{-# language KindSignatures #-}

signature Channel where

import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Bytes.Chunks (Chunks)
import Data.Bytes (Bytes)

-- | A resource that, in the monadic context @M@, can be used to send
-- and receive data. Typically instantiated to a network socket type.
data Resource :: Type

-- | Exceptions that can occur while sending data.
data SendException :: Type

showsPrecSendException ::
  Int -> SendException -> String -> String

-- | Exceptions that can occur while receiving data.
data ReceiveException :: Type

showsPrecReceiveException ::
  Int -> ReceiveException -> String -> String

-- | The monadic context in which an HTTP exchange takes place. This
-- is always instantiated with 'IO' when building a real HTTP client,
-- but the test suite uses a different non-IO context that is fully
-- deterministic.
data M :: Type -> Type
instance Functor M
instance Applicative M
instance Monad M

-- | Send bytes.
send ::
  -> Chunks
  -> M (Either SendException ())

-- | Receive a chunk of input. The caller does not specify a
-- size hint. This helps make the test suite easier to write, but
-- we should probably figure out a way to support size hints as well.
-- Postcondition: If the returned chunked is empty, the source has
-- shut down. The indefinite module @Exchange@ interprets a zero-length
-- chunk to mean that the source has reached the end of its input.
receive ::
  -> M (Either ReceiveException Bytes)