-- |
-- Module      :  Numeric.Statistics.PCA
-- Copyright   :  (c) A. V. H. McPhail 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  haskell.vivian.mcphail <at> gmail <dot> com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- Principal Components Analysis

module Numeric.Statistics.PCA (
                               pca, pcaN, pcaTransform, pcaReduce, pcaReduceN
                          ) where


import qualified Data.Array.IArray as I 
import Data.List(sortBy)
import Data.Ord(comparing)

import Numeric.LinearAlgebra

import Numeric.GSL.Statistics

import Numeric.Statistics


-- | find the principal components of multidimensional data greater than
--    the threshhold
pca :: I.Array Int (Vector Double)    -- the data
    -> Double                         -- eigenvalue threshold
    -> Matrix Double
pca d q = let d' = fmap (\x -> x - (scalar $ mean x)) d -- remove the mean from each dimension
              cv = covarianceMatrix d'
              (val',vec') = eigSH cv           -- the covariance matrix is real symmetric
              val = toList val'
              vec = toColumns vec'
              v' = zip val vec
              v = filter (\(x,_) -> x > q) v'  -- keep only eigens > than parameter
          in fromColumns $ snd $ unzip v

-- | find N greatest principal components of multidimensional data
--    according to size of the eigenvalue
pcaN :: I.Array Int (Vector Double)    -- the data
     -> Int                            -- number of components to return
     -> Matrix Double
pcaN d n = let d' = fmap (\x -> x - (scalar $ mean x)) d -- remove the mean from each dimension
               cv = covarianceMatrix d'
               (val',vec') = eigSH cv           -- the covariance matrix is real symmetric
               val = toList val'
               vec = toColumns vec'
               v' = zip val vec
               v = take n $ reverse $ sortBy (comparing fst) v'
           in fromColumns $ snd $ unzip v

-- | perform a PCA transform of the original data (remove mean)
-- |     Final = M^T Data^T
pcaTransform :: I.Array Int (Vector Double)    -- ^ the data
             -> Matrix Double                  -- ^ the principal components
             -> I.Array Int (Vector Double)    -- ^ the transformed data
pcaTransform d m = let d' = fmap (\x -> x - (scalar $ mean x)) d -- remove the mean from each dimension
                   in I.listArray (1,cols m) $ toRows $ (trans m) <> (fromRows $ I.elems d')

-- | perform a dimension-reducing PCA modification, 
--     using an eigenvalue threshhold
pcaReduce :: I.Array Int (Vector Double)      -- ^ the data
          -> Double                           -- ^ eigenvalue threshold
          -> I.Array Int (Vector Double)      -- ^ the reduced data
pcaReduce d q = let u = fmap (scalar . mean) d
                    d' = zipWith (-) (I.elems d) (I.elems u)
                    cv = covarianceMatrix $ I.listArray (I.bounds d) d'
                    (val',vec') = eigSH cv           -- the covariance matrix is real symmetric
                    val = toList val'
                    vec = toColumns vec'
                    v' = zip val vec
                    v = filter (\(x,_) -> x > q) v'  -- keep only eigens > than parameter
                    m = fromColumns $ snd $ unzip v
                 in I.listArray (I.bounds d) $ zipWith (+) (toRows $ m <> (trans m) <> fromRows d') (I.elems u) 

-- | perform a dimension-reducing PCA modification, using N components
pcaReduceN :: I.Array Int (Vector Double)      -- ^ the data
           -> Int                              -- ^ N, the number of components
           -> I.Array Int (Vector Double)      -- ^ the reduced data, with n principal components
pcaReduceN d n = let u = fmap (scalar . mean) d
                     d' = zipWith (-) (I.elems d) (I.elems u)
                     cv = covarianceMatrix $ I.listArray (I.bounds d) d'
                     (val',vec') = eigSH cv           -- the covariance matrix is real symmetric
                     val = toList val'
                     vec = toColumns vec'
                     v' = zip val vec
                     v = take n $ reverse $ sortBy (comparing fst) v'
                     m = fromColumns $ snd $ unzip v
                  in I.listArray (I.bounds d) $ zipWith (+) (toRows $ m <> (trans m) <> fromRows d') (I.elems u) 
