{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Network.HTTP.ClientSpec where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.Async (withAsync) import Control.Exception (bracket) import Control.Monad (forever, replicateM_) import Network (PortID (PortNumber), listenOn, withSocketsDo) import Network.HTTP.Client import Network.HTTP.Types (status200) import Network.Socket (accept, sClose) import Network.Socket.ByteString (recv, sendAll) import Test.Hspec import qualified Data.Streaming.Network as N import qualified Data.ByteString as S main :: IO () main = hspec spec redirectServer :: (Int -> IO a) -> IO a redirectServer inner = bracket (N.bindRandomPortTCP "*4") (sClose . snd) $ \(port, lsocket) -> withAsync (N.runTCPServer (N.serverSettingsTCPSocket lsocket) app) (const $ inner port) where app ad = do forkIO $ forever $ N.appRead ad forever $ do N.appWrite ad "HTTP/1.1 301 Redirect\r\nLocation: /\r\ncontent-length: 5\r\n\r\n" threadDelay 10000 N.appWrite ad "hello\r\n" threadDelay 10000 bad100Server :: Bool -- ^ include extra headers? -> (Int -> IO a) -> IO a bad100Server extraHeaders inner = bracket (N.bindRandomPortTCP "*4") (sClose . snd) $ \(port, lsocket) -> withAsync (N.runTCPServer (N.serverSettingsTCPSocket lsocket) app) (const $ inner port) where app ad = do forkIO $ forever $ N.appRead ad forever $ do N.appWrite ad $ S.concat [ "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n" , if extraHeaders then "foo:bar\r\nbaz: bin\r\n" else "" , "\r\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\ncontent-length: 5\r\n\r\nhello\r\n" ] threadDelay 10000 spec :: Spec spec = describe "Client" $ do it "works" $ withSocketsDo $ do req <- parseUrl "http://www.yesodweb.com/" man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings res <- httpLbs req man responseStatus res `shouldBe` status200 describe "fails on empty hostnames #40" $ do let test url = it url $ do req <- parseUrl url man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings _ <- httpLbs req man `shouldThrow` \e -> case e of InvalidDestinationHost "" -> True _ -> False return () mapM_ test ["http://", "https://", "http://:8000", "https://:8001"] it "redirecting #41" $ redirectServer $ \port -> do req' <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port let req = req' { redirectCount = 1 } withManager defaultManagerSettings $ \man -> replicateM_ 10 $ do httpLbs req man `shouldThrow` \e -> case e of TooManyRedirects _ -> True _ -> False it "redirectCount=0" $ redirectServer $ \port -> do req' <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port let req = req' { redirectCount = 0 } withManager defaultManagerSettings $ \man -> replicateM_ 10 $ do httpLbs req man `shouldThrow` \e -> case e of StatusCodeException{} -> True _ -> False it "connecting to missing server gives nice error message" $ do (port, socket) <- N.bindRandomPortTCP "*4" sClose socket req <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port withManager defaultManagerSettings $ \man -> httpLbs req man `shouldThrow` \e -> case e of FailedConnectionException2 "" port' False _ -> port == port' _ -> False describe "extra headers after 100 #49" $ do let test x = it (show x) $ bad100Server x $ \port -> do req <- parseUrl $ "" ++ show port withManager defaultManagerSettings $ \man -> replicateM_ 10 $ do x <- httpLbs req man responseBody x `shouldBe` "hello" test False test True