#### Connecting Connecting to cassandra is done with the withCassandra function, which takes a CassandraConfig instance, and a callback function. withCassandra initConfig{cassandraKeyspace="MyApplication"} (do getTime ) #### Inserting Inserts are done via the _insert_ function, taking A Column Family string name, a Key, and a a list of columns to add. insert "Users" "kirk@glyphsoftware.com" [ "fn" =: "Kirk" , "ln" =: "Peterson" , "address" =| ["street" =: "2020 NE Going", "city"=:"Portland", "state" =: "OR"] , "gender" =: "M" ] #### Retrieving you can then pull the data back out via the _get_ function. get "Users" "kirk@glyphsoftware.com" AllColumns