{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Text.Toml.Types where

import           Data.Aeson.Types
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import           Data.Int            (Int64)
import           Data.List           (intersect)
import           Data.Text           (Text)
import qualified Data.Text           as T
import           Data.Time.Clock     (UTCTime)
import           Data.Time.Format    ()
import qualified Data.Vector         as V

-- | The 'Table' is a mapping ('HashMap') of 'Text' keys to 'Node' values.
type Table = M.HashMap Text Node

-- | A 'Node' may contain a 'TValue', a 'Table' or a table array '[Table]'.
data Node = NTValue TValue
          | NTable  Table
          | NTArray [Table]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | A 'TValue' may contain any type of value that can put in a 'VArray'.
data TValue = VString   Text
            | VInteger  Int64
            | VFloat    Double
            | VBoolean  Bool
            | VDatetime UTCTime
            | VArray    [TValue]
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Contruct an empty 'Table'.
emptyTable :: Table
emptyTable = M.empty

-- | Contruct an empty 'NTable'.
emptyNTable :: Node
emptyNTable = NTable M.empty

-- | Inserts a table ('Table') with name ('[Text]') which may be part of
-- a table array (when 'Bool' is 'True') into a 'Table'.
-- It may result in an error ('Text') on the 'Left' or a modified table
-- on the 'Right'.
insert :: ([Text], Node) -> Table -> Either Text Table
insert ([], _)         _ = error "FATAL: Cannot call 'insert' without a name."
insert (_ , NTValue _) _ = error "FATAL: Cannot call 'insert' with a TValue."
insert ([name], node) ttbl =
    -- In case 'name' is final
    case M.lookup name ttbl of
      Nothing           -> Right $ M.insert name node ttbl
      Just (NTable t)   -> case node of
        (NTable nt) -> case merge t nt of
          Left ds -> Left $ T.concat [ "Cannot redefine key(s) (", (T.intercalate ", " ds)
                                     , "), from table named '", name, "'." ]
          Right r -> Right $ M.insert name (NTable r) ttbl
        _         -> commonInsertError node [name]
      Just (NTArray a)  -> case node of
        (NTArray na) -> Right $ M.insert name (NTArray $ a ++ na) ttbl
        _         -> commonInsertError node [name]
      Just _            -> commonInsertError node [name]
insert (fullName@(name:ns), node) ttbl =
    -- In case 'name' is not final, but a sub-name
    case M.lookup name ttbl of
      Nothing           -> case insert (ns, node) emptyTable of
                             Left msg -> Left msg
                             Right r  -> Right $ M.insert name (NTable r) ttbl
      Just (NTable t)   -> case insert (ns, node) t of
                             Left msg -> Left msg
                             Right tt -> Right $ M.insert name (NTable tt) ttbl
      Just (NTArray []) -> error "FATAL: Call to 'insert' found impossibly empty NTArray."
      Just (NTArray a)  -> case insert (ns, node) (last a) of
                             Left msg -> Left msg
                             Right t  -> Right $ M.insert name (NTArray $ (init a) ++ [t]) ttbl
      Just _            -> commonInsertError node fullName

-- | Merge two tables, resulting in an error when overlapping keys are
-- found ('Left' will contian those keys).  When no overlapping keys are
-- found the result will contain the union of both tables in a 'Right'.
merge :: Table -> Table -> Either [Text] Table
merge existing new = case intersect (M.keys existing) (M.keys new) of
                       [] -> Right $ M.union existing new
                       ds -> Left  $ ds

-- | Convenience function to construct a common error message for the 'insert' function.
commonInsertError :: Node -> [Text] -> Either Text Table
commonInsertError what name = Left . T.concat $ case what of
    NTValue _ -> ["Cannot insert a value '", n, "'."]
    _         -> ["Cannot insert ", w, " '", n, "' as key already exists."]
    n = T.intercalate "." name
    w = case what of (NTable _) -> "tables"
                     _          -> "array of tables"

-- * Regular ToJSON instances

-- | 'ToJSON' instances for the 'Node' type that produce Aeson (JSON)
-- in line with the TOML specification.
instance ToJSON Node where
  toJSON (NTValue v) = toJSON v
  toJSON (NTable v)  = toJSON v
  toJSON (NTArray v) = toJSON v

-- | 'ToJSON' instances for the 'TValue' type that produce Aeson (JSON)
-- in line with the TOML specification.
instance ToJSON TValue where
  toJSON (VString v)   = toJSON v
  toJSON (VInteger v)  = toJSON v
  toJSON (VFloat v)    = toJSON v
  toJSON (VBoolean v)  = toJSON v
  toJSON (VDatetime v) = toJSON v
  toJSON (VArray v)    = toJSON v

-- * Special BurntSushi ToJSON type class and instances

-- | Type class for conversion to BurntSushi-style JSON.
-- BurntSushi has made a language agnostic test suite available that
-- this library uses. This test suit expects that values are encoded
-- as JSON objects with a 'type' and a 'value' member.
class ToBsJSON a where
  toBsJSON :: a -> Value

-- | Provide a 'toBsJSON' instance to the 'NTArray'.
instance (ToBsJSON a) => ToBsJSON [a] where
  toBsJSON = Array . V.fromList . map toBsJSON
  {-# INLINE toBsJSON #-}

-- | Provide a 'toBsJSON' instance to the 'NTable'.
instance (ToBsJSON v) => ToBsJSON (M.HashMap Text v) where
  toBsJSON = Object . M.map toBsJSON
  {-# INLINE toBsJSON #-}

-- | 'ToBsJSON' instances for the 'Node' type that produce Aeson (JSON)
-- in line with BurntSushi's language agnostic TOML test suite.
instance ToBsJSON Node where
  toBsJSON (NTValue v) = toBsJSON v
  toBsJSON (NTable v)  = toBsJSON v
  toBsJSON (NTArray v) = toBsJSON v

-- | 'ToBsJSON' instances for the 'TValue' type that produce Aeson (JSON)
-- in line with BurntSushi's language agnostic TOML test suite.
-- As seen in this function, BurntSushi's JSON encoding explicitly
-- specifies the types of the values.
instance ToBsJSON TValue where
  toBsJSON (VString v)   = object [ "type"  .= toJSON ("string" :: String)
                                  , "value" .= toJSON v ]
  toBsJSON (VInteger v)  = object [ "type"  .= toJSON ("integer" :: String)
                                  , "value" .= toJSON (show v) ]
  toBsJSON (VFloat v)    = object [ "type"  .= toJSON ("float" :: String)
                                  , "value" .= toJSON (show v) ]
  toBsJSON (VBoolean v)  = object [ "type"  .= toJSON ("bool" :: String)
                                  , "value" .= toJSON (if v then "true" else "false" :: String) ]
  toBsJSON (VDatetime v) = object [ "type"  .= toJSON ("datetime" :: String)
                                  , "value" .= toJSON (let s = show v
                                                           z = take (length s - 4) s  ++ "Z"
                                                           d = take (length z - 10) z
                                                           t = drop (length z - 9) z
                                                       in  d ++ "T" ++ t) ]
  toBsJSON (VArray v)    = object [ "type"  .= toJSON ("array" :: String)
                                  , "value" .= toBsJSON v ]