# Changelog `hslua-repl` uses [PVP Versioning](https://pvp.haskell.org). ## hslua-repl-0.1.2 Released 2024-01-18. - Relaxed upper bound for text and bytestring, allowing text-2.1 and bytestring-0.12. ## hslua-repl-0.1.1 Released 2023-03-17. - Running the REPL in specific environments: the new `replWithEnv` function allows to load all inputs in an environment that's specified by a *Reference* value. ## hslua-repl-0.1.0 Released 2023-03-16. - A new package begins its way into the undiscovered land. May it live long and prosper. [PVP Versioning]: https://pvp.haskell.org