hsdev- Haskell development library and tool with support of autocompletion, symbol info, go to declaration, find references etc.

Safe HaskellNone




List all packages

Scan cabal modules

browse :: [String] -> PackageDbStack -> ExceptT String IO [InspectedModule] Source

Browse modules, if third argument is True - browse only modules in top of package-db stack

browseDb :: [String] -> PackageDbStack -> ExceptT String IO [InspectedModule] Source

Browse modules in top of package-db stack


packageDbCandidate :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe PackageDb) Source

Get package-db for package library directory Haskish way global-db - library is in pathlibpackage and there exists pathlibpackage.conf.d user-db - library is in cabal user directory package-db cabal-sandbox - library in ....cabal-sandbox...platform-ghc-verpackage then package-db is ....cabal-sandboxplatform-ghc-ver-package.conf.d stack (snapshots or .stack-work) - library in pathlibplatform-ghc-ver/package then package-db is path/pkgdb

packageDbCandidate_ :: FilePath -> IO PackageDb Source

Use global as default