# Changelog `hslua-packaging` uses [PVP Versioning][]. ## hslua-packaging- Released 2022-05-20. - Relax upper bound for mtl, allow mtl-2.3. ## hslua-packaging-2.2.0 Released 2022-02-19. - Require versions 2.2 for hslua-core, hslua-marshalling, hslua-objectorientation. ## hslua-packaging-2.1.0 Released 2022-01-29. - Added function `documentation`: The documented function `documentation` is added and exported from module `HsLua.Packaging.Documentation`. It allows to retrieve the documentation of a given Lua object. This replaces `pushDocumentationFunction`, which was removed. - Cleanup of Function module: - `docsField` was moved to module Documentation. - `pushDocumentation` is renamed to `getdocumentation` and moved to the Documentation module. It now returns the Lua type of the retrieved documentation value. - Function `registerDocumentation` was changed: the documentation is no longer passed in but must be at the top of the stack. - New functions `pushModuleDoc`, and `pushFunctionDoc`, pushing structured documentation objects for models and functions, respectively. - Provide function `opt` to make a parameter optional. The function `optionalParameter` is deprecated, use `opt (parameter ...)` instead. - Added function `udresult`; it defines a function result and is analogous to the existing `udparam` function. - Added module `Convenience`, which defines many functions to make the definition of parameters and results easier for the most common types. - Pushing a documented module now also registers the module's documentation. - The module HsLua.Packaging.Rendering has been deprecated. It is no longer exported as part of HsLua.Packaging and must be imported explicitly if needed. It may be removed in the future. Use Lua objects retrievable with `getdocumentation` together with a custom renderer instead. - Update to hslua-objectorientation-2.1.0. Lists are now writable. This entails a change to `deftype'`. See the changelog of hslua-objectorientation for details. - Update to hslua-core 2.1.0 and hslua-marshalling 2.1.0. ## hslua-packaging-2.0.0 Released 2021-10-21. - Initially created. Contains modules previously found in the modules `Foreign.Lua.Call` and `Foreign.Lua.Module` from `hslua-1.3`. - Moved module hierarchy from Foreign.Lua to HsLua. - Added support for a “since” tag on documented functions; allows to mark the library version when a function was introduced in its present form. - Improved syntax for the creation of documented functions. - Documentation for functions is now stored in Lua; a method to access it is available as a HaskellFunction. [PVP Versioning]: https://pvp.haskell.org