISE, HEADERS, or CONTINUATION sequence of frames.
  -- Waiting more than once per stream will hang as headers are sent only one time.
  , _waitData     :: IO (FrameHeader, Either ErrorCode ByteString)
  -- ^ Waits for a DATA frame chunk. A user should testEndStream on the frame
  -- header to know when the server is done with the stream.
  , _sendDataChunk     :: (FrameFlags -> FrameFlags) -> ByteString -> IO ()
  -- ^ Sends a DATA frame chunk. You can use send empty frames with only
  -- headers modifiers to close streams. This function is oblivious to framing
  -- and hence does not respect the RFC if sending large blocks. Use 'sendData'
  -- to chunk and send naively according to server\'s preferences. This function
  -- can be useful if you intend to handle the framing yourself.
  , _waitPushPromise :: PushPromiseHandler -> IO ()

-- | Handler upon receiving a PUSH_PROMISE from the server.
-- The functions for 'Http2Stream' are similar to those used in ''. But callers
-- shall not use '_headers' to initialize the PUSH_PROMISE stream. Rather,
-- callers should 'waitHeaders' or '_rst' to reject the PUSH_PROMISE.
-- The StreamId corresponds to the parent stream as PUSH_PROMISEs are tied to a
-- client-initiated stream. Longer term we may move passing this handler to the
-- '_startStream' instead of 'newHttp2Client' (as it is for now).
type PushPromiseHandler =
    StreamId -> Http2Stream -> IncomingFlowControl -> OutgoingFlowControl -> IO ()

-- | Helper to carry around the HPACK encoder for outgoing header blocks..
data HpackEncoderContext = HpackEncoderContext {
    _encodeHeaders    :: HeaderList -> IO HeaderBlockFragment
  , _applySettings    :: Int -> IO ()

-- | Starts a new Http2Client with a remote Host/Port. TLS ClientParams are
-- mandatory because we only support TLS-protected streams for now.
newHttp2Client :: HostName
               -- ^ Host to connect to.
               -> PortNumber
               -- ^ Port number to connect to (usually 443 on the web).
               -> Int
               -- ^ The buffersize for the Network.HPACK encoder.
               -> Int
               -- ^ The buffersize for the Network.HPACK decoder.
               -> ClientParams
               -- ^ The TLS client parameters (e.g., to allow some certificates).
               -> SettingsList
               -- ^ Initial SETTINGS that are sent as first frame.
               -> IO Http2Client
newHttp2Client host port encoderBufSize decoderBufSize tlsParams initSettings = do
    -- network connection
    conn <- newHttp2FrameConnection host port tlsParams

    -- prepare hpack contexts
    hpackEncoder <- do
        let strategy = (HPACK.defaultEncodeStrategy { HPACK.useHuffman = True })
        dt <- HPACK.newDynamicTableForEncoding HPACK.defaultDynamicTableSize
        let _encodeHeaders = HPACK.encodeHeader strategy encoderBufSize dt
        let _applySettings n = HPACK.setLimitForEncoding n dt
        return HpackEncoderContext{..}

    -- prepare client streams
    clientStreamIdMutex <- newMVar 0
    let withClientStreamId h = bracket (takeMVar clientStreamIdMutex)
            (putMVar clientStreamIdMutex . succ)
            (\k -> h (2 * k + 1)) -- Note: client StreamIds MUST be odd

    let controlStream = makeFrameClientStream conn 0
    let ackPing = sendPingFrame controlStream HTTP2.setAck
    let ackSettings = sendSettingsFrame controlStream HTTP2.setAck []

    -- Initial thread receiving server frames.
    maxReceivedStreamId  <- newIORef 0
    serverFrames <- newChan
    _ <- forkIO $ incomingFramesLoop conn serverFrames maxReceivedStreamId

    -- Thread handling control frames.
    settings  <- newIORef defaultConnectionSettings
    controlFrames <- dupChan serverFrames
    _ <- forkIO $ incomingControlFramesLoop controlFrames settings hpackEncoder ackPing ackSettings

    -- Thread handling push-promises and headers frames serializing the buffers.
    serverStreamFrames <- dupChan serverFrames
    serverHeaders <- newChan
    hpackDecoder <- do
        dt <- newDynamicTableForDecoding HPACK.defaultDynamicTableSize decoderBufSize
        return dt

    creditFrames <- dupChan serverFrames

    _outgoingFlowControl <- newOutgoingFlowControl settings 0 creditFrames
    _incomingFlowControl <- newIncomingFlowControl settings controlStream

    serverPushPromises <- newChan

    _ <- forkIO $ incomingHPACKFramesLoop serverStreamFrames

    dataFrames <- dupChan serverFrames
    _ <- forkIO $ creditDataFramesLoop _incomingFlowControl dataFrames

    conccurentStreams <- newIORef 0
    let _startStream getWork = do
            maxConcurrency <- fromMaybe 100 . maxConcurrentStreams . _serverSettings
               <$> readIORef settings
            roomNeeded <- atomicModifyIORef' conccurentStreams
                (\n -> if n < maxConcurrency then (n + 1, 0) else (n, 1 + n - maxConcurrency))
            if roomNeeded > 0
                return $ Left $ TooMuchConcurrency roomNeeded
            else do
                cont <- withClientStreamId $ \sid -> do
                    initializeStream conn
                v <- cont
                atomicModifyIORef' conccurentStreams (\n -> (n - 1, ()))
                return $ Right v

    let _ping dat = do
            -- Need to dupChan before sending the query to avoid missing a fast
            -- answer if the network is fast.
            pingFrames <- dupChan serverFrames
            sendPingFrame controlStream id dat
            return $ waitFrame (isPingReply dat) pingFrames
    let _settings settslist = do
            -- Much like _ping, we need to dupChan before sending the query.
            pingFrames <- dupChan serverFrames
            sendSettingsFrame controlStream id settslist
            return $ do
                ret <- waitFrame isSettingsReply pingFrames
                atomicModifyIORef' settings
                    (\(ConnectionSettings cli srv) ->
                        (ConnectionSettings (HTTP2.updateSettings cli settslist) srv, ()))
                return ret
    let _goaway err errStr = do
            sId <- readIORef maxReceivedStreamId
            sendGTFOFrame controlStream sId err errStr

    let _paylodSplitter = settingsPayloadSplitter <$> readIORef settings

    _ <- forkIO . void =<< _settings initSettings

    return $ Http2Client{..}

  :: Exception e
  => Http2FrameConnection
  -> IORef ConnectionSettings
  -> Chan (FrameHeader, Either e FramePayload)
  -> Chan (FrameHeader, StreamId, Either ErrorCode HeaderList)
  -> Chan (StreamId, Chan (FrameHeader, Either e FramePayload), StreamId)
  -> HpackEncoderContext
  -> StreamId
  -> (Http2Stream -> StreamDefinition a)
  -> IO (IO a)
initializeStream conn settings serverFrames serverHeaders serverPushPromises hpackEncoder sid getWork = do
    let frameStream = makeFrameClientStream conn sid

    -- Register interest in frames.
    frames  <- dupChan serverFrames
    credits <- dupChan serverFrames
    headers <- dupChan serverHeaders
    pushPromises <- dupChan serverPushPromises

    -- Builds a flow-control context.
    incomingStreamFlowControl <- newIncomingFlowControl settings frameStream
    outgoingStreamFlowControl <- newOutgoingFlowControl settings sid credits

    -- Prepare handlers.
    let _headers headersList flags = do
            splitter <- settingsPayloadSplitter <$> readIORef settings
            sendHeaders frameStream hpackEncoder headersList splitter flags
    let _waitHeaders  = waitHeadersWithStreamId sid headers
    let _waitData     = do
            (fh, fp) <- waitFrameWithTypeIdForStreamId sid [FrameRSTStream, FrameData] frames
            case fp of
                DataFrame dat -> do
                     _ <- _consumeCredit incomingStreamFlowControl (HTTP2.payloadLength fh)
                     _addCredit incomingStreamFlowControl (HTTP2.payloadLength fh)
                     return (fh, Right dat)
                RSTStreamFrame err -> do
                     return (fh, Left $ HTTP2.fromErrorCodeId err)
                _                  -> error "waitFrameWithTypeIdForStreamId returned an unknown frame"
    let _sendDataChunk  = sendDataFrame frameStream
    let _rst            = sendResetFrame frameStream
    let _prio           = sendPriorityFrame frameStream
    let _waitPushPromise ppHandler = do
            (_,ppFrames,ppSid) <- waitPushPromiseWithParentStreamId sid pushPromises
            let mkStreamActions stream = StreamDefinition (return CST) (ppHandler sid stream)
            ppCont <- initializeStream conn

    let streamActions = getWork $ Http2Stream{..}

    -- Perform the 1st action, the stream won't be idle anymore.
    _ <- _initStream streamActions

    -- Returns 2nd action.
    return $ _handleStream streamActions incomingStreamFlowControl outgoingStreamFlowControl

  :: Http2FrameConnection
  -> Chan (FrameHeader, Either HTTP2Error FramePayload)
  -> IORef StreamId
  -> IO ()
incomingFramesLoop conn frames maxReceivedStreamId = forever $ do
    frame@(fh, _) <- next conn
    -- Remember highest streamId.
    atomicModifyIORef' maxReceivedStreamId (\n -> (max n (streamId fh), ()))
    writeChan frames frame

  :: Exception e
  => Chan (FrameHeader, Either e FramePayload)
  -> IORef ConnectionSettings
  -> HpackEncoderContext
  -> (ByteString -> IO ())
  -> IO ()
  -> IO ()
incomingControlFramesLoop frames settings hpackEncoder ackPing ackSettings = forever $ do
    controlFrame@(fh, payload) <- waitFrameWithStreamId 0 frames
    case payload of
        (SettingsFrame settsList)
            | not . testAck . flags $ fh -> do
                atomicModifyIORef' settings
                                   (\(ConnectionSettings cli srv) ->
                                      (ConnectionSettings cli (HTTP2.updateSettings srv settsList), ()))
                maybe (return ())
                      (_applySettings hpackEncoder)
                      (lookup SettingsHeaderTableSize settsList)
            | otherwise                 -> do
                ignore "TODO: settings ack should be taken into account only after reception, we should return a waitSettingsAck in the _settings function"
        (PingFrame pingMsg)
            | not . testAck . flags $ fh ->
                ackPing pingMsg
            | otherwise                 -> do
                ignore "PingFrame replies waited for in the requestor thread"
        (WindowUpdateFrame _ )  ->
                ignore "connection-wide WindowUpdateFrame waited for in OutgoingFlowControl threads"
        _                   -> putStrLn ("UNHANDLED frame: " <> show controlFrame)

    ignore :: String -> IO ()
    ignore _ = return ()

-- | We currently need a specific loop for crediting streams because a client
-- user may programmatically reset and stop listening for a stream and stop
-- calling waitData (which credits streams).
-- TODO: modify the '_rst' function to wait and credit all the remaining data
-- that could have been sent in flight
  :: Exception e
  => IncomingFlowControl
  -> Chan (FrameHeader, Either e FramePayload)
  -> IO ()
creditDataFramesLoop flowControl frames = forever $ do
    (fh,_) <- waitFrameWithTypeId [FrameData] frames
    -- TODO: error if detect over-run, current implementation credits
    -- everything back so that should never happen
    _ <- _consumeCredit flowControl (HTTP2.payloadLength fh)
    _addCredit flowControl (HTTP2.payloadLength fh)

  :: Exception e
  => Chan (FrameHeader, Either e FramePayload)
  -> Chan (FrameHeader, StreamId, Either ErrorCode HeaderList)
  -> Chan (StreamId, Chan (FrameHeader, Either e FramePayload), StreamId)
  -> DynamicTable
  -> IO ()
incomingHPACKFramesLoop frames headers pushPromises hpackDecoder = forever $ do
    (fh, fp) <- waitFrameWithTypeId [ FrameRSTStream
                                    , FramePushPromise
                                    , FrameHeaders
    (sId, pattern) <- case fp of
            PushPromiseFrame sid hbf -> do
                -- Important: We duplicate the channel here or we risk losing
                -- DATA frames sent over the stream.
                ppChan <- dupChan frames
                let parentSid = HTTP2.streamId fh
                writeChan pushPromises (parentSid, ppChan, sid)
                return (sid, Right hbf)
            HeadersFrame _ hbf       -> -- TODO: handle priority
                return (HTTP2.streamId fh, Right hbf)
            RSTStreamFrame err       ->
                return (HTTP2.streamId fh, Left err)
            _                        -> error "wrong TypeId"

    let go curFh (Right buffer) =
            if not $ HTTP2.testEndHeader (HTTP2.flags curFh)
            then do
                (lastFh, lastFp) <- waitFrameWithTypeId [ FrameRSTStream
                                                        , FrameContinuation
                case lastFp of
                    ContinuationFrame chbf ->
                        go lastFh (Right (ByteString.append buffer chbf))
                    RSTStreamFrame err     ->
                        go lastFh (Left err)
                    _                     -> error "waitFrameWithTypeIdForStreamId returned an unknown frame"
            else do
                hdrs <- decodeHeader hpackDecoder buffer
                writeChan headers (curFh, sId, Right hdrs)

        go curFh (Left err) =
                writeChan headers (curFh, sId, (Left $ HTTP2.fromErrorCodeId err))

    go fh pattern

  :: IORef ConnectionSettings
  -> Http2FrameClientStream
  -> IO IncomingFlowControl
newIncomingFlowControl settings stream = do
    creditAdded <- newIORef 0
    creditConsumed <- newIORef 0
    let _addCredit n = atomicModifyIORef' creditAdded (\c -> (c + n, ()))
    let _consumeCredit n = do
            conso <- atomicModifyIORef' creditConsumed (\c -> (c + n, c + n))
            base <- initialWindowSize . _clientSettings <$> readIORef settings
            extra <- readIORef creditAdded
            return $ base + extra - conso
    let _updateWindow = do
            base <- initialWindowSize . _clientSettings <$> readIORef settings
            added <- readIORef creditAdded
            consumed <- readIORef creditConsumed

            let transferred = min added (HTTP2.maxWindowSize - base + consumed)
            let shouldUpdate = transferred > 0

            _addCredit (negate transferred)
            _ <- _consumeCredit (negate transferred)

            when shouldUpdate (sendWindowUpdateFrame stream transferred)

            return shouldUpdate
    return $ IncomingFlowControl _addCredit _consumeCredit _updateWindow

newOutgoingFlowControl ::
     Exception e
  => IORef ConnectionSettings
  -> StreamId
  -> Chan (FrameHeader, Either e FramePayload)
  -> IO OutgoingFlowControl
newOutgoingFlowControl settings sid frames = do
    credit <- newIORef 0
    let receive n = atomicModifyIORef' credit (\c -> (c + n, ()))
    let withdraw n = do
            base <- initialWindowSize . _serverSettings <$> readIORef settings
            got <- atomicModifyIORef' credit (\c ->
                    if base + c >= n
                    then (c - n, n)
                    else (0 - base, base + c))
            if got > 0
            then return got
            else do
                amount <- race (waitSettingsChange base) waitSomeCredit
                receive (either (const 0) id amount)
                withdraw n
    return $ OutgoingFlowControl receive withdraw
    -- TODO: broadcast settings changes from ConnectionSettings using a better data type
    -- than IORef+busy loop. Currently the busy loop is fine because
    -- SettingsInitialWindowSize is typically set at the first frame and hence
    -- waiting one second for an update that is likely to never come is
    -- probably not an issue. There still is an opportunity risk, however, that
    -- an hasted client asks for X > initialWindowSize before the server has
    -- sent its initial SETTINGS frame.
    waitSettingsChange prev = do
            new <- initialWindowSize . _serverSettings <$> readIORef settings
            if new == prev then threadDelay 1000000 >> waitSettingsChange prev else return ()
    waitSomeCredit = do
        (_, fp) <- waitFrameWithTypeIdForStreamId sid [FrameWindowUpdate] frames
        case fp of
            WindowUpdateFrame amt -> return amt
            _                     -> error "waitFrameWithTypeIdForStreamId returned an unknown frame"

  :: Http2FrameClientStream
  -> HpackEncoderContext
  -> HeaderList
  -> PayloadSplitter
  -> (FrameFlags -> FrameFlags)
  -> IO StreamThread
sendHeaders s enc headers blockSplitter flagmod = do
    headerBlockFragments <- blockSplitter <$> _encodeHeaders enc headers
    let framers           = (HeadersFrame Nothing) : repeat ContinuationFrame
    let frames            = zipWith ($) framers headerBlockFragments
    let modifiersReversed = (HTTP2.setEndHeader . flagmod) : repeat id
    let arrangedFrames    = reverse $ zip modifiersReversed (reverse frames)
    sendBackToBack s arrangedFrames
    return CST

-- | A function able to split a header block into multiple fragments.
type PayloadSplitter = ByteString -> [ByteString]

-- | Split headers like so that no payload exceeds server's maxFrameSize.
settingsPayloadSplitter :: ConnectionSettings -> PayloadSplitter
settingsPayloadSplitter (ConnectionSettings _ srv) =
    fixedSizeChunks (maxFrameSize srv)

-- | Breaks a ByteString into fixed-sized chunks.
-- @ fixedSizeChunks 2 "hello" = ["he", "ll", "o"] @
fixedSizeChunks :: Int -> ByteString -> [ByteString]
fixedSizeChunks 0   _    = error "cannot chunk by zero-length blocks"
fixedSizeChunks _   ""   = []
fixedSizeChunks len bstr =
        (chunk, rest) = ByteString.splitAt len bstr
        chunk : fixedSizeChunks len rest

sendData :: Http2Client -> Http2Stream -> (FrameFlags -> FrameFlags) -> ByteString -> IO ()
sendData conn stream flagmod dat = do
    splitter <- _paylodSplitter conn
    let chunks = splitter dat
    let pairs  = reverse $ zip (flagmod : repeat id) (reverse chunks)
    forM_ pairs $ \(flags, chunk) -> _sendDataChunk stream flags chunk

  :: Http2FrameClientStream
  -> (FrameFlags -> FrameFlags) -> ByteString -> IO ()
sendDataFrame s flagmod dat = do
    sendOne s flagmod (DataFrame dat)

sendResetFrame :: Http2FrameClientStream -> ErrorCodeId -> IO ()
sendResetFrame s err = do
    sendOne s id (RSTStreamFrame err)

  :: Http2FrameClientStream
     -> StreamId -> ErrorCodeId -> ByteString -> IO ()
sendGTFOFrame s lastStreamId err errStr = do
    sendOne s id (GoAwayFrame lastStreamId err errStr)

rfcError :: String -> a
rfcError msg = error (msg ++ "draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-17")

  :: Http2FrameClientStream
  -> (FrameFlags -> FrameFlags)
  -> ByteString
  -> IO ()
sendPingFrame s flags dat
  | _getStreamId s /= 0        =
        rfcError "PING frames are not associated with any individual stream."
  | ByteString.length dat /= 8 =
        rfcError "PING frames MUST contain 8 octets"
  | otherwise                  = sendOne s flags (PingFrame dat)

  :: Http2FrameClientStream -> WindowSize -> IO ()
sendWindowUpdateFrame s amount = do
    let payload = WindowUpdateFrame amount
    sendOne s id payload
    return ()

  :: Http2FrameClientStream
     -> (FrameFlags -> FrameFlags) -> SettingsList -> IO ()
sendSettingsFrame s flags setts
  | _getStreamId s /= 0        =
        rfcError "The stream identifier for a SETTINGS frame MUST be zero (0x0)."
  | otherwise                  = do
    let payload = SettingsFrame setts
    sendOne s flags payload
    return ()

sendPriorityFrame :: Http2FrameClientStream -> Priority -> IO ()
sendPriorityFrame s p = do
    let payload = PriorityFrame p
    sendOne s id payload
    return ()

  :: Exception e =>
     StreamId -> Chan (FrameHeader, Either e FramePayload) -> IO (FrameHeader, FramePayload)
waitFrameWithStreamId sid = waitFrame (\h _ -> streamId h == sid)

  :: (Exception e)
  => [FrameTypeId]
  -> Chan (FrameHeader, Either e FramePayload) -> IO (FrameHeader, FramePayload)
waitFrameWithTypeId tids = waitFrame (\_ p -> HTTP2.framePayloadToFrameTypeId p `elem` tids)

  :: (Exception e)
  => StreamId
  -> [FrameTypeId]
  -> Chan (FrameHeader, Either e FramePayload)
  -> IO (FrameHeader, FramePayload)
waitFrameWithTypeIdForStreamId sid tids =
    waitFrame (\h p -> streamId h == sid && HTTP2.framePayloadToFrameTypeId p `elem` tids)

  :: Exception e
  => (FrameHeader -> FramePayload -> Bool)
  -> Chan (FrameHeader, Either e FramePayload)
  -> IO (FrameHeader, FramePayload)
waitFrame test chan =
    loop = do
        (fHead, fPayload) <- readChan chan
        let dat = either throw id fPayload
        if test fHead dat
        then return (fHead, dat)
        else loop

isPingReply :: ByteString -> FrameHeader -> FramePayload -> Bool
isPingReply datSent _ (PingFrame datRcv) = datSent == datRcv
isPingReply _       _ _                  = False

isSettingsReply :: FrameHeader -> FramePayload -> Bool
isSettingsReply fh (SettingsFrame _) = HTTP2.testAck (flags fh)
isSettingsReply _ _                  = False

  :: StreamId
  -> Chan (FrameHeader, StreamId, t)
  -> IO (FrameHeader, StreamId, t)
waitHeadersWithStreamId sid =
    waitHeaders (\_ s _ -> s == sid)

  :: (FrameHeader -> StreamId -> t -> Bool)
  -> Chan (FrameHeader, StreamId, t)
  -> IO (FrameHeader, StreamId, t)
waitHeaders test chan =
    loop = do
        tuple@(fH, sId, headers) <- readChan chan
        if test fH sId headers
        then return tuple
        else loop

  :: StreamId
  -> Chan (StreamId, Chan (FrameHeader, Either e0 FramePayload), StreamId)
  -> IO (StreamId, Chan (FrameHeader, Either e0 FramePayload), StreamId)
waitPushPromiseWithParentStreamId sid chan =
    loop = do
        tuple@(parentSid,_,_) <- readChan chan
        if parentSid == sid
        then return tuple
        else loop