{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , PolyKinds , TypeOperators #-} {-| Module : Graphics.QML.DataModel.Internal.Generic.Get Copyright : (c) Marcin Mrotek, 2015 License : BSD3 Maintainer : marcin.jan.mrotek@gmail.com Stability : experimental Indexing data types by columns. -} module Graphics.QML.DataModel.Internal.Generic.Get where import Graphics.QML.DataModel.Internal.FFI import Graphics.QML.DataModel.Internal.Generic.Count import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.Text (Text, unpack) import Foreign.C.Types import GHC.Generics import Numeric.Natural -- |A class of types with columns that can be indexed by an integer. A generic implementation is provided for all single constructor types. class QtTable t where getColumn :: Int -> t -> IO QtVariant default getColumn :: (Generic t, GQtTable (Rep t)) => Int -> t -> IO QtVariant getColumn ix = gGetColumn ix . from -- |A generic implementation of 'QtTable'. class GQtTable f where gGetColumn :: Int -> f a -> IO QtVariant -- |If only one value is available, it's returned regardless of the index. instance QtField t => GQtTable (K1 i t) where gGetColumn _ (K1 v) = qtField v -- |Meta information is skipped, and the recursion proceeds further down. instance GQtTable f => GQtTable (M1 i t f) where gGetColumn ix (M1 a) = gGetColumn ix a -- |One branch of a product type is chosen depending on the index. instance (GCountFields a, GCountFields b, GQtTable a, GQtTable b) => GQtTable (a :*: b) where gGetColumn ix (a :*: b) = do when (ix < 0) . throwIO $ ColumnIndexNegative ix when (ix >= (na + nb)) . throwIO $ ColumnIndexOutOfBounds ix (na + nb) if ix < na then gGetColumn ix a else gGetColumn (ix - na) b where na = gCountFields a nb = gCountFields b -- |A class of types with columns that can be cast to a 'QtVariant'. class QtField t where qtField :: t -> IO QtVariant instance QtField Int where qtField = c_newQtInt . CInt . fromIntegral instance QtField Double where qtField = c_newQtDouble . CDouble instance QtField String where qtField = newQtString instance QtField Text where qtField = newQtString . unpack instance QtField Bool where qtField v = c_newQtBool $ fromIntegral b where b :: Int b = if v then 1 else 0 -- |Integers are marshalled through QT strings rather than ints. instance QtField Integer where qtField = newQtString . show -- |Naturals are marshalled through QT strings rather than ints. instance QtField Natural where qtField = newQtString . show -- |'Nothing' is marshalled as QT null. instance QtField t => QtField (Maybe t) where qtField Nothing = c_newQtNull qtField (Just t) = qtField t