HsColour: A Haskell source-code colouriser. ------------------------------------------- Copyright: 2003-2006, Malcolm Wallace, University of York Licence: GPL Building: hmake HsColour or ghc --make HsColour Usage: HsColour [ -tty | -html | -css | -anchorHTML | -anchorCSS ] [file.hs] The program can colourise a Haskell source file for either terminal output (option -tty) or HTML output with font tags (option -html), or HTML output with CSS (option -css). The default is for terminal output, which uses standard ANSI screen codes for the colours. If no file argument is given, it reads standard input. Output is always written to standard output. HsColour can add named anchors (with -anchorHTML or -anchorCSS) to top-level definitions in the source file (functions, datatypes, classes). This enables you to make links to a specific location in the generated file with the standard "file.html#anchor" notation. You can configure the colours for different lexical entities by editing a configuration file called .hscolour in the current directory. (An example is included in the distribution.) The file format is as a simple Haskell value of type ColourPrefs, constructed using named fields, as follows: data ColourPrefs = ColourPrefs { keyword, keyglyph, layout, comment , conid, varid, conop, varop , string, char, number , selection, variantselection :: [Highlight] } data Colour = Black | Red | Green | Yellow | Blue | Magenta | Cyan | White data Highlight = Normal | Bold | Dim | Underscore | Blink | ReverseVideo | Concealed | Foreground Colour | Background Colour For CSS output, it is sufficient to edit the hscolour.css file, also in the distribution.