{- Copyright 2009 Jake Wheat = basic select statements This is a bit of a mess, will be rewritten with a proper literate flavour once all the different bits are type checking ok, which should make it much more readable. -} SEM Statement | SelectStatement loc.tpe = dependsOnRTpe [getTypeAnnotation @ex.annotatedTree] $ Right $ Pseudo Void loc.statementType = [StatementType (getPlaceholderTypes @ex.annotatedTree) $ leftToEmpty id $ unwrapSetOfComposite $ getTypeAnnotation @ex.annotatedTree] loc.backTree = SelectStatement @ann @ex.annotatedTree loc.catUpdates = [] SEM SelectExpression | Values Select CombineSelect lhs.annotatedTree = annTypesAndErrors @loc.backTree (tpeToT @loc.tpe) (getErrors @loc.tpe) Nothing {- ================================================================================ Type checking select expressions The main issue is the complicated flow of identifier bindings through the various parts. This is the rough order in which this happens: with from where groupby having select combine orderby limit if a type error occurs, we want to give up on any following stages, rather than create loads of type errors (maybe this could be refined more). The select list produces the final type which the selectexpression has. inside the from, if we have any join expressions we need to pass the types from the joined trefs to the join expressions. So, the basic plan is to propagate the iden bindings in the cat attribute as elsewhere, and also pass along a flag to say whether the previous stage type checked or not, so we can bail if it has failed. alternative idea: explore transforming the ast for a select expression into something using relational algebra-like operations - can then follow the flow of ids easily. The problem might be with updating the annotations in the original tree though. == cat passing current bodge cat flow: current simple version: from tref -> select list -> where (so we take the identifiers and types from the tref part, and send them into the selectlist and where parts) full order of identifier passing: 1. from 2. where 3. group by 4. having 5. select group by notes, from the pg manual: group by expressions can be an input column name, or the name or ordinal number of an output column (SELECT list item), or an arbitrary expression formed from input-column values. In case of ambiguity, a GROUP BY name will be interpreted as an input-column name rather than an output column name. For now, just send the input columns in as identifiers -} SEM SelectExpression | Select loc.newLib = case updateBindings @lhs.lib @lhs.cat @selTref.libUpdates of Left x -> error $ show x -- @lhs.cat Right e -> e selSelectList.lib = @loc.newLib selWhere.lib = @loc.newLib selGroupBy.lib = @loc.newLib selOrderBy.lib = @loc.newLib SEM SelectExpression | Values loc.tpe = typeCheckValuesExpr @lhs.cat @vll.typeListList loc.backTree = Values @ann @vll.annotatedTree | Select loc.tpe = do --let trefType = fromMaybe typeBool $ fmap getTypeAnnotation -- @selTref.annotatedTree Right $ case @selSelectList.listType of [(_,Pseudo Void)] -> Pseudo Void _ -> SetOfType $ CompositeType @selSelectList.listType loc.backTree = Select @ann @selDistinct.annotatedTree @selSelectList.annotatedTree @selTref.annotatedTree @selWhere.annotatedTree @selGroupBy.annotatedTree @selHaving.annotatedTree @selOrderBy.annotatedTree @selLimit.annotatedTree @selOffset.annotatedTree | CombineSelect loc.tpe = let sel1t = getTypeAnnotation @sel1.annotatedTree sel2t = getTypeAnnotation @sel2.annotatedTree in dependsOnRTpe [sel1t, sel2t] $ typeCheckCombineSelect @lhs.cat sel1t sel2t loc.backTree = CombineSelect @ann @ctype.annotatedTree @sel1.annotatedTree @sel2.annotatedTree { typeCheckValuesExpr :: Catalog -> [[Type]] -> Either [TypeError] Type typeCheckValuesExpr cat rowsTs = let colNames = zipWith (++) (repeat "column") (map show [1..length $ head rowsTs]) in unionRelTypes cat rowsTs colNames typeCheckCombineSelect :: Catalog -> Type -> Type -> Either [TypeError] Type typeCheckCombineSelect cat v1 v2 = do u1 <- unwrapSetOfComposite v1 let colNames = map fst u1 u2 <- unwrapSetOfComposite v2 let colTypes1 = map snd u1 let colTypes2 = map snd u2 unionRelTypes cat [colTypes1,colTypes2] colNames unionRelTypes :: Catalog -> [[Type]] -> [String] -> Either [TypeError] Type unionRelTypes cat rowsTs colNames = let lengths = map length rowsTs in case () of _ | null rowsTs -> Left [NoRowsGivenForValues] | not (all (==head lengths) lengths) -> Left [ValuesListsMustBeSameLength] | otherwise -> --i don't think this propagates all the errors, just the first set mapM (resolveResultSetType cat) (transpose rowsTs) >>= (return . SetOfType . CompositeType . zip colNames) } INCLUDE "TypeChecking/TableRefs.ag" INCLUDE "TypeChecking/SelectLists.ag"