Copyright 2009 Jake Wheat

The main file for parsing sql, uses parsec. Not sure if parsec is the
right choice, but it seems to do the job pretty well at the moment.

For syntax reference see
for some online sql grammar guides
for some notes on postgresql syntax (the rest of that manual is also helpful)

Some further reference/reading:

parsec tutorial:

parsec reference:

pdf about parsing, uses haskell and parser combinators for examples
and exercises:

The parsers are written top down as you go through the file, so the
top level sql text parsers appear first, then the statements, then the
fragments, then the utility parsers and other utilities at the bottom.

> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes,FlexibleContexts #-}

> {- | Functions to parse sql.
> -}
> module Database.HsSqlPpp.Parsing.Parser (
>              -- * Main
>               parseSql
>              ,parseSqlFile
>              -- * Testing
>              ,parseExpression
>              ,parsePlpgsql
>              -- * errors
>              ,ExtendedError
>              )
>     where

> import Text.Parsec hiding(many, optional, (<|>), string)
> import Text.Parsec.Expr
> import Text.Parsec.String

> import Control.Applicative
> import Control.Monad.Identity

> import Data.Maybe
> import Data.Char

> import Database.HsSqlPpp.Parsing.Lexer
> import Database.HsSqlPpp.Parsing.ParseErrors
> import Database.HsSqlPpp.Ast.Ast
> import Database.HsSqlPpp.Ast.Annotation as A
> import Database.HsSqlPpp.Utils

The parse state is used to keep track of source positions inside
function bodies, these bodies are parsed separately to the rest of the
code which is why we need to do this.

> type MySourcePos = (String,Int,Int)
> type ParseState = [MySourcePos]

> startState :: ParseState
> startState = []

> toMySp :: SourcePos -> MySourcePos
> toMySp sp = (sourceName sp, sourceLine sp, sourceColumn sp)


= Top level parsing functions

> parseSql :: String -- ^ a string containing the sql to parse
>          -> Either ExtendedError StatementList
> parseSql s = statementsOnly $ parseIt (lexSqlText s) sqlStatements "" s startState

> parseSqlFile :: FilePath -- ^ file name of file containing sql
>              -> IO (Either ExtendedError StatementList)
> parseSqlFile fn = do
>   sc <- readFile fn
>   x <- lexSqlFile fn
>   return $ statementsOnly $ parseIt x sqlStatements fn sc startState

> -- | Parse expression fragment, used for testing purposes
> parseExpression :: String -- ^ sql string containing a single expression, with no
>                           -- trailing ';'
>                 -> Either ExtendedError Expression
> parseExpression s = parseIt (lexSqlText s) (expr <* eof) "" s startState

> -- | Parse plpgsql statements, used for testing purposes -
> -- this can be used to parse a list of plpgsql statements which
> -- aren't contained in a create function.
> -- (The produced ast won't pass a type check.)
> parsePlpgsql :: String
>              -> Either ExtendedError StatementList
> parsePlpgsql s =  parseIt (lexSqlText s) (many plPgsqlStatement <* eof) "" s startState

utility function to do error handling in one place

> parseIt :: forall t s u b.(Stream s Identity t) =>
>            Either ExtendedError s
>         -> Parsec s u b
>         -> SourceName
>         -> String
>         -> u
>         -> Either ExtendedError b
> parseIt lexed parser fn src ss =
>     case lexed of
>                Left er -> Left er
>                Right toks -> convertToExtendedError
>                                (runParser parser ss fn toks) fn src

> statementsOnly :: Either ExtendedError StatementList
>                -> Either ExtendedError StatementList
> statementsOnly s = case s of
>                      Left er -> Left er
>                      Right st -> Right st


= Parsing top level statements

> sqlStatements :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity [Statement]
> sqlStatements = many (sqlStatement True) <* eof

parse a statement

> sqlStatement :: Bool -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> sqlStatement reqSemi =
>    (choice [
>      selectStatement
>     ,insert
>     ,update
>     ,delete
>     ,truncateSt
>     ,copy
>     ,keyword "create" *>
>              choice [
>                 createTable
>                ,createType
>                ,createFunction
>                ,createView
>                ,createDomain]
>     ,keyword "drop" *>
>              choice [
>                 dropSomething
>                ,dropFunction]]
>     <* (if reqSemi
>           then symbol ";" >> return ()
>           else optional (symbol ";") >> return ()))
>    <|> copyData


statement flavour parsers

top level/sql statements first

= select

select parser, parses things starting with the keyword 'select'

supports plpgsql 'select into' only for the variants which look like
'select into ([targets]) [columnNames] from ...
'select [columnNames] into ([targets]) from ...
This should be changed so it can only parse an into clause when
expecting a plpgsql statement.

recurses to support parsing excepts, unions, etc

> selectStatement :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> selectStatement = SelectStatement <$> pos <*> selectExpression

> selectExpression :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity SelectExpression
> selectExpression =
>   choice [selectE, values]
>   where
>     selectE = do
>       p <- pos
>       keyword "select"
>       s1 <- selQuerySpec p
>       p1 <- pos
>       choice [
>         --don't know if this does associativity in the correct order for
>         --statements with multiple excepts/ intersects and no parens
>         CombineSelect p1 Except s1 <$> (keyword "except" *> selectExpression)
>        ,CombineSelect p1 Intersect s1 <$> (keyword "intersect" *> selectExpression)
>        ,CombineSelect p1 UnionAll s1 <$> (try (keyword "union"
>                                              *> keyword "all") *> selectExpression)
>        ,CombineSelect p1 Union s1 <$> (keyword "union" *> selectExpression)
>        ,return s1]
>       where
>         selQuerySpec p = Select p
>                    <$> option Dupes (Distinct <$ keyword "distinct")
>                    <*> selectList
>                    <*> option [] from
>                    <*> tryOptionMaybe whereClause
>                    <*> option [] groupBy
>                    <*> tryOptionMaybe having
>                    <*> option [] orderBy
>                    <*> tryOptionMaybe limit
>                    <*> tryOptionMaybe offset
>         from = keyword "from" *> commaSep1 tref
>         groupBy = keyword "group" *> keyword "by"
>                   *> commaSep1 expr
>         having = keyword "having" *> expr
>         orderBy = keyword "order" *> keyword "by"
>                   *> commaSep1 oneOrder
>         oneOrder = (,) <$> expr
>                        <*> option Asc (choice [
>                                         Asc <$ keyword "asc"
>                                        ,Desc <$ keyword "desc"])
>         limit = keyword "limit" *> expr
>         offset = keyword "offset" *> expr

>         -- table refs
>         -- have to cope with:
>         -- a simple tableref i.e just a name
>         -- an aliased table ref e.g. select a.b from tbl as a
>         -- a sub select e.g. select a from (select b from c)
>         --  - these are handled in tref
>         -- then cope with joins recursively using joinpart below
>         tref = threadOptionalSuffix getFirstTref joinPart
>         getFirstTref = do
>                   p2 <- pos
>                   choice [
>                          SubTref p2
>                          <$> parens selectExpression
>                          <*> (optional (keyword "as") *> nkwid)
>                         ,optionalSuffix
>                           (TrefFun p2) (try $ identifier >>= functionCallSuffix)
>                           (TrefFunAlias p2) () (optional (keyword "as") *> nkwid)
>                         ,optionalSuffix
>                           (Tref p2) nkwid
>                           (TrefAlias p2) () (optional (keyword "as") *> nkwid)]
>         --joinpart: parse a join after the first part of the tableref
>         --(which is a table name, aliased table name or subselect) -
>         --takes this tableref as an arg so it can recurse to multiple
>         --joins
>         joinPart tr1 = threadOptionalSuffix (readOneJoinPart tr1) joinPart
>         readOneJoinPart tr1 = do
>            p2 <- pos
>            JoinedTref p2 tr1
>              --look for the join flavour first
>              <$> option Unnatural (Natural <$ keyword "natural")
>              <*> choice [
>                 Inner <$ keyword "inner"
>                ,LeftOuter <$ try (keyword "left" *> keyword "outer")
>                ,RightOuter <$ try (keyword "right" *> keyword "outer")
>                ,FullOuter <$ try (keyword "full" >> keyword "outer")
>                ,Cross <$ keyword "cross"]
>              --recurse back to tref to read the table
>              <*> (keyword "join" *> tref)
>              --now try and read the join condition
>              <*> choice [
>                  Just <$> (JoinOn <$> pos <*> (keyword "on" *> expr))
>                 ,Just <$> (JoinUsing <$> pos <*> (keyword "using" *> columnNameList))
>                 ,return Nothing]
>         nkwid = try $ do
>                  x <- idString
>                  --avoid all these keywords as aliases since they can
>                  --appear immediately following a tableref as the next
>                  --part of the statement, if we don't do this then lots
>                  --of things don't parse. Seems a bit inelegant but
>                  --works for the tests and the test sql files don't know
>                  --if these should be allowed as aliases without "" or
>                  --[]
>                  -- TODO find out what the correct behaviour here is.
>                  if map toLower x `elem` ["as"
>                              ,"where"
>                              ,"except"
>                              ,"union"
>                              ,"intersect"
>                              ,"loop"
>                              ,"inner"
>                              ,"on"
>                              ,"left"
>                              ,"right"
>                              ,"full"
>                              ,"cross"
>                              ,"natural"
>                              ,"order"
>                              ,"group"
>                              ,"limit"
>                              ,"using"
>                              ,"from"]
>                    then fail "not keyword"
>                    else return x
>     values = Values <$> (pos <* keyword "values") <*> commaSep1 (parens $ commaSep1 expr)

= insert, update and delete

insert statement: supports option column name list,
multiple rows to insert and insert from select statements

> insert :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> insert = Insert
>          <$> pos <* keyword "insert" <* keyword "into"
>          <*> idString
>          <*> option [] (try columnNameList)
>          <*> selectExpression
>          <*> tryOptionMaybe returning

> update :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> update = Update
>          <$> pos <* keyword "update"
>          <*> idString
>          <*> (keyword "set" *> commaSep1 setClause)
>          <*> tryOptionMaybe whereClause
>          <*> tryOptionMaybe returning
>     where
>       setClause = choice
>             [RowSetClause <$> pos
>                           <*> parens (commaSep1 idString)
>                           <*> (symbol "=" *> parens (commaSep1 expr))
>             ,SetClause <$> pos
>                        <*> idString
>                        <*> (symbol "=" *> expr)]

> delete :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> delete = Delete
>          <$> pos <* keyword "delete" <* keyword "from"
>          <*> idString
>          <*> tryOptionMaybe whereClause
>          <*> tryOptionMaybe returning

> truncateSt :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> truncateSt =
>            Truncate
>            <$> pos <* keyword "truncate" <* optional (keyword "table")
>            <*> commaSep1 idString
>            <*> option ContinueIdentity (choice [
>                                 ContinueIdentity <$ (keyword "continue"
>                                                      <* keyword "identity")
>                                ,RestartIdentity <$ (keyword "restart"
>                                                     <* keyword "identity")])
>            <*> cascade

> copy :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> copy = do
>        p <- pos
>        keyword "copy"
>        tableName <- idString
>        cols <- option [] (parens $ commaSep1 idString)
>        keyword "from"
>        src <- choice [
>                CopyFilename <$> extrStr <$> stringLit
>               ,Stdin <$ keyword "stdin"]
>        return $ Copy p tableName cols src

> copyData :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> copyData = CopyData <$> pos <*> mytoken (\tok ->
>                                         case tok of
>                                                  CopyPayloadTok n -> Just n
>                                                  _ -> Nothing)

= ddl

> createTable :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> createTable = do
>   p <- pos
>   keyword "table"
>   tname <- idString
>   choice [
>      CreateTableAs p tname <$> (keyword "as" *> selectExpression)
>     ,uncurry (CreateTable p tname) <$> readAttsAndCons]
>   where
>     --parse our unordered list of attribute defs or constraints, for
>     --each line want to try the constraint parser first, then the
>     --attribute parser, so we need the swap to feed them in the
>     --right order into createtable
>     readAttsAndCons = parens (swap <$> multiPerm
>                                          (try tableConstr)
>                                          tableAtt
>                                          (symbol ","))
>                       where swap (a,b) = (b,a)
>     tableAtt = AttributeDef
>                <$> pos
>                <*> idString
>                <*> typeName
>                <*> tryOptionMaybe (keyword "default" *> expr)
>                <*> many rowConstraint
>     tableConstr = choice [
>                    UniqueConstraint
>                    <$> pos <*> try (keyword "unique" *> columnNameList)
>                    ,PrimaryKeyConstraint
>                    <$> pos <*> try (keyword "primary" *> keyword "key"
>                                     *> choice [
>                                             (:[]) <$> idString
>                                            ,parens (commaSep1 idString)])
>                    ,CheckConstraint
>                    <$> pos <*> try (keyword "check" *> parens expr)
>                    ,ReferenceConstraint
>                    <$> pos
>                    <*> try (keyword "foreign" *> keyword "key"
>                             *> parens (commaSep1 idString))
>                    <*> (keyword "references" *> idString)
>                    <*> option [] (parens $ commaSep1 idString)
>                    <*> onDelete
>                    <*> onUpdate]
>     rowConstraint =
>        choice [
>           RowUniqueConstraint <$> pos <* keyword "unique"
>          ,RowPrimaryKeyConstraint <$> pos <* keyword "primary" <* keyword "key"
>          ,RowCheckConstraint <$> pos <*> (keyword "check" *> parens expr)
>          ,NullConstraint <$> pos <* keyword "null"
>          ,NotNullConstraint <$> pos <* (keyword "not" <* keyword "null")
>          ,RowReferenceConstraint
>          <$> pos
>          <*> (keyword "references" *> idString)
>          <*> option Nothing (try $ parens $ Just <$> idString)
>          <*> onDelete
>          <*> onUpdate
>          ]
>     onDelete = onSomething "delete"
>     onUpdate = onSomething "update"
>     onSomething k = option Restrict $ try $ keyword "on"
>                    *> keyword k *> cascade

> createType :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> createType = CreateType
>              <$> pos <* keyword "type"
>              <*> idString
>              <*> (keyword "as" *> parens (commaSep1 typeAtt))
>   where
>     typeAtt = TypeAttDef <$> pos <*> idString <*> typeName

create function, support sql functions and plpgsql functions. Parses
the body in both cases and provides a statement list for the body
rather than just a string.

> createFunction :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> createFunction = do
>   p <- pos
>   keyword "function"
>   fnName <- idString
>   params <- parens $ commaSep param
>   retType <- keyword "returns" *> typeName
>   keyword "as"
>   bodypos <- getAdjustedPosition
>   body <- stringLit
>   lang <- readLang
>   let (q, b) = parseBody lang body fnName bodypos
>   CreateFunction p lang fnName params retType q b <$> pVol
>     where
>         pVol = matchAKeyword [("volatile", Volatile)
>                              ,("stable", Stable)
>                              ,("immutable", Immutable)]
>         readLang = keyword "language" *> matchAKeyword [("plpgsql", Plpgsql)
>                                                        ,("sql",Sql)]
>         parseBody lang body fnName bodypos =
>             case (parseIt
>                   (lexSqlText (extrStr body))
>                   (functionBody lang)
>                   ("function " ++ fnName)
>                   (extrStr body)
>                   [bodypos]) of
>                      Left er@(ExtendedError e _) ->
>                               -- don't know how to change the
>                               --position of the error we've been
>                               --given, so add some information to
>                               --show the position of the containing
>                               --function and the adjusted absolute
>                               --position of this error
>                               let ep = toMySp $ errorPos e
>                                   (fn,fp,fc) = bodypos
>                                   fnBit = "in function " ++ fnName ++ "\n"
>                                           ++ fn ++ ":" ++ show fp ++ ":" ++ show fc ++ ":\n"
>                                   (_,lp,lc) = adjustPosition bodypos ep
>                                   lineBit = "on line\n"
>                                             ++ fn ++ ":" ++ show lp ++ ":" ++ show lc ++ ":\n"
>                               in error $ show er ++ "\n" ++ fnBit ++ lineBit
>                      Right body' -> (quoteOfString body, body')

sql function is just a list of statements, the last one has the
trailing semicolon optional

>         functionBody Sql = do
>            p <- pos
>            a <- many (try $ sqlStatement True)
>            -- this makes my head hurt, should probably write out
>            -- more longhand
>            SqlFnBody p <$> option a ((\b -> (a++[b])) <$> sqlStatement False)

plpgsql function has an optional declare section, plus the statements
are enclosed in begin ... end; (semi colon after end is optional(

>         functionBody Plpgsql =
>             PlpgsqlFnBody
>             <$> pos
>             <*> option [] declarePart
>             <*> statementPart
>             where
>               statementPart = keyword "begin"
>                     *> many plPgsqlStatement
>                     <* keyword "end" <* optional (symbol ";") <* eof
>               declarePart = keyword "declare"
>                   *> manyTill (try varDef) (lookAhead $ keyword "begin")

params to a function

> param :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity ParamDef
> param = choice [
>          try (ParamDef <$> pos <*> idString <*> typeName)
>         ,ParamDefTp <$> pos <*> typeName]

variable declarations in a plpgsql function

> varDef :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity VarDef
> varDef = VarDef
>          <$> pos
>          <*> idString
>          <*> typeName
>          <*> tryOptionMaybe ((symbol ":=" <|> symbol "=")*> expr) <* symbol ";"

> createView :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> createView = CreateView
>              <$> pos <* keyword "view"
>              <*> idString
>              <*> (keyword "as" *> selectExpression)

> createDomain :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> createDomain = CreateDomain
>                <$> pos <* keyword "domain"
>                <*> idString
>                <*> (tryOptionMaybe (keyword "as") *> typeName)
>                <*> tryOptionMaybe (keyword "check" *> parens expr)

> dropSomething :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> dropSomething = do
>   p <- pos
>   x <- try (choice [
>                  Domain <$ keyword "domain"
>                 ,Type <$ keyword "type"
>                 ,Table <$ keyword "table"
>                 ,View <$ keyword "view"
>             ])
>   (i,e,r) <- parseDrop idString
>   return $ DropSomething p x i e r

> dropFunction :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> dropFunction = do
>                p <- pos
>                keyword "function"
>                (i,e,r) <- parseDrop pFun
>                return $ DropFunction p i e r
>                where
>                  pFun = (,) <$> idString
>                             <*> parens (many idString)

> parseDrop :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity a
>           -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity (IfExists, [a], Cascade)
> parseDrop p = (,,)
>               <$> ifExists
>               <*> commaSep1 p
>               <*> cascade
>     where
>       ifExists = option Require
>                  (try $ IfExists <$ (keyword "if"
>                                      *> keyword "exists"))


= component parsers for sql statements

> whereClause :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> whereClause = keyword "where" *> expr

selectlist and selectitem: the bit between select and from
check for into either before the whole list of select columns
or after the whole list

> selectList :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity SelectList
> selectList =
>     pos >>= \p ->
>     choice [
>         flip (SelectList p) <$> readInto <*> itemList
>        ,SelectList p  <$> itemList <*> option [] readInto]
>   where
>     readInto = keyword "into" *> commaSep1 idString
>     itemList = commaSep1 selectItem
>     selectItem = pos >>= \p ->
>                  optionalSuffix
>                    (SelExp p) expr
>                    (SelectItem p) () (keyword "as" *> idString)

> returning :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity SelectList
> returning = keyword "returning" *> selectList

> columnNameList :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity [String]
> columnNameList = parens $ commaSep1 idString

> typeName :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity TypeName
> typeName = choice [
>             SetOfTypeName <$> pos <*> (keyword "setof" *> typeName)
>            ,do
>              p <- pos
>              s <- map toLower <$> idString
>              choice [
>                PrecTypeName p s <$> parens integer
>               ,ArrayTypeName p (SimpleTypeName p s) <$ symbol "[" <* symbol "]"
>               ,return $ SimpleTypeName p s]]

> cascade :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Cascade
> cascade = option Restrict (choice [
>                             Restrict <$ keyword "restrict"
>                            ,Cascade <$ keyword "cascade"])


= plpgsql statements

> plPgsqlStatement :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> plPgsqlStatement =
>    sqlStatement True
>     <|> (choice [
>           continue
>          ,execute
>          ,caseStatement
>          ,assignment
>          ,ifStatement
>          ,returnSt
>          ,raise
>          ,forStatement
>          ,whileStatement
>          ,perform
>          ,nullStatement]
>          <* symbol ";")

> nullStatement :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> nullStatement = NullStatement <$> (pos <* keyword "null")

> continue :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> continue = ContinueStatement <$> (pos <* keyword "continue")

> perform :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> perform = Perform <$> (pos <* keyword "perform") <*> expr

> execute :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> execute = pos >>= \p -> keyword "execute" >>
>           optionalSuffix
>             (Execute p) expr
>             (ExecuteInto p) () readInto
>     where
>       readInto = keyword "into" *> commaSep1 idString

> assignment :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> assignment = Assignment
>              <$> pos
>              -- put the := in the first try to attempt to get a
>              -- better error if the code looks like malformed
>              -- assignment statement
>              <*> try (idString <* (symbol ":=" <|> symbol "="))
>              <*> expr

> returnSt :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> returnSt = pos >>= \p -> keyword "return" >>
>            choice [
>             ReturnNext p <$> (keyword "next" *> expr)
>            ,ReturnQuery p <$> (keyword "query" *> selectExpression)
>            ,Return p <$> tryOptionMaybe expr]

> raise :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> raise = pos >>= \p -> keyword "raise" >>
>         Raise p
>         <$> raiseType
>         <*> (extrStr <$> stringLit)
>         <*> option [] (symbol "," *> commaSep1 expr)
>         where
>           raiseType = matchAKeyword [("notice", RNotice)
>                                      ,("exception", RException)
>                                      ,("error", RError)]

> forStatement :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> forStatement = do
>                p <- pos
>                keyword "for"
>                start <- idString
>                keyword "in"
>                choice [(ForSelectStatement p start <$> try selectExpression <*> theRest)
>                       ,(ForIntegerStatement p start
>                               <$> expr
>                               <*> (symbol ".." *> expr)
>                               <*> theRest)]
>   where
>     theRest = keyword "loop" *> many plPgsqlStatement
>               <* keyword "end" <* keyword "loop"

> whileStatement :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> whileStatement = WhileStatement
>                  <$> (pos <* keyword "while")
>                  <*> (expr <* keyword "loop")
>                  <*> many plPgsqlStatement <* keyword "end" <* keyword "loop"

> ifStatement :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> ifStatement = If
>               <$> (pos <* keyword "if")
>               <*> (ifPart <:> elseifParts)
>               <*> (elsePart <* endIf)
>   where
>     ifPart = expr <.> (thn *> many plPgsqlStatement)
>     elseifParts = many ((elseif *> expr) <.> (thn *> many plPgsqlStatement))
>     elsePart = option [] (keyword "else" *> many plPgsqlStatement)
>     endIf = keyword "end" <* keyword "if"
>     thn = keyword "then"
>     elseif = keyword "elseif"
>     --might as well throw this in as well after all that
>     -- can't do <,> unfortunately, so use <.> instead
>     (<.>) a b = (,) <$> a <*> b

> caseStatement :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Statement
> caseStatement =
>     CaseStatement <$> (pos <* keyword "case")
>                   <*> expr
>                   <*> many whenSt
>                   <*> option [] (keyword "else" *> many plPgsqlStatement)
>                           <* keyword "end" <* keyword "case"
>     where
>       whenSt = keyword "when" >>
>                (,) <$> commaSep1 expr
>                    <*> (keyword "then" *> many plPgsqlStatement)


= expressions

This is the bit that makes it the most obvious that I don't really
know haskell, parsing theory or parsec ... robbed a parsing example
from haskell-cafe and mainly just kept changing it until it seemed to

> expr :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> expr = buildExpressionParser table factor
>        <?> "expression"

> factor :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> factor =

First job is to take care of forms which start as a regular
expression, and then add a suffix on

>          threadOptionalSuffixes fct [castSuffix
>                                     ,betweenSuffix
>                                     ,arraySubSuffix]
>          where
>            fct = choice [

order these so the ones which can be valid prefixes of others appear
further down the list (used to be a lot more important when there
wasn't a separate lexer), probably want to refactor this to use the
optionalsuffix parsers to improve speed.

One little speed optimisation, to help with pretty printed code which
can contain a lot of parens - check for nested ((
This little addition speeds up ./ParseFile.lhs sqltestfiles/system.sql
on my system from ~4 minutes to ~4 seconds (most of the 4s is probably
compilation overhead).

>                try (lookAhead (symbol "(" >> symbol "(")) >> parens expr

start with the factors which start with parens - eliminate scalar
subqueries since they're easy to distinguish from the others then do in
predicate before row constructor, since an in predicate can start with
a row constructor looking thing, then finally vanilla parens

>               ,scalarSubQuery
>               ,try $ threadOptionalSuffix rowCtor inPredicateSuffix
>               ,parens expr

try a few random things which can't start a different expression

>               ,positionalArg
>               ,stringLit

>               ,floatLit
>               ,integerLit

put the factors which start with keywords before the ones which start
with a function, so we don't try an parse a keyword as a function name

>               ,caseParse
>               ,exists
>               ,booleanLit
>               ,nullLit
>               ,arrayLit
>               ,castKeyword
>               ,substring

now do identifiers, functions, and window functions (each is a prefix
to the next one)

>               ,threadOptionalSuffixes
>                 identifier
>                 [inPredicateSuffix
>                 ,\l -> threadOptionalSuffix (functionCallSuffix l) windowFnSuffix]]

== operator table

proper hacky, but sort of does the job
the 'missing' notes refer to pg operators which aren't yet supported,
or supported in a different way (e.g. cast uses the type name parser
for one of it's argument, not the expression parser - I don't know if
there is a better way of doing this but there usually is in parsec)

pg's operator table is on this page:

will probably need something more custom to handle full range of sql
syntactical novelty, in particular the precedence rules mix these
operators up with irregular syntax operators, you can create new
operators during parsing, and some operators are prefix/postfix or
binary depending on the types of their operands (how do you parse
something like this?)

The full list of operators from a standard template1 database should
be used here.

> table :: [[Operator [Token] ParseState Identity Expression]]
> table = [--[binary "::" (BinOpCall Cast) AssocLeft]
>          --missing [] for array element select
>          [prefix "-" "u-"]
>         ,[binary "^" AssocLeft]
>         ,[binary "*" AssocLeft
>          ,idHackBinary "*" AssocLeft
>          ,binary "/" AssocLeft
>          ,binary "%" AssocLeft]
>         ,[binary "+" AssocLeft
>          ,binary "-" AssocLeft]
>          --should be is isnull and notnull
>         ,[postfixks ["is", "not", "null"] "!isNotNull"
>          ,postfixks ["is", "null"] "!isNull"]
>          --other operators all added in this list according to the pg docs:
>         ,[binary "<->" AssocNone
>          ,binary "<=" AssocRight
>          ,binary ">=" AssocRight
>          ,binary "||" AssocLeft
>          ,prefix "@" "@"
>          ]
>          --in should be here, but is treated as a factor instead
>          --between
>          --overlaps
>         ,[binaryk "like" "!like" AssocNone
>          ,binarycust (symbol "!=") "<>" AssocNone]
>          --(also ilike similar)
>         ,[binary "<" AssocNone
>          ,binary ">" AssocNone]
>         ,[binary "=" AssocRight
>          ,binary "<>" AssocNone]
>         ,[prefixk "not" "!not"]
>         ,[binaryk "and" "!and" AssocLeft
>          ,binaryk "or" "!or" AssocLeft]]
>     where
>       binary s = binarycust (symbol s) s
>       -- '*' is lexed as an id token rather than a symbol token, so
>       -- work around here
>       idHackBinary s = binarycust (keyword s) s
>       binaryk = binarycust . keyword
>       prefix = unaryCust Prefix . symbol
>       prefixk = unaryCust Prefix . keyword
>       postfixks = unaryCust Postfix . mapM_ keyword
>       binarycust opParse t =
>         Infix $ try $ do
>              f <- FunCall <$> pos <*> (t <$ opParse)
>              return (\l -> \m -> f [l,m])
>       unaryCust ctor opParse t =
>         ctor $ try $ do
>           f <- FunCall <$> pos <*> (t <$ opParse)
>           return (\l -> f [l])

== factor parsers

I think the lookahead is used in an attempt to help the error messages.

> scalarSubQuery :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> scalarSubQuery = try (symbol "(" *> lookAhead (keyword "select")) >>
>                  ScalarSubQuery
>                  <$> pos
>                  <*> selectExpression <* symbol ")"

in predicate - an identifier or row constructor followed by 'in'
then a list of expressions or a subselect

> inPredicateSuffix :: Expression -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> inPredicateSuffix e =
>   InPredicate
>   <$> pos
>   <*> return e
>   <*> option True (False <$ keyword "not")
>   <*> (keyword "in" *> parens ((InSelect <$> pos <*> selectExpression)
>                                <|>
>                                (InList <$> pos <*> commaSep1 expr)))

row ctor: one of
row ()
row (expr)
row (expr, expr1, ...)
(expr, expr2,...) [implicit (no row keyword) version, at least two elements
                   must be present]

(expr) parses to just expr rather than row(expr)
and () is a syntax error.

> rowCtor :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> rowCtor = FunCall
>           <$> pos
>           <*> return "!rowCtor"
>           <*> choice [
>            keyword "row" *> parens (commaSep expr)
>           ,parens $ commaSep2 expr]

> floatLit :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> floatLit = FloatLit <$> pos <*> float

> integerLit :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> integerLit = IntegerLit <$> pos <*> integer

case - only supports 'case when condition' flavour and not 'case
expression when value' currently

> caseParse :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> caseParse = do
>   p <- pos
>   keyword "case"
>   choice [
>              try $ CaseSimple p <$> expr
>                                 <*> many whenParse
>                                 <*> tryOptionMaybe (keyword "else" *> expr)
>                                         <* keyword "end"
>             ,Case p <$> many whenParse
>                     <*> tryOptionMaybe (keyword "else" *> expr)
>                             <* keyword "end"]
>   where
>     whenParse = (,) <$> (keyword "when" *> commaSep1 expr)
>                     <*> (keyword "then" *> expr)

> exists :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> exists = Exists <$> pos <* keyword "exists" <*> parens selectExpression

> booleanLit :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> booleanLit = BooleanLit <$> pos <*> (True <$ keyword "true"
>                                      <|> False <$ keyword "false")

> nullLit :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> nullLit = NullLit <$> pos <* keyword "null"

> arrayLit :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> arrayLit = FunCall <$> pos <* keyword "array"
>                    <*> return "!arrayCtor"
>                    <*> squares (commaSep expr)

> arraySubSuffix :: Expression -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> arraySubSuffix e = case e of
>                      Identifier _ "array" -> fail "can't use array as identifier name"
>                      _ -> FunCall <$> pos
>                                   <*> return "!arraySub"
>                                   <*> ((e:) <$> squares (commaSep1 expr))

supports basic window functions of the form
fn() over ([partition bit]? [order bit]?)

frame clauses todo:
range unbounded preceding
range between unbounded preceding and current row
range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following
rows unbounded preceding
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following

> windowFnSuffix :: Expression -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> windowFnSuffix e = WindowFn <$> pos <*> return e
>                    <*> (keyword "over" *> (symbol "(" *> option [] partitionBy))
>                    <*> option [] orderBy1
>                    <*> option Asc (try $ choice [
>                                             Asc <$ keyword "asc"
>                                            ,Desc <$ keyword "desc"])
>                            <* symbol ")"
>   where
>     orderBy1 = keyword "order" *> keyword "by" *> commaSep1 expr
>     partitionBy = keyword "partition" *> keyword "by" *> commaSep1 expr

> betweenSuffix :: Expression -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> betweenSuffix a = do
>   p <- pos
>   keyword "between"
>   b <- dodgyParseElement
>   keyword "and"
>   c <- dodgyParseElement
>   return $ FunCall p "!between" [a,b,c]
>              --can't use the full expression parser at this time
>              --because of a conflict between the operator 'and' and
>              --the 'and' part of a between

From postgresql src/backend/parser/gram.y

 * We have two expression types: a_expr is the unrestricted kind, and
 * b_expr is a subset that must be used in some places to avoid shift/reduce
 * conflicts.  For example, we can't do BETWEEN as "BETWEEN a_expr AND a_expr"
 * because that use of AND conflicts with AND as a boolean operator.  So,
 * b_expr is used in BETWEEN and we remove boolean keywords from b_expr.
 * Note that '(' a_expr ')' is a b_expr, so an unrestricted expression can
 * always be used by surrounding it with parens.

TODO: copy this approach here.

>              where
>                dodgyParseElement = factor

> functionCallSuffix :: Expression -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> functionCallSuffix (Identifier _ fnName) = pos >>= \p -> FunCall p fnName <$> parens (commaSep expr)
> functionCallSuffix s = error $ "internal error: cannot make functioncall from " ++ show s

> castKeyword :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> castKeyword = Cast
>               <$> pos <* keyword "cast" <* symbol "("
>               <*> expr
>               <*> (keyword "as" *> typeName <* symbol ")")

> castSuffix :: Expression -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> castSuffix ex = pos >>= \p -> Cast p ex <$> (symbol "::" *> typeName)

> substring :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> substring = do
>             p <- pos
>             keyword "substring"
>             symbol "("
>             a <- expr
>             keyword "from"
>             b <- expr
>             keyword "for"
>             c <- expr
>             symbol ")"
>             return $ FunCall p "!substring" [a,b,c]

> identifier :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> identifier = Identifier <$> pos <*> idString


= Utility parsers

== tokeny things

keyword has to not be immediately followed by letters or numbers
(symbols and whitespace are ok) so we know that we aren't reading an
identifier which happens to start with a complete keyword

> keyword :: String -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity String
> keyword k = mytoken (\tok ->
>                                case tok of
>                                IdStringTok i | lcase k == lcase i -> Just k
>                                _ -> Nothing)
>                       where
>                         lcase = map toLower

> idString :: MyParser String
> idString = mytoken (\tok -> case tok of
>                                      IdStringTok i -> Just i
>                                      _ -> Nothing)

> symbol :: String -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity String
> symbol c = mytoken (\tok -> case tok of
>                                    SymbolTok s | c==s -> Just c
>                                    _           -> Nothing)

> integer :: MyParser Integer
> integer = mytoken (\tok -> case tok of
>                                     IntegerTok n -> Just n
>                                     _ -> Nothing)

> positionalArg :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Expression
> positionalArg = PositionalArg [] <$> mytoken (\tok -> case tok of
>                                     PositionalArgTok n -> Just n
>                                     _ -> Nothing)

> float :: MyParser Double
> float = mytoken (\tok -> case tok of
>                                     FloatTok n -> Just n
>                                     _ -> Nothing)

> stringLit :: MyParser Expression
> stringLit = mytoken (\tok ->
>                   case tok of
>                            StringTok d s -> Just $ StringLit [] d s
>                            _ -> Nothing)

couple of helper functions which extract the actual string
from a StringLD or StringL, and the delimiters which were used
(either ' or a dollar tag)

> extrStr :: Expression -> String
> extrStr (StringLit _ _ s) = s
> extrStr x = error $ "internal error: extrStr not supported for this type " ++ show x

> quoteOfString :: Expression -> String
> quoteOfString (StringLit _ tag _) = tag
> quoteOfString x = error $ "internal error: quoteType not supported for this type " ++ show x

== combinatory things

> parens :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity a
>        -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity a
> parens = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")")

> squares :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity a
>        -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity a
> squares = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]")

> tryOptionMaybe :: (Stream s m t) =>
>              ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m (Maybe a)
> tryOptionMaybe p = try (optionMaybe p) <|> return Nothing

> commaSep2 :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity a
>           -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity [a]
> commaSep2 p = sepBy2 p (symbol ",")

> sepBy2 :: (Stream s m t) =>
>           ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m b -> ParsecT s u m [a]
> sepBy2 p sep = (p <* sep) <:> sepBy1 p sep

> commaSep :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity a
>          -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity [a]
> commaSep p = sepBy p (symbol ",")

> commaSep1 :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity a
>           -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity [a]
> commaSep1 p = sepBy1 p (symbol ",")

pass a list of pairs of strings and values
try each pair k,v in turn,
if keyword k matches then return v
doesn't really add a lot of value

> matchAKeyword :: [(String, a)] -> ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity a
> matchAKeyword [] = fail "no matches"
> matchAKeyword ((k,v):kvs) = v <$ keyword k <|> matchAKeyword kvs


parse the start of something -> parseResultA,
then parse an optional suffix -> parseResultB
if this second parser succeeds, return fn2 parseResultA parseResultB
else return fn1 parseResultA

parsing an identifier in a select list can be
fieldName as alias
so we can pass
* IdentifierCtor
* identifier (returns aval)
* AliasedIdentifierCtor
* () - looks like a place holder, probably a crap idea
* parser for (as b) (returns bval)
as the args, which I like to ident like:
  IdentifierCtor identifierParser
  AliasedIdentifierCtor () asAliasParser
and we get either
* IdentifierCtor identifierValue
* AliasedIdentifierCtor identifierValue aliasValue
as the result depending on whether the asAliasParser
succeeds or not.

probably this concept already exists under a better name in parsing

> optionalSuffix :: (Stream s m t2) =>
>                   (t1 -> b)
>                -> ParsecT s u m t1
>                -> (t1 -> a -> b)
>                -> ()
>                -> ParsecT s u m a
>                -> ParsecT s u m b
> optionalSuffix c1 p1 c2 _ p2 = do
>   x <- p1
>   option (c1 x) (c2 x <$> try p2)


parse the start of something -> parseResultA,
then parse an optional suffix, passing parseResultA
  to this parser -> parseResultB
return parseResultB is it succeeds, else return parseResultA

sort of like a suffix operator parser where the suffixisable part
is parsed, then if the suffix is there it wraps the suffixisable
part in an enclosing tree node.

parser1 -> tree1
(parser2 tree1) -> maybe tree2
tree2 isnothing ? tree1 : tree2

> threadOptionalSuffix :: ParsecT [tok] st Identity a
>                      -> (a -> GenParser tok st a)
>                      -> ParsecT [tok] st Identity a
> threadOptionalSuffix p1 p2 = do
>   x <- p1
>   option x (try $ p2 x)

I'm pretty sure this is some standard monad operation but I don't know
what. It's a bit like the maybe monad but when you get nothing it
returns the previous result instead of nothing
- if you take the parsing specific stuff out you get:

p1 :: (Monad m) =>
      m b -> (b -> m (Maybe b)) -> m b
p1 = do
   x <- p1
   y <- p2 x
   case y of
     Nothing -> return x
     Just z -> return z

like thread optional suffix, but we pass a list of suffixes in, not
much of a shorthand

> threadOptionalSuffixes :: ParsecT [tok] st Identity a
>                        -> [a -> GenParser tok st a]
>                        -> ParsecT [tok] st Identity a
> threadOptionalSuffixes p1 p2s = do
>   x <- p1
>   option x (try $ choice (map (\l -> l x) p2s))

couldn't work how to to perms so just did this hack instead
a1,a2,b1,b2,a2,b3,b4 parses to ([a1,a2,a3],[b1,b2,b3,b4])

> multiPerm :: (Stream s m t) =>
>                ParsecT s u m a1
>             -> ParsecT s u m a
>             -> ParsecT s u m sep
>             -> ParsecT s u m ([a1], [a])

> multiPerm p1 p2 sep = do
>   (r1, r2) <- unzip <$> sepBy1 parseAorB sep
>   return (catMaybes r1, catMaybes r2)
>   where
>     parseAorB = choice [
>                   (\x -> (Just x,Nothing)) <$> p1
>                  ,(\y -> (Nothing, Just y)) <$> p2]

== position stuff

getAdjustedPosition is used to modify the positions within a function
body, to absolute positions within the file being parsed.

> getAdjustedPosition :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity MySourcePos
> getAdjustedPosition = do
>   p <- toMySp <$> getPosition
>   s <- getState
>   case s of
>     [] -> return p
>     x:_ -> return $ adjustPosition x p

> adjustPosition :: MySourcePos -> MySourcePos -> MySourcePos
> adjustPosition (fn,pl,_) (_,l,c) = (fn,pl+l-1,c)

> pos :: ParsecT [Token] ParseState Identity Annotation
> pos = do
>   p <- toSp <$> getPosition
>   s <- getState
>   case s of
>     [] -> return [p]
>     x:_ -> return [adjustPos x p]
>   where
>     toSp sp = A.SourcePos (sourceName sp) (sourceLine sp) (sourceColumn sp)
>     adjustPos (fn,pl,_) (A.SourcePos _ l c) = A.SourcePos fn (pl+l-1) c
>     adjustPos _ x = error $ "internal error - tried to adjust as sourcepos: " ++ show x

== lexer stuff

> type MyParser = GenParser Token ParseState

> mytoken :: (Tok -> Maybe a) -> MyParser a
> mytoken test
>   = token showToken posToken testToken
>   where
>   showToken (_,tok)   = show tok
>   posToken  (posi,_)  = posi
>   testToken (_,tok)   = test tok