{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}

module HsDev.Sandbox (
	SandboxType(..), Sandbox(..), sandboxType, sandbox,
	isSandbox, guessSandboxType, sandboxFromPath,
	findSandbox, searchSandbox, sandboxPackageDbStack, searchPackageDbStack, restorePackageDbStack,

	-- * cabal-sandbox util
	cabalSandboxLib, cabalSandboxPackageDb
	-- * stack-work util
	) where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Lens (view, makeLenses)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import Data.List ((\\))
import qualified Data.Text as T (unpack)
import Distribution.Compiler
import Distribution.System
import qualified Distribution.Text as T (display)
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory

import System.Directory.Paths
import HsDev.PackageDb
import HsDev.Scan.Browse (withPackages)
import HsDev.Stack
import HsDev.Util (searchPath)

import qualified GHC
import qualified Packages as GHC

data SandboxType = CabalSandbox | StackWork deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Enum, Bounded)

data Sandbox = Sandbox { _sandboxType :: SandboxType, _sandbox :: FilePath } deriving (Eq, Ord)

makeLenses ''Sandbox

instance NFData SandboxType where
	rnf CabalSandbox = ()
	rnf StackWork = ()

instance NFData Sandbox where
	rnf (Sandbox t p) = rnf t `seq` rnf p

instance Show Sandbox where
	show (Sandbox _ p) = p

instance ToJSON Sandbox where
	toJSON (Sandbox _ p) = toJSON p

instance FromJSON Sandbox where
	parseJSON = withText "sandbox" sandboxPath where
		sandboxPath = maybe (fail "Not a sandbox") return . sandboxFromPath . T.unpack

instance Paths Sandbox where
	paths f (Sandbox st p) = Sandbox st <$> f p

isSandbox :: FilePath -> Bool
isSandbox = isJust . guessSandboxType

guessSandboxType :: FilePath -> Maybe SandboxType
guessSandboxType fpath
	| takeFileName fpath == ".cabal-sandbox" = Just CabalSandbox
	| takeFileName fpath == ".stack-work" = Just StackWork
	| otherwise = Nothing

sandboxFromPath :: FilePath -> Maybe Sandbox
sandboxFromPath fpath = Sandbox <$> guessSandboxType fpath <*> pure fpath

-- | Find sandbox in path
findSandbox :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Sandbox)
findSandbox fpath = do
	fpath' <- canonicalize fpath
	isDir <- doesDirectoryExist fpath'
	if isDir
		then do
			dirs <- liftM ((fpath' :) . map (fpath' </>) . (\\ [".", ".."])) $ getDirectoryContents fpath'
			return $ msum $ map sandboxFromDir dirs
		else return Nothing
		sandboxFromDir :: FilePath -> Maybe Sandbox
		sandboxFromDir fdir
			| takeFileName fdir == "stack.yaml" = sandboxFromPath (takeDirectory fdir </> ".stack-work")
			| otherwise = sandboxFromPath fdir

-- | Search sandbox by parent directory
searchSandbox :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Sandbox)
searchSandbox p = runMaybeT $ searchPath p (MaybeT . findSandbox)

-- | Get package-db stack for sandbox
sandboxPackageDbStack :: Sandbox -> ExceptT String IO PackageDbStack
sandboxPackageDbStack (Sandbox CabalSandbox fpath) = do
	dir <- cabalSandboxPackageDb
	return $ PackageDbStack [PackageDb $ fpath </> dir]
sandboxPackageDbStack (Sandbox StackWork fpath) = maybeToExceptT "Can't locate stack environment" $
	liftM (view stackPackageDbStack) $ projectEnv $ takeDirectory fpath

-- | Search package-db stack with user-db as default
searchPackageDbStack :: FilePath -> IO PackageDbStack
searchPackageDbStack p = do
	mbox <- searchSandbox p
	case mbox of
		Nothing -> return userDb
		Just sbox -> liftM (either (const userDb) id) $ runExceptT $ sandboxPackageDbStack sbox

-- | Restore package-db stack by package-db
restorePackageDbStack :: PackageDb -> IO PackageDbStack
restorePackageDbStack GlobalDb = return globalDb
restorePackageDbStack UserDb = return userDb
restorePackageDbStack (PackageDb p) = liftM (fromMaybe $ fromPackageDb p) $ runMaybeT $ do
	sbox <- MaybeT $ searchSandbox p
	exceptToMaybeT $ sandboxPackageDbStack sbox

-- | Get actual sandbox build path: <arch>-<platform>-<compiler>-<version>
cabalSandboxLib :: ExceptT String IO FilePath
cabalSandboxLib = do
	res <- withPackages ["-no-user-package-db"] $
		return .
		map (GHC.packageNameString &&& GHC.packageVersion) .
		fromMaybe [] .
		compiler = T.display buildCompilerFlavor
		CompilerId _ version = buildCompilerId
		ver = maybe (T.display version) T.display $ lookup compiler res
	return $ T.display buildPlatform ++ "-" ++ compiler ++ "-" ++ ver

-- | Get sandbox package-db: <arch>-<platform>-<compiler>-<version>-packages.conf.d
cabalSandboxPackageDb :: ExceptT String IO FilePath
cabalSandboxPackageDb = liftM (++ "-packages.conf.d") cabalSandboxLib