-- | This module implements the algorithms described in RFC 6265 for the Network.HTTP.Conduit library.
module Network.HTTP.Conduit.Cookies where

import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as W
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as U
import Text.Regex
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Web.Cookie
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder
import Data.Default

import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit.Request as Req
import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit.Response as Res

slash :: Integral a => a
slash = 47 -- '/'

isIpAddress :: W.Ascii -> Bool
isIpAddress a = case strs of
  Just strs' -> helper strs'
  Nothing -> False
  where s = U.toString a
        regex = mkRegex "^([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})\\.([0-9]{1,3})$"
        strs = matchRegex regex s
        helper l = length l == 4 && all helper2 l
        helper2 v = (read v :: Int) >= 0 && (read v :: Int) < 256

-- | This corresponds to the subcomponent algorithm entitled \"Domain Matching\" detailed
-- in section 5.1.3
domainMatches :: W.Ascii -> W.Ascii -> Bool
domainMatches string domainString
  | string == domainString = True
  | BS.length string < BS.length domainString + 1 = False
  | domainString `BS.isSuffixOf` string && BS.singleton (BS.last difference) == U.fromString "." && not (isIpAddress string) = True
  | otherwise = False
  where difference = BS.take (BS.length string - BS.length domainString) string

-- | This corresponds to the subcomponent algorithm entitled \"Paths\" detailed
-- in section 5.1.4
defaultPath :: Req.Request m -> W.Ascii
defaultPath req
  | BS.null uri_path = U.fromString "/"
  | BS.singleton (BS.head uri_path) /= U.fromString "/" = U.fromString "/"
  | BS.count slash uri_path <= 1 = U.fromString "/"
  | otherwise = BS.reverse $ BS.tail $ BS.dropWhile (/= slash) $ BS.reverse uri_path
  where uri_path = Req.path req

-- | This corresponds to the subcomponent algorithm entitled \"Path-Match\" detailed
-- in section 5.1.4
pathMatches :: W.Ascii -> W.Ascii -> Bool
pathMatches requestPath cookiePath
  | cookiePath == requestPath = True
  | cookiePath `BS.isPrefixOf` requestPath && BS.singleton (BS.last cookiePath) == U.fromString "/" = True
  | cookiePath `BS.isPrefixOf` requestPath && BS.singleton (BS.head remainder) == U.fromString "/" = True
  | otherwise = False
  where remainder = BS.drop (BS.length cookiePath) requestPath

-- This corresponds to the description of a cookie detailed in Section 5.3 \"Storage Model\"
data Cookie = Cookie
  { cookie_name :: W.Ascii
  , cookie_value :: W.Ascii
  , cookie_expiry_time :: UTCTime
  , cookie_domain :: W.Ascii
  , cookie_path :: W.Ascii
  , cookie_creation_time :: UTCTime
  , cookie_last_access_time :: UTCTime
  , cookie_persistent :: Bool
  , cookie_host_only :: Bool
  , cookie_secure_only :: Bool
  , cookie_http_only :: Bool
  deriving (Show)
-- This corresponds to step 11 of the algorithm described in Section 5.3 \"Storage Model\"
instance Eq Cookie where
  (==) a b = name_matches && domain_matches && path_matches
    where name_matches = cookie_name a == cookie_name b
          domain_matches = cookie_domain a == cookie_domain b
          path_matches = cookie_path a == cookie_path b
instance Ord Cookie where
  compare c1 c2
    | BS.length (cookie_path c1) > BS.length (cookie_path c2) = LT
    | BS.length (cookie_path c1) < BS.length (cookie_path c2) = GT
    | cookie_creation_time c1 > cookie_creation_time c2 = GT
    | otherwise = LT

newtype CookieJar = CJ { expose :: [Cookie] }

-- | empty cookie jar
instance Default CookieJar where
  def = CJ []

instance Eq CookieJar where
  (==) cj1 cj2 = (L.sort $ expose cj1) == (L.sort $ expose cj2)

instance Show CookieJar where
  show = show . expose

createCookieJar :: [Cookie] -> CookieJar
createCookieJar = CJ

destroyCookieJar :: CookieJar -> [Cookie]
destroyCookieJar = expose

insertIntoCookieJar :: Cookie -> CookieJar -> CookieJar
insertIntoCookieJar cookie cookie_jar' = CJ $ cookie : cookie_jar
  where cookie_jar = expose cookie_jar'

removeExistingCookieFromCookieJar :: Cookie -> CookieJar -> (Maybe Cookie, CookieJar)
removeExistingCookieFromCookieJar cookie cookie_jar' = (mc, CJ lc)
  where (mc, lc) = removeExistingCookieFromCookieJarHelper cookie (expose cookie_jar')
        removeExistingCookieFromCookieJarHelper _ [] = (Nothing, [])
        removeExistingCookieFromCookieJarHelper c (c' : cs)
          | c == c' = (Just c', cs)
          | otherwise = (cookie', c' : cookie_jar'')
          where (cookie', cookie_jar'') = removeExistingCookieFromCookieJarHelper c cs

-- | Are we configured to reject cookies for domains such as \"com\"?
rejectPublicSuffixes :: Bool
rejectPublicSuffixes = True

isPublicSuffix :: W.Ascii -> Bool
isPublicSuffix _ = False

-- | This corresponds to the eviction algorithm described in Section 5.3 \"Storage Model\"
evictExpiredCookies :: CookieJar  -- ^ Input cookie jar
                    -> UTCTime    -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
                    -> CookieJar  -- ^ Filtered cookie jar
evictExpiredCookies cookie_jar' now = CJ $ filter (\ cookie -> cookie_expiry_time cookie >= now) $ expose cookie_jar'

-- | This applies the 'computeCookieString' to a given Request
insertCookiesIntoRequest :: Req.Request m               -- ^ The request to insert into
                         -> CookieJar                   -- ^ Current cookie jar
                         -> UTCTime                     -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
                         -> (Req.Request m, CookieJar)  -- ^ (Ouptut request, Updated cookie jar (last-access-time is updated))
insertCookiesIntoRequest request cookie_jar now = (request {Req.requestHeaders = cookie_header : purgedHeaders}, cookie_jar')
  where purgedHeaders = L.deleteBy (\ (a, _) (b, _) -> a == b) (CI.mk $ U.fromString "Cookie", BS.empty) $ Req.requestHeaders request
        (cookie_string, cookie_jar') = computeCookieString request cookie_jar now True
        cookie_header = (CI.mk $ U.fromString "Cookie", cookie_string)

-- | This corresponds to the algorithm described in Section 5.4 \"The Cookie Header\"
computeCookieString :: Req.Request m         -- ^ Input request
                    -> CookieJar             -- ^ Current cookie jar
                    -> UTCTime               -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
                    -> Bool                  -- ^ Whether or not this request is coming from an \"http\" source (not javascript or anything like that)
                    -> (W.Ascii, CookieJar)  -- ^ (Contents of a \"Cookie\" header, Updated cookie jar (last-access-time is updated))
computeCookieString request cookie_jar now is_http_api = (output_line, cookie_jar')
  where matching_cookie cookie = condition1 && condition2 && condition3 && condition4
          where condition1
                  | cookie_host_only cookie = Req.host request == cookie_domain cookie
                  | otherwise = domainMatches (Req.host request) (cookie_domain cookie)
                condition2 = pathMatches (Req.path request) (cookie_path cookie)
                  | not (cookie_secure_only cookie) = True
                  | otherwise = Req.secure request
                  | not (cookie_http_only cookie) = True
                  | otherwise = is_http_api
        matching_cookies = filter matching_cookie $ expose cookie_jar
        output_cookies =  map (\ c -> (cookie_name c, cookie_value c)) $ L.sort matching_cookies
        output_line = toByteString $ renderCookies $ output_cookies
        folding_function cookie_jar'' cookie = case removeExistingCookieFromCookieJar cookie cookie_jar'' of
          (Just c, cookie_jar''') -> insertIntoCookieJar (c {cookie_last_access_time = now}) cookie_jar'''
          (Nothing, cookie_jar''') -> cookie_jar'''
        cookie_jar' = foldl folding_function cookie_jar matching_cookies

-- | This applies 'receiveSetCookie' to a given Response
updateCookieJar :: Res.Response a               -- ^ Response received from server
                -> Req.Request m                -- ^ Request which generated the response
                -> UTCTime                      -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
                -> CookieJar                    -- ^ Current cookie jar
                -> (CookieJar, Res.Response a)  -- ^ (Updated cookie jar with cookies from the Response, The response stripped of any \"Set-Cookie\" header)
updateCookieJar response request now cookie_jar = (cookie_jar', response {Res.responseHeaders = other_headers})
  where (set_cookie_headers, other_headers) = L.partition ((== (CI.mk $ U.fromString "Set-Cookie")) . fst) $ Res.responseHeaders response
        set_cookie_data = map snd set_cookie_headers
        set_cookies = map parseSetCookie set_cookie_data
        cookie_jar' = foldl (\ cj sc -> receiveSetCookie sc request now True cj) cookie_jar set_cookies

-- | This corresponds to the algorithm described in Section 5.3 \"Storage Model\"
-- This function consists of calling 'generateCookie' followed by 'insertCheckedCookie'.
-- Use this function if you plan to do both in a row.
-- 'generateCookie' and 'insertCheckedCookie' are only provided for more fine-grained control.
receiveSetCookie :: SetCookie      -- ^ The 'SetCookie' the cookie jar is receiving
                 -> Req.Request m  -- ^ The request that originated the response that yielded the 'SetCookie'
                 -> UTCTime        -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
                 -> Bool           -- ^ Whether or not this request is coming from an \"http\" source (not javascript or anything like that)
                 -> CookieJar      -- ^ Input cookie jar to modify
                 -> CookieJar      -- ^ Updated cookie jar
receiveSetCookie set_cookie request now is_http_api cookie_jar = case (do
  cookie <- generateCookie set_cookie request now is_http_api
  return $ insertCheckedCookie cookie cookie_jar is_http_api) of
  Just cj -> cj
  Nothing -> cookie_jar

-- | Insert a cookie created by generateCookie into the cookie jar (or not if it shouldn't be allowed in)
insertCheckedCookie :: Cookie    -- ^ The 'SetCookie' the cookie jar is receiving
                    -> CookieJar -- ^ Input cookie jar to modify
                    -> Bool      -- ^ Whether or not this request is coming from an \"http\" source (not javascript or anything like that)
                    -> CookieJar -- ^ Updated (or not) cookie jar
insertCheckedCookie c cookie_jar is_http_api = case (do
  (cookie_jar', cookie') <- existanceTest c cookie_jar
  return $ insertIntoCookieJar cookie' cookie_jar') of
  Just cj -> cj
  Nothing -> cookie_jar
  where existanceTest cookie cookie_jar' = existanceTestHelper cookie $ removeExistingCookieFromCookieJar cookie cookie_jar'
        existanceTestHelper new_cookie (Just old_cookie, cookie_jar')
          | not is_http_api && cookie_http_only old_cookie = Nothing
          | otherwise = return (cookie_jar', new_cookie {cookie_creation_time = cookie_creation_time old_cookie})
        existanceTestHelper new_cookie (Nothing, cookie_jar') = return (cookie_jar', new_cookie)

-- | Turn a SetCookie into a Cookie, if it is valid
generateCookie :: SetCookie      -- ^ The 'SetCookie' we are encountering
               -> Req.Request m  -- ^ The request that originated the response that yielded the 'SetCookie'
               -> UTCTime        -- ^ Value that should be used as \"now\"
               -> Bool           -- ^ Whether or not this request is coming from an \"http\" source (not javascript or anything like that)
               -> Maybe Cookie   -- ^ The optional output cookie
generateCookie set_cookie request now is_http_api = do
          domain_sanitized <- sanitizeDomain $ step4 (setCookieDomain set_cookie)
          domain_intermediate <- step5 domain_sanitized
          (domain_final, host_only') <- step6 domain_intermediate
          http_only' <- step10
          return $ Cookie { cookie_name = setCookieName set_cookie
                          , cookie_value = setCookieValue set_cookie
                          , cookie_expiry_time = getExpiryTime (setCookieExpires set_cookie) (setCookieMaxAge set_cookie)
                          , cookie_domain = domain_final
                          , cookie_path = getPath $ setCookiePath set_cookie
                          , cookie_creation_time = now
                          , cookie_last_access_time = now
                          , cookie_persistent = getPersistent
                          , cookie_host_only = host_only'
                          , cookie_secure_only = setCookieSecure set_cookie
                          , cookie_http_only = http_only'
  where sanitizeDomain domain'
          | has_a_character && BS.singleton (BS.last domain') == U.fromString "." = Nothing
          | has_a_character && BS.singleton (BS.head domain') == U.fromString "." = Just $ BS.tail domain'
          | otherwise = Just $ domain'
          where has_a_character = not (BS.null domain')
        step4 (Just set_cookie_domain) = set_cookie_domain
        step4 Nothing = BS.empty
        step5 domain'
          | firstCondition && domain' == (Req.host request) = return BS.empty
          | firstCondition = Nothing
          | otherwise = return domain'
          where firstCondition = rejectPublicSuffixes && isPublicSuffix domain'
        step6 domain'
          | firstCondition && not (domainMatches (Req.host request) domain') = Nothing
          | firstCondition = return (domain', False)
          | otherwise = return (Req.host request, True)
          where firstCondition = not $ BS.null domain'
          | not is_http_api && setCookieHttpOnly set_cookie = Nothing
          | otherwise = return $ setCookieHttpOnly set_cookie
        getExpiryTime :: Maybe UTCTime -> Maybe DiffTime -> UTCTime
        getExpiryTime _ (Just t) = (fromRational $ toRational t) `addUTCTime` now
        getExpiryTime (Just t) Nothing = t
        getExpiryTime Nothing Nothing= UTCTime (ModifiedJulianDay 0) (secondsToDiffTime 0)
        getPath (Just p) = p
        getPath Nothing = defaultPath request
        getPersistent = isJust (setCookieExpires set_cookie) || isJust (setCookieMaxAge set_cookie)