-- | Read and write sound files using hsndfile.
module Sound.File.HSndFile ( Header(..)
                           , header
                           , read ) where

import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import Prelude hiding (read)
import qualified Sound.File.Decode as D
import qualified Sound.File.Sndfile as F
import qualified Sound.File.Sndfile.Buffer.Vector as F

data Header = Header { channelCount :: Int 
                     , frameCount :: Int
                     , sampleRate :: Double }
              deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | file-name -> (channel-count, frame-count, sample-rate)
header :: FilePath -> IO Header
header fn = do
  h <- F.openFile fn F.ReadMode F.defaultInfo
  let i = F.hInfo h
      nc = F.channels i
      nf = F.frames i
      sr = F.samplerate i
  F.hClose h
  return (Header nc (fromIntegral nf) (fromIntegral sr))

read :: FilePath -> IO (Header, [[Double]])
read fn = do
  hd <- header fn
  h <- F.openFile fn F.ReadMode F.defaultInfo
  let Header nc nf _ = hd
      ns = nc * nf
  b <- F.hGetBuffer h ns
  case b of
    Just b' -> let e = V.toList (F.fromBuffer b')
               in return (hd, D.deinterleave nc e)
    Nothing -> return (hd, [])