{- Quickcheck properties for board & AI code Pedro Vasconcelos, 2010 -} module Tests (run_tests) where import Board import AI.Minimax import AI.Utils import AI.Eval import Test.QuickCheck import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import List (delete, nub, sort) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Quickcheck properties --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- a capture reduces the number of pieces by one prop_capture_moves :: Board -> Bool prop_capture_moves b = and [1+boardSize b' == boardSize b | m<-nextCaptureMoves b, let b' = applyMove b m] -- a stacking reduces the number of pieces by one prop_stacking_moves1 :: Board -> Bool prop_stacking_moves1 b = and [1+boardSize b' == boardSize b | m<-nextStackingMoves b, let b' = applyMove b m] -- stacking mantains the sum of pieces heights of the active player -- and does not change the pieces of the other player prop_stacking_moves2 :: Board -> Bool prop_stacking_moves2 b = and [ heights (active b') == heights (active b) && inactive b' == inactive b | m <- nextStackingMoves b, let b'=applyMove b m] where heights b = sum [h | (_,h)<-IntMap.elems b] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- some properties of the AI code --------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- -- static evaluation respects the zero-sum property prop_zero_sum :: Board -> Property prop_zero_sum b = admissible b ==> eval b - eval (swapBoard b) == 0 -} -- upper and lower bounds for the evaluation function prop_value_bounds :: Board -> Property prop_value_bounds b = not (active_lost b) && not (inactive_lost b) ==> abs value < infinity where value = static_eval b -- end game positions give plus/minus infinityinity scores prop_inactive_lost :: Board -> Property prop_inactive_lost b = not (active_lost b) && inactive_lost b ==> static_eval b == infinity prop_active_lost :: Board -> Property prop_active_lost b = not (inactive_lost b) && active_lost b ==> static_eval b == (-infinity) -- alpha-beta pruning computes the minimax value -- parameters: number of pieces, pruning depth and breadth prop_alpha_beta :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Property prop_alpha_beta npieces depth breadth = forAllShrink (resize npieces arbitrary) shrink $ \b -> not (active_lost b) ==> let bt = mkTree depth breadth b in minimax_ab (-infinity) infinity bt == minimax bt -- extended alpha-beta minimax computes the first move of the principal variation -- parameters: number of pieces, pruning depth and breadth prop_alpha_beta_move :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Property prop_alpha_beta_move npieces depth breadth = forAllShrink (resize npieces arbitrary) shrink $ \b -> not (active_lost b) ==> let bt = mkTree depth breadth b (m,v)= minimaxMove_ab (-infinity) infinity bt bt' = treeMove m bt in minimax bt' == -v mkTree :: Int -> Int -> Board -> GameTree Int Turn mkTree depth breadth board = pruneDepth depth $ pruneBreadth breadth $ lowFirst $ mapTree static_eval $ boardTree board treeMove :: Eq m => m -> GameTree s m -> GameTree s m treeMove m (GameTree _ branches) = head [t | (m',t)<-branches, m'==m] -- correctness of the zone of control computation -- the zone of control is the set of pieces -- that can be captured in a turn (one or two moves) prop_zoc_correct :: Board -> Bool prop_zoc_correct b = pos == pos' where moves1 = nextCaptureMoves b moves2 = concat [nextCaptureMoves (applyMove b m) | m<-moves1] pos = IntSet.fromList (map snd moves1 ++ map snd moves2) pos'= IntMap.keysSet (zoneOfControl b) -- helper functions to filter boards, etc. -- "admissible" boards: no winner yet admissible :: Board -> Bool admissible b = not (active_lost b) && not (inactive_lost b) active_lost, inactive_lost :: Board -> Bool active_lost b = null (nextCaptureMoves b) || pieceTypes (active b)/= 3 inactive_lost = active_lost . swapBoard -- number of piece types in a half-board pieceTypes :: HalfBoard -> Int pieceTypes b = length $ nub $ map fst $ IntMap.elems b -- run all tests run_tests :: IO () run_tests = mapM_ run_test all_tests where run_test (name, test) = putStrLn (">>> " ++ name) >> test all_tests = [ ("prop_capture_moves", quickCheck prop_capture_moves) , ("prop_stacking_moves1", quickCheck prop_stacking_moves1) , ("prop_stacking_moves2", quickCheck prop_stacking_moves2) -- , ("prop_zero_sum", quickCheck prop_zero_sum) , ("prop_value_bounds", quickCheck prop_value_bounds) , ("prop_inactive_lost", quickCheck prop_inactive_lost) , ("prop_active_lost", quickCheck prop_active_lost) , ("prop_zoc_correct", quickCheck prop_zoc_correct) --, ("prop_zoc_correct2", quickCheck prop_zoc_correct2) , ("prop_alpha_beta 10 4 5", quickCheck (prop_alpha_beta 10 4 5)) , ("prop_alpha_beta 15 6 5", quickCheck (prop_alpha_beta 15 6 5)) , ("prop_alpha_beta_move 10 4 5", quickCheck (prop_alpha_beta_move 10 4 5)) , ("prop_alpha_beta_move 15 6 5", quickCheck (prop_alpha_beta_move 15 6 5)) ] quickCheckN n = quickCheckWith (stdArgs{maxSuccess=n})