#! /usr/bin/env runghc Copyright 2009 Jake Wheat Command line access to a bunch of utility functions. run ./HsSqlSystem.lhs -? to get a list of commands and purpose and usage info Uses cmdargs to do command line processing and despatch. The code is a bit messy at the moment, still working out how to use ErrorT. > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables,FlexibleContexts #-} > import System.Console.CmdArgs > import System.IO > import System.Directory > import Control.Monad.Error > import Text.Show.Pretty > import Test.Framework (defaultMainWithArgs) > import Data.List > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Tests.ParserTests > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Tests.TypeCheckTests > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Tests.ExtensionTests > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Tests.ParameterizedStatementTests > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Tests.RoundtripTests > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Tests.LocalBindingsTests > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Utils > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Ast.Ast > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Ast.Catalog > import qualified Database.HsSqlPpp.Ast.TypeChecker as A > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Ast.Annotation > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Ast.SqlTypes > import qualified Database.HsSqlPpp.Parsing.Parser as P > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Parsing.Lexer > import Database.HsSqlPpp.PrettyPrinter.PrettyPrinter > import Database.HsSqlPpp.PrettyPrinter.AnnotateSource > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Dbms.DatabaseLoader > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Dbms.WrapperGen > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Dbms.DBUtils > import Database.HsSqlPpp.Extensions.ChaosExtensions =============================================================================== > lexA = mode Lex {files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "lex the files given and output the tokens on separate lines" > lexFiles :: [FilePath] -> IO () > lexFiles fns = wrapET $ > forM_ fns (\f -> > (liftIO . putStrLn) ("lexing " ++ f) >> > readInput f >>= tsl . lexSqlText f >>= mapM_ (liftIO . print)) ================================================================================ > parseA = mode $ Parse {files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "Parse files and output the asts" > showAst :: [String] -> IO () > showAst = wrapET . mapM_ (\f -> > (liftIO . putStrLn) ("-- ast of " ++ f) >> > readInput f >>= tsl . P.parseSql f >>= > return . stripAnnotations >>= return . ppShow >>= liftIO . putStrLn) ================================================================================ > ppppA = mode $ Pppp {files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "Routine to parse sql from a file, pretty print it then parse it \ > \again and check the post pretty printing ast is the same as the \ > \initial ast" > testPppp :: [String] -> IO () > testPppp = wrapET . mapM_ (\f -> do > ast1 <- readInput f >>= tsl . P.parseSql f >>= return . stripAnnotations > ast2 <- (return . printSql) ast1 >>= tsl . P.parseSql "" >>= return . stripAnnotations > if ast1 /= ast2 > then liftIO $ do > putStrLn "asts are different\n-- original" > putStrLn $ ppShow ast1 > putStrLn "-- ppp'd" > putStrLn $ ppShow ast2 > else (liftIO . putStrLn) "success") ================================================================================ > pppA = mode $ Ppp {files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "Parse then pretty print some sql so you can check the result \ > \hasn't mangled the sql." > ppp :: String -> IO() > ppp f = wrapET $ (liftIO . putStrLn) ("--ppp " ++ f) >> > readInput f >>= tsl . P.parseSql f >>= return . printSql >>= liftIO . putStrLn ================================================================================ > parseExpressionA = mode $ ParseExpression {files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "Parse files each containing one expression \ > \and output the asts" > parseExpression :: [String] -> IO () > parseExpression = wrapET . mapM_ (\f -> > (liftIO . putStrLn) ("-- ast of " ++ f) >> > readInput f >>= tsl . P.parseExpression f > >>= return . stripAnnotations > >>= return . ppShow >>= liftIO . putStrLn) ================================================================================ > annotateSourceA = mode $ AnnotateSource {database = def > ,file = def &= typ "FILE"} > &= text "reads a file, parses, type checks, then outputs info on \ > \each statement interspersed with the original source code" > annotateSourceF :: String -> FilePath -> IO () > annotateSourceF db f = > wrapET $ do > (liftIO . putStrLn) ("--annotated source of " ++ f) > src <- readInput f > cat <- liftIO (readCatalog db) >>= tsl > tsl (P.parseSql f src) >>= return . A.typeCheck cat >>= return . snd >>= > return . annotateSource False src >>= liftIO . putStrLn ================================================================================ > ppCatalogA = mode $ PPCatalog {database = def > ,files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "reads each file, parses, type checks, then outputs the \ > \changes to the catalog that the sql makes" > ppCatalog :: String -> [FilePath] -> IO () > ppCatalog db fns = wrapET $ do > scat <- liftIO (readCatalog db) >>= tsl > (ncat, _) <- mapM (\f -> readInput f >>= > tsl . P.parseSql f) fns >>= > return . concat >>= return . A.typeCheck scat > return (ppCatDiff $ compareCatalogs scat emptyCatalog ncat) >>= liftIO . putStrLn ================================================================================ > typeCheckA = mode $ TypeCheck {database = def > ,files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "reads each file, parses, type checks, then outputs any type errors" > typeCheck2 :: String -> [FilePath] -> IO () > typeCheck2 db fns = wrapET $ > liftIO (readCatalog db) >>= tsl >>= \cat -> > mapM (\f -> readInput f >>= tsl . P.parseSql f) fns >>= return . concat >>= > return . A.typeCheck cat >>= return . snd >>= return . A.getTypeErrors >>= return . ppTypeErrors >>= mapM_ (liftIO . putStrLn) ================================================================================ > allAnnotationsA = mode $ AllAnnotations {database = def > ,files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "reads each file, parses, type checks, then pretty prints the \ > \ast with all annotations except the source positions" > allAnnotations :: String -> [FilePath] -> IO () > allAnnotations db fns = wrapET $ > liftIO (readCatalog db) >>= tsl >>= \cat -> > mapM (\f -> readInput f >>= tsl . P.parseSql f) fns >>= return . concat >>= > return . A.typeCheck cat >>= return . snd >>= return . ppShow >>= liftIO . putStrLn ================================================================================ > typeCheckExpressionA = mode $ TypeCheckExpression {database = def > ,files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "reads each file, parses as expression, \ > \ type checks, then outputs the type or any type errors" > typeCheckExpression :: String -> [FilePath] -> IO () > typeCheckExpression db fns = wrapET $ do > aasts <- liftIO (readCatalog db) >>= tsl >>= \cat -> > forM fns (\f -> readInput f >>= tsl . P.parseExpression f > >>= return . A.typeCheckExpression cat) > tes <- mapM (return . A.getTypeErrors) aasts > mapM_ (\x -> return (ppTypeErrors x) >>= mapM_ (liftIO . putStrLn)) $ filter (not . null) tes > mapM_ (\a -> liftM (show . head) (return $ A.getTopLevelTypes [a]) >>= liftIO . putStrLn) aasts ================================================================================ = small hack utility to help with testing TODO: use the correct username in this command TODO: do something more correct > clearA = mode $ Clear {database = def} > &= text "hacky util to clear a database" > cleardb :: String -> IO () > cleardb = clearDB ================================================================================ = load sql file > loadA = mode $ Load {database = def > ,files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "This takes one or more files with sql source text, \ > \parses them then loads them into the database given." > loadSql :: String -> [String] -> IO () > loadSql db fns = wrapET $ > liftIO (hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering) >> > mapM (\f -> readInput f >>= tsl . P.parseSql f) fns >>= return . concat >>= > return . extensionize >>= liftIO . loadIntoDatabase db "" ================================================================================ > loadPsqlA = mode $ LoadPsql {database = def > ,files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "loads sql into a database using psql." > loadSqlPsql :: String -> [String] -> IO () > loadSqlPsql db = wrapET . > mapM_ (\s -> liftIO (loadSqlUsingPsqlFromFile db s) >>= tsl >>= liftIO . putStrLn) ================================================================================ > pgDumpA = mode $ PgDump {database = def} > &= text "run pg dump, used for testing." > pgDump1 :: String -> IO () > pgDump1 db = pgDump db >>= putStrLn ================================================================================ might try to work out a way of running multiple commands in one invoc of this exe, then this command will disappear > clearLoadA = mode $ ClearLoad {database = def > ,files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "cleardb then loadsql" > clearAndLoadSql :: String -> [String] -> IO () > clearAndLoadSql db fns = cleardb db >> loadSql db fns ================================================================================ This reads an catalog from a database and writes it out using show. > catalogA = mode $ DBCatalog {database = def} > &= text "read the catalog for the given db and dumps it in source \ > \format, used to create the catalog value for template1" > readCat :: String -> IO () > readCat dbName = do > cat <- readCatalogFromDatabase dbName > putStrLn preamble > putStrLn $ prefixLines $ ppShow cat > where > preamble = "> {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}\n\ > \\n\ > \> module Database.HsSqlPpp.AstInternals.Catalog.DefaultTemplate1Catalog\n\ > \> (defaultTemplate1Catalog\n\ > \> ) where\n\ > \\n\ > \> import Database.HsSqlPpp.AstInternals.Catalog.CatalogInternal\n\ > \> import Database.HsSqlPpp.AstInternals.TypeType\n\ > \\n\ > \> defaultTemplate1Catalog :: Catalog\n\ > \> defaultTemplate1Catalog =\n\ > \> (\\l -> case l of\n\ > \> Left x -> error $ show x\n\ > \> Right e -> e) $\n\ > \> updateCatalog defaultCatalog\n" > prefixLines = unlines . map ("> " ++) . lines ================================================================================ run test battery: run a bunch of tests including consistency on the database and sql files given The idea is to typecheck the sql, load it into pg and dump it via psql and via database loader, can then compare asts, catalogs, etc. in a lot of different ways currently: parse and type check sql, save the catalog load the sql into the db using psql, compare the catalog read from pg with the catalog from typechecking dump the sql and typecheck the dump, compare the catalog from this check with the catalog from the original typecheck todo: compare asts from initial parse with parsed dump - this is going to be a lot of work to get passing since the statements are re-ordered, and sometimes changed/ split up by pg also: load the sql using the extension system and database loader, then compare pg catalog with initial catalog, and dump and compare ast with original ast want to run a similar set of tests starting with the dump sql: get ast,cat from dump sql, load using psql and using databaseloader and check cats and subsequent dump asts. getting the dump ast comparing with the original ast: step one: convert tests in parser test to also roundtrip through database, see parsertests for details step two: write an ast conversion routine: assume that the pgdump ast is like the ast fed into pg but with a few statements split into components (e.g. create table with serial is split into create sequence and create table), and then the statements are reordered, so write a routine to mirror this - will then have (anyast -> rearrange and reorder) == (anyast -> pg->pgdump) > testBatteryA = mode $ TestBattery {database = def > ,files = def &= typ "FILES" & args} > &= text "runs a load of consistency tests on the sql passed" > runTestBattery :: String -> [FilePath] -> IO () > runTestBattery dbName fns = wrapET $ do > liftIO $ clearDB dbName > startingCat <- liftIO (readCatalog dbName) >>= tsl > (originalCat :: Catalog, > originalAast :: StatementList) <- > mapM (\f -> readInput f >>= tsl . P.parseSql f) fns >>= return . concat >>= > return . extensionize >>= return . A.typeCheck startingCat > headerMessage "type errors from initial parse:\n" > (return . A.getTypeErrors) originalAast >>= return . ppTypeErrors >>= mapM_ (liftIO . putStrLn) > mapM_ (\s -> liftIO (loadSqlUsingPsqlFromFile dbName s) >>= tsl >>= liftIO . putStrLn) fns > properCat <- liftIO (readCatalog dbName) >>= tsl > headerMessage "catalog differences from initial parse and vanilla load:\n" > return (ppCatDiff (compareCatalogs startingCat originalCat properCat)) >>= liftIO . putStrLn > (dumpCat,dumpAast) <- > liftIO (pgDump dbName) >>= tsl . P.parseSql "dump" >>= return . A.typeCheck startingCat > headerMessage "type errors from dump:\n" > (return . A.getTypeErrors) dumpAast >>= return . ppTypeErrors >>= mapM_ (liftIO . putStrLn) > headerMessage "catalog differences from initial parse and rechecked pg dump:\n" > return (ppCatDiff (compareCatalogs startingCat originalCat dumpCat)) >>= liftIO . putStrLn > (liftIO . putStrLn) "complete!" > where > headerMessage = liftIO . putStrLn . ("-----------------------------\n" ++) ================================================================================ run the test suite > testA = mode $ Test {extra = def &= typ "ANY" & args & unknownFlags} > &= text "run automated tests, uses test.framework can pass arguments \ > \to this e.g. HsSqlSystem test -t parserTests" > runTests :: [String] -> IO () > runTests as = > flip defaultMainWithArgs as $ > parserTests ++ > typeCheckTests ++ > parameterizedStatementTests ++ > roundtripTests ++ > localBindingsTests ++ > [extensionTests] ================================================================================ options: nothing -> create/overwrite folders and files clean -> delete generated files create target folder if doesn't exist broken at the moment > buildDocsA = mode $ BuildDocs > &= text "build the documention in the docs/ folder" > buildDocs :: IO () > buildDocs = wrapET $ do > liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing False "docs/build" > inputFiles <- sources > let sts = zip (map ("docs/" ++) inputFiles) $ > flip map inputFiles > (\f -> "docs/build/" ++ f ++ ".html") > forM_ sts $ \(s,t) -> > readInput s >>= pandoc >>= liftIO . writeFile t > where > sources = liftM (filter (isSuffixOf ".txt")) > (liftIO (getDirectoryContents "docs")) > -- | Documentation command to produce some hssqlppp docs, takes a > -- pandoc source file and converts to html, can run and insert > -- commands embedded in the source > pandoc :: MonadIO m => String -> ErrorT String m String > pandoc txt = return txt > {- > liftM (writeHtmlString wopt . readMarkdown defaultParserState) > (hsTextize txt) > where > wopt = defaultWriterOptions { > writerStandalone = True > ,writerTitlePrefix = "HsSqlPpp documentation" > ,writerTableOfContents = True > ,writerHeader = "" > }-} writerStandalone :: Bool Include header and footer writerHeader :: String Header for the document writerTitlePrefix :: String Prefix for HTML titles writerTabStop :: Int Tabstop for conversion btw spaces and tabs writerTableOfContents :: Bool Include table of contents writerS5 :: Bool We're writing S5 writerHTMLMathMethod :: HTMLMathMethod How to print math in HTML writerIgnoreNotes :: Bool Ignore footnotes (used in making toc) writerIncremental :: Bool Incremental S5 lists writerNumberSections :: Bool Number sections in LaTeX writerIncludeBefore :: String String to include before the body writerIncludeAfter :: String String to include after the body writerStrictMarkdown :: Bool Use strict markdown syntax writerReferenceLinks :: Bool Use reference links in writing markdown, rst writerWrapText :: Bool Wrap text to line length writerLiterateHaskell :: Bool Write as literate haskell writerEmailObfuscation :: ObfuscationMethod How to obfu > {-ex <- liftIO $ system ("pandoc -s -f markdown -t html " > ++ src ++ " -o " ++ tgt) > case ex of > ExitFailure e -> throwError $ AEMisc $ "psql failed with " ++ show e > ExitSuccess -> return ()-} process doc commands > -- | read a text file, and pull out the commands, run them and insert > -- the results into the text > {-hsTextize :: MonadIO m => String -> ErrorT String m String > hsTextize s = > liftIO (hsTextify > (("hssqlsystem", hsSqlSystemCommand):defaultCommands) > "docs/build" > s) >>= tsl -- . mapLeft > -- | run hssqlsystem using shell > hsSqlSystemCommand :: String -> IO String > hsSqlSystemCommand s = shell ("HsSqlSystem " ++ s) >>= \m -> > return $ "$ HsSqlSystem " ++ s > ++ "\n\n~~~~~~~~~~\n" > ++ m > ++ "\n~~~~~~~~~~\n\n" -} ================================================================================ > genWrapA = mode $ GenWrap {database = def > ,file = def &= typ "FILE"} > &= text "experimental code to generate typesafe haskell wrapper \ > \for db access" > genWrap :: String -> String -> IO () > genWrap db f = > wrapET doit > where > doit :: (MonadIO m) => ErrorT String m () > doit = liftIO (wrapperGen db f) >>= liftIO . putStrLn ================================================================================ TODOS command to display all annotation inline in sql source better catalog diff, e.g. if two tables differ in one column just show that difference see if can improve ppshow to use slightly less newlines command to show which bits of preexisting catalog are used command to list which views/functions/etc. aren't used anywhere replace a bunch of commands with composible set: parse(expression), ppp, typecheck(expression), allannots -> parse (expression option) type check annotation filter + options output: ast, sql, annotations + options think of a better name for this command than hssqlsystem want better options system: first set of options get passed around in reader? monad: database name, username, password for pg useextensions annotation control? - when showing values, which annotations to also output? these have defaults, can change defaults in ~/.config/hssqlsystem or something, and can be overridden using --dbname=...,etc. command line args (make these work like psql? then have environment variables also) second set of options is for input and output: read from file(s), stdin, or from string literal command line arg, e.g. HsSqlSystem expressionType --src="3 + 5" output to file(s) or stdout review command names and arguments: find a better naming convention: some commands produce haskell values as text, some produce non haskell compatible text e.g. lexfile some run tests and produce a success/fail result, maybe a list of issues run multiple commands in one invocation? check errors passed to user are understandable command line commands to add: showAast ppCatalog - read from db and print in human readable rather than as haskell value showexpressionast showexpressionaast typecheckexpression pppexpression showCatalogUpdates - run over some sql files, outputs the catalog changes made by this sql ppCatalogUpdates graphviz stuff: dependency graph: pass a view name or function and it draws a graph of all the views, tables and functions which are used by that view or function run an extension by name over some sql source to view differences: add integration with external diff viewers, so can see before and after, maybe option to either view pp'd sql, annotated pp'd sql, ast, aast, etc. - can also use this for pppsql and pppexpression to view how the pretty printer mangles things, and for testing, etc. logging/verbosity: want a way to log to stderr/stdout/ files with different verbosity settings command line arguments: options: --database=xxx ? --extensions --username --password ?other connection info annotation control? command name other command arguments: - on its own is read from stdin --input='xxx' add literal input rather than from file/stdin ================================================================================ > -- | Pretty print list of type errors with optional source position > -- in emacs readable format. > ppTypeErrors :: [(Maybe AnnotationElement, [TypeError])] -> [String] > ppTypeErrors tes = > map showSpTe tes > where > showSpTe (Just (SourcePos fn l c), e) = > fn ++ ":" ++ show l ++ ":" ++ show c ++ ":\n" ++ show e > showSpTe (_,e) = "unknown:0:0:\n" ++ show e ================================================================================ read file as string - issues are: want to support reading from stdin, and reading from a string passed as an argument to the exe > -- | read a file as text, will read from stdin if filename is '-'. > readInput :: (Error e, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> ErrorT e m String > readInput f = > liftIO r > where > r :: IO String > r = case f of > "-" -> getContents > _ | length f >= 2 && > head f == '"' && last f == '"' > -> return $ drop 1 $ take (length f - 1) f > | otherwise -> readFile f ================================================================================ cmdargs stuff and main > data HsSqlSystem = Lex {files :: [String]} > | Parse {files :: [String]} > | ParseExpression {files :: [String]} > | Pppp {files :: [String]} > | Ppp {files :: [String]} > | TypeCheck {database :: String > ,files :: [String]} > | TypeCheckExpression {database :: String > ,files :: [String]} > | AllAnnotations {database :: String > ,files :: [String]} > | AnnotateSource {database :: String > ,file :: String} > | PPCatalog {database :: String > ,files :: [String]} > | Clear {database :: String} > | Load {database :: String > ,files :: [String]} > | ClearLoad {database :: String > ,files :: [String]} > | DBCatalog {database :: String} > | LoadPsql {database :: String > ,files :: [String]} > | PgDump {database :: String} > | TestBattery {database :: String > ,files :: [String]} > | Test {extra :: [String]} > | GenWrap {database :: String > ,file :: String} > | BuildDocs > deriving (Show, Data, Typeable) > main :: IO () > main = do > cmd <- cmdArgs "HsSqlSystem, Copyright Jake Wheat 2010" > [lexA, parseA, ppppA, pppA, > parseExpressionA, typeCheckExpressionA, > typeCheckA,allAnnotationsA, > annotateSourceA, ppCatalogA, > clearA, loadA, clearLoadA, catalogA, loadPsqlA, > pgDumpA, testBatteryA, > testA,buildDocsA, genWrapA] > case cmd of > Lex fns -> lexFiles fns > Parse fns -> showAst fns > Pppp fns -> testPppp fns > Ppp fns -> showAst fns > ParseExpression fns -> parseExpression fns > TypeCheck db fns -> typeCheck2 db fns > TypeCheckExpression db fns -> typeCheckExpression db fns > AllAnnotations db fns -> typeCheck2 db fns > AnnotateSource db fn -> annotateSourceF db fn > PPCatalog db fns -> ppCatalog db fns > Clear db -> cleardb db > Load db fns -> loadSql db fns > ClearLoad db fns -> clearAndLoadSql db fns > DBCatalog db -> readCat db > LoadPsql db fns -> loadSqlPsql db fns > PgDump db -> pgDump1 db > TestBattery db fns -> runTestBattery db fns > Test as -> runTests as > BuildDocs -> buildDocs > GenWrap db f -> genWrap db f would like to have the database argument be a common arg, don't know how to do this > lexA, parseA, ppppA, pppA, annotateSourceA, clearA, loadA, > clearLoadA, catalogA, loadPsqlA, pgDumpA, testBatteryA, > typeCheckA, testA, parseExpressionA, typeCheckExpressionA, > buildDocsA, allAnnotationsA, ppCatalogA, genWrapA :: Mode HsSqlSystem