ValidationResult { messages = [ Message { type_ = Just "error" , subType = Nothing , message = Just "The character encoding was not declared. Proceeding using \8220windows-1252\8221." , extract = Nothing , firstLine = Nothing , firstColumn = Nothing , lastLine = Nothing , lastColumn = Nothing , hiliteStart = Nothing , hiliteLength = Nothing } , Message { type_ = Just "error" , subType = Nothing , message = Just "Element \8220head\8221 is missing a required instance of child element \8220title\8221." , extract = Just "ml>\n\n Hello," , firstLine = Just 2 , firstColumn = Just 7 , lastLine = Just 3 , lastColumn = Just 10 , hiliteStart = Just 10 , hiliteLength = Just 11 } , Message { type_ = Just "info" , subType = Just "warning" , message = Just "Consider adding a \8220lang\8221 attribute to the \8220html\8221 start tag to declare the language of this document." , extract = Just "TYPE html>\n\n <" , firstLine = Just 1 , firstColumn = Just 16 , lastLine = Just 2 , lastColumn = Just 6 , hiliteStart = Just 10 , hiliteLength = Just 7 } ] }