name: hsinstall version: '2.0' synopsis: Install Haskell software description: This is a tool for deploying software projects into directory structures suitable for installation on a system. It builds upon the `stack install` command and adds more features. It's also a tool for easier AppImage creation. license: ISC author: Dino Morelli maintainer: Dino Morelli copyright: 2016-2018 Dino Morelli category: Utility extra-source-files: - - doc/hcar/hsinstall.tex - .gitignore - package.yaml - - resources/unix-terminal.svg - stack.yaml - util/resources/appimage/hsinstall.desktop - util/resources/appimage/hsinstall.svg github: dino-/hsinstall ghc-options: - -fwarn-tabs - -Wall - -Wcompat - -Wincomplete-record-updates - -Wincomplete-uni-patterns - -Wredundant-constraints dependencies: - base >= 4.8 && < 5.0 library: source-dirs: src/lib dependencies: - directory - filepath executables: hsinstall: source-dirs: src/app main: hsinstall.hs dependencies: - Cabal - directory - filepath - here - hsinstall - process