module HsDev.Server.Commands (
ServerCommand(..), ServerOpts(..), ClientOpts(..),
Msg, isLisp, msg, jsonMsg, lispMsg, encodeMessage, decodeMessage,
sendCommand, runServerCommand,
processRequest, processClient, processClientSocket,
module HsDev.Server.Types
) where
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Lens (set, view)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch (bracket, bracket_)
import Data.Aeson hiding (Result, Error)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.Maybe
import Network.Socket hiding (connect)
import qualified Network.Socket as Net hiding (send)
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import qualified System.Log.Simple as Log
import Text.Format ((~~), (~%))
import Text.Format.Colored (coloredLine)
import HsDev.Server.Base
import HsDev.Server.Types
import HsDev.Error
import HsDev.Util
import HsDev.Version
#if mingw32_HOST_OS
import Data.List
import HsDev.Tools.Base (runTool_)
import System.Environment
import System.Win32.PowerShell (escape, quote, quoteDouble)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, handle)
import System.Posix.Process
import System.Posix.IO
sendCommand :: ClientOpts -> Bool -> Command -> (Notification -> IO a) -> IO Result
sendCommand copts noFile c onNotification = do
asyncAct <- async sendReceive
res <- waitCatch asyncAct
case res of
Left e -> return $ Error $ OtherError (show e)
Right r -> return r
sendReceive = do
curDir <- getCurrentDirectory
input <- if clientStdin copts
then Just <$> L.getContents
else return $ toUtf8 <$> Nothing
parseData :: L.ByteString -> IO Value
parseData cts = case eitherDecode cts of
Left err -> putStrLn ("Invalid data: " ++ err) >> exitFailure
Right v -> return v
_ <- traverse parseData input
s <- makeSocket (clientPort copts)
addr' <- inet_addr ""
Net.connect s (sockAddr (clientPort copts) addr')
bracket (socketToHandle s ReadWriteMode) hClose $ \h -> do
L.hPutStrLn h $ encode $ Message Nothing $ Request c curDir noFile (clientTimeout copts) (clientSilent copts)
hFlush h
peekResponse h
peekResponse h = do
resp <- hGetLineBS h
parseResponse h resp
parseResponse h str = case eitherDecode str of
Left e -> return $ Error $ ResponseError ("can't parse: {}" ~~ e) (fromUtf8 str)
Right (Message _ r) -> do
Response r' <- unMmap r
case r' of
Left n -> onNotification n >> peekResponse h
Right res -> return res
runServerCommand :: ServerCommand -> IO ()
runServerCommand Version = putStrLn $cabalVersion
runServerCommand (Start sopts) = do
#if mingw32_HOST_OS
args = "run" : serverOptsArgs sopts
myExe <- getExecutablePath
curDir <- getCurrentDirectory
biescape = escape quote . escape quoteDouble
script = "try {{ start-process {process} {args} -WindowStyle Hidden -WorkingDirectory {dir} }} catch {{ $_.Exception, $_.InvocationInfo.Line }}"
~~ ("process" ~% escape quote myExe)
~~ ("args" ~% intercalate ", " (map biescape args))
~~ ("dir" ~% escape quote curDir)
_ <- runTool_ "powershell" [
putStrLn $ "Server started at port {}" ~~ serverPort sopts
forkError :: SomeException -> IO ()
forkError e = putStrLn $ "Failed to start server: {}" ~~ show e
proxy :: IO ()
proxy = do
_ <- createSession
_ <- forkProcess serverAction
exitImmediately ExitSuccess
serverAction :: IO ()
serverAction = do
mapM_ closeFd [stdInput, stdOutput, stdError]
nullFd <- openFd "/dev/null" ReadWrite Nothing defaultFileFlags
mapM_ (dupTo nullFd) [stdInput, stdOutput, stdError]
closeFd nullFd
runServerCommand (Run sopts)
handle forkError $ do
_ <- forkProcess proxy
putStrLn $ "Server started at port {}" ~~ serverPort sopts
runServerCommand (Run sopts) = runServer sopts $ bracket_ (setupServer sopts) (shutdownServer sopts) $ return ()
runServerCommand (Stop copts) = runServerCommand (Remote copts False Exit)
runServerCommand (Connect copts) = do
curDir <- getCurrentDirectory
s <- makeSocket $ clientPort copts
addr' <- inet_addr ""
Net.connect s $ sockAddr (clientPort copts) addr'
bracket (socketToHandle s ReadWriteMode) hClose $ \h -> forM_ [(1 :: Integer)..] $ \i -> ignoreIO $ do
input' <- hGetLineBS stdin
case decodeMsg input' of
Left em -> L.putStrLn $ encodeMessage $ set msg (Message Nothing $ responseError $ OtherError "invalid command") em
Right m -> do
L.hPutStrLn h $ encodeMessage $ set msg (Message (Just $ show i) $ Request (view msg m) curDir True (clientTimeout copts) False) m
waitResp h
waitResp h = do
resp <- hGetLineBS h
parseResp h resp
parseResp h str = case decodeMessage str of
Left em -> putStrLn $ "Can't decode response: {}" ~~ view msg em
Right m -> do
Response r' <- unMmap $ view (msg . message) m
putStrLn $ "{id}: {response}"
~~ ("id" ~% fromMaybe "_" (view (msg . messageId) m))
~~ ("response" ~% fromUtf8 (encodeMsg $ set msg (Response r') m))
case unResponse (view (msg . message) m) of
Left _ -> waitResp h
_ -> return ()
runServerCommand (Remote copts noFile c@(Listen _)) = sendCommand copts noFile c printLog >>= noResult where
printLog :: Notification -> IO ()
printLog (Notification v) = case fromJSON v of
A.Error _ -> putStrLn "incorrect notification"
A.Success m -> coloredLine . Log.text $ m
noResult :: Result -> IO ()
noResult _ = return ()
runServerCommand (Remote copts noFile c) = sendCommand copts noFile c printValue >>= printResult where
printValue :: ToJSON a => a -> IO ()
printValue = L.putStrLn . encodeValue
printResult :: Result -> IO ()
printResult (Result r) = printValue r
printResult e = printValue e
encodeValue :: ToJSON a => a -> L.ByteString
encodeValue = if clientPretty copts then encodePretty else encode