cabal-version: >= 1.6 name: http-conduit-downloader version: 1.0.8 copyright: Vladimir Shabanov 2013 author: Vladimir Shabanov maintainer: Vladimir Shabanov homepage: license: BSD3 category: Web license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple synopsis: HTTP downloader tailored for web-crawler needs. description: HTTP/HTTPS downloader built on top of @http-conduit@ and used in crawler. . * Handles all possible http-conduit exceptions and returns human readable error messages. . * Handles some web server bugs (returning 'deflate' data instead of 'gzip'). . * Ignores invalid SSL sertificates. . * Receives data in 32k blocks internally to reduce memory fragmentation on many parallel downloads. . * Download timeout. . * Total download size limit. . * Returns HTTP headers for subsequent redownloads and handles 'Not modified' results. . * Can be used with external DNS resolver (hsdns-cache for example). source-repository head type: git location: library build-depends: base == 4.*, http-conduit >=, network, zlib, lifted-base, conduit, resourcet, http-types, tls, data-default, bytestring, mtl, time, old-locale exposed-modules: Network.HTTP.Conduit.Downloader ghc-options: -O2 -Wall