#! /usr/bin/env stack {- stack runghc -} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Version import Distribution.Package import Distribution.PackageDescription hiding ( error, options ) import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse import Distribution.Verbosity import Distribution.Version import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.Process import Text.Printf import Text.Read defaultOptions :: Options defaultOptions = Options { optClean = False , optDelete = False , optHelp = False , optPrefix = "/opt" , optRsrcCpVerbose = True , optInstType = FHS , optVersion = True } data InstallType = Bundle | FHS main :: IO () main = do -- Parse args (opts, _) <- parseOpts =<< getArgs -- User asked for help when (optHelp opts) $ putStrLn usageText >> exitSuccess -- Locate cabal file cabalFiles <- (filter $ isSuffixOf ".cabal") <$> getDirectoryContents "." when (null cabalFiles) $ do die "Can't continue because no cabal files were found in ." -- Parse the cabal file and extract things we need from it -- then pass a pile of what we know to a function to create the -- installation dirs dirs <- constructDirs opts . package . packageDescription <$> readPackageDescription normal (head cabalFiles) -- Perform the installation -- Remove existing install directory appDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist $ appDir dirs when (optDelete opts && appDirExists) $ do putStrLn $ "Removing existing directory " ++ (appDir dirs) removeDirectoryRecursive $ appDir dirs -- Clean before building when (optClean opts) $ system "stack clean" >> return () -- Copy the binaries installExitCode <- system $ "stack install --local-bin-path=" ++ (binDir dirs) unless (ok installExitCode) $ die "Can't continue because stack install failed" -- Copy additional scripts {- putStrLn "Copying additional scripts" mapM_ (\f -> copyFile ("util" f) (binDir dirs f)) [ "script1.sh", "script2.hs" ] -} -- Copy the license putStrLn "\nCopying LICENSE" createDirectoryIfMissing True $ docDir dirs copyFile "LICENSE" (docDir dirs "LICENSE") -- Copy the resources let rsrcDirSrc = "." "resources" rsrcsExist <- doesDirectoryExist rsrcDirSrc when rsrcsExist $ do putStrLn $ "\nCopying resources" copyTree (optRsrcCpVerbose opts) rsrcDirSrc (rsrcDir dirs) return () exitSuccess data Dirs = Dirs { appDir :: FilePath , binDir :: FilePath , docDir :: FilePath , rsrcDir :: FilePath } constructDirs :: Options -> PackageId -> Dirs constructDirs opts pkgId = Dirs appDir binDir' (appDir "doc") (appDir "resources") where project = unPackageName . pkgName $ pkgId version = showVersion . pkgVersion $ pkgId versionPart = if optVersion opts then "-" ++ version else "" appDir = case (optInstType opts) of Bundle -> optPrefix opts (project ++ versionPart) FHS -> optPrefix opts "share" (project ++ versionPart) binDir' = case (optInstType opts) of Bundle -> appDir "bin" FHS -> optPrefix opts "bin" {- Turn an exit code (say, from system) into a Bool -} ok :: ExitCode -> Bool ok ExitSuccess = True ok _ = False {- Argument parsing code -} data Options = Options { optClean :: Bool , optDelete :: Bool , optHelp :: Bool , optPrefix :: FilePath , optRsrcCpVerbose :: Bool , optInstType :: InstallType , optVersion :: Bool } instance Read InstallType where readsPrec _ "bundle" = [(Bundle, "")] readsPrec _ "fhs" = [(FHS, "")] readsPrec _ _ = [] instance Show InstallType where show Bundle = "bundle" show FHS = "fhs" readInstallType :: String -> InstallType readInstallType s = case (readEither s) of Left _ -> error $ printf "Can't continue because %s is not a valid install type\n\n%s" s usageText Right t -> t options :: [OptDescr (Options -> Options)] options = [ Option ['c'] ["clean"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts { optClean = True } )) ("Do 'stack clean' first." ++ (defaultText . optClean $ defaultOptions)) , Option ['C'] ["no-clean"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts { optClean = False } )) ("Do not 'stack clean' first." ++ (defaultText . not . optClean $ defaultOptions)) , Option ['d'] ["delete"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts { optDelete = True } )) ("Delete the app directory before copying files." ++ (defaultText . optDelete $ defaultOptions)) , Option ['D'] ["no-delete"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts { optDelete = False } )) ("Do not delete the app directory before copying files." ++ (defaultText . not . optDelete $ defaultOptions)) , Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts { optHelp = True } )) "This help information." , Option ['p'] ["prefix"] (ReqArg (\s opts -> opts { optPrefix = s } ) "PREFIX" ) (printf "Install prefix directory. Defaults to %s so what you'll end up with is %s/PROJECT-VERSION" (optPrefix defaultOptions) (optPrefix defaultOptions)) , Option ['r'] ["resource-copy-verbose"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts { optRsrcCpVerbose = True } )) ("Be chatty when copying the resources directory." ++ (defaultText . optRsrcCpVerbose $ defaultOptions)) , Option ['R'] ["no-resource-copy-verbose"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts { optRsrcCpVerbose = False } )) ("Don't be chatty when copying the resources directory. Useful when there are a LOT of resources." ++ (defaultText . not . optRsrcCpVerbose $ defaultOptions)) , Option ['t'] ["type"] (ReqArg (\s opts -> opts { optInstType = readInstallType s } ) "INST_TYPE" ) (printf "Installation type, see INSTALLATION TYPE below for details. Default: %s" (show . optInstType $ defaultOptions)) , Option ['v'] ["version"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts { optVersion = True } )) (printf "Include version in installation path, meaning: %s/PROJECT-VERSION %s" (optPrefix defaultOptions) (defaultText . optVersion $ defaultOptions)) , Option ['V'] ["no-version"] (NoArg (\opts -> opts { optVersion = False } )) (printf "Do not include version in installation path, meaning: %s/PROJECT %s" (optPrefix defaultOptions) (defaultText . not . optVersion $ defaultOptions)) ] defaultText :: Bool -> String defaultText True = " Default" defaultText False = "" parseOpts :: [String] -> IO (Options, [String]) parseOpts args = case getOpt Permute options args of (o,n,[] ) -> return (foldl (flip id) defaultOptions o, n) (_,_,errs) -> ioError $ userError (concat errs ++ usageText) usageText :: String usageText = (usageInfo header options) ++ "\n" ++ footer where header = init $ unlines [ "Usage: install.hs [OPTIONS]" , "" , "options:" ] footer = init $ unlines [ "INSTALLATION TYPE" , "" , "This is the topology used when copying files, one of: bundle, fhs" , "" , "bundle is sort-of a self-contained structure like this:" , "" , " $PREFIX/" , " $PROJECT-$VERSION/ <-- this is the \"app directory\"" , " bin/..." , " doc/LICENSE" , " resources/..." , "" , "fhs is the more traditional UNIX structure like this:" , "" , " $PREFIX/" , " bin/..." , " share/" , " $PROJECT-$VERSION/ <-- this is the \"app directory\"" , " doc/LICENSE" , " resources/..." , "" , "Be aware that when the --delete switch is used along with fhs type, the binaries WILL NOT be deleted, only the \"app directory\"." , "" , "COMPILING" , "" , "install.hs was intentionally left as a script, but if you would prefer to compile it, do this:" , "" , " $ stack ghc -- -o util/install util/install.hs" , "" , "" , "This script is part of the hsinstall package by Dino Morelli " ] {- Recursive file copying code It was desireable to have a standalone recursive file copy in this script for maximum cross-platform compatibility and to avoid Haskell library dependencies. Many thanks to [abuzittin gillifirca](https://codereview.stackexchange.com/users/20251/abuzittin-gillifirca) for the StackOverflow post [Copying files in Haskell](https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/68908/copying-files-in-haskell) where the following code was lifted. -} copyTree :: Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () copyTree chatty s t = do createDirectoryIfMissing True t subItems <- getSubitems s mapM_ (copyItem chatty s t) subItems getSubitems :: FilePath -> IO [(Bool, FilePath)] getSubitems path = getSubitems' "" where getChildren path = (\\ [".", ".."]) <$> getDirectoryContents path getSubitems' relPath = do let absPath = path relPath isDir <- doesDirectoryExist absPath children <- if isDir then getChildren absPath else return [] let relChildren = [relPath p | p <- children] ((isDir, relPath) :) . concat <$> mapM getSubitems' relChildren copyItem :: Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> (Bool, FilePath) -> IO () copyItem chatty baseSourcePath baseTargetPath (isDir, relativePath) = do let sourcePath = baseSourcePath relativePath let targetPath = baseTargetPath relativePath when chatty $ putStrLn $ "Copying " ++ sourcePath ++ " to " ++ targetPath if isDir then createDirectoryIfMissing False targetPath else copyFile sourcePath targetPath