-- | Auditor functions common to all sample libraries. module Sound.SC3.Auditor where import Data.List import Sound.OSC {- hosc -} import Sound.SC3 {- hsc3 -} -- | Amplitude type Amplitude = Double -- | Index type Index = Int -- | Number of channels type NC = Int type Note = (Index,Amplitude) -- | Chord type Chord = [Note] -- | Duration type Duration = Double -- | Start time type Start_Time = Double -- | 'Start_Time' and 'Chord'. type P = (Start_Time,Chord) -- | Set of 'P'. type PP = [P] -- | Function to generate the set of 'OSC' commands required to load -- the set of 'Index'ed files. type Sample_Loader = [Index] -> [Message] to_p :: (a -> Index,a -> Amplitude) -> (Start_Time,[a]) -> P to_p (i,a) (t,x) = let f e = (i e,a e) in (t,map f x) note_index :: Note -> Index note_index = fst note_amplitude :: Note -> Amplitude note_amplitude = snd chord_indices :: Chord -> [Index] chord_indices = map fst p_start_time :: P -> Start_Time p_start_time = fst p_chord :: P -> Chord p_chord = snd pp_start_times :: PP -> [Start_Time] pp_start_times = map p_start_time pp_chords :: PP -> [Chord] pp_chords = map p_chord -- | Start time of last 'P' at 'PP'. pp_duration :: PP -> Duration pp_duration = p_start_time . last -- | The set of 'Index' referenced to by 'PP'. pp_indices :: PP -> [Index] pp_indices = nub . sort . concatMap (chord_indices . p_chord) chd_osc :: Chord -> [Message] chd_osc = let f n = s_new "s" (-1) AddToTail 1 [("b",fromIntegral (note_index n)) ,("a",note_amplitude n)] in map f p_osc :: P -> Bundle p_osc (t,c) = bundle (NTPr t) (chd_osc c) -- | Generate set of 'OSC' given 'NC', 'Sample_Loader' and 'PP'. pp_nrt :: NC -> Sample_Loader -> PP -> NRT pp_nrt nc ld pp = let b = bundle ix = pp_indices pp group_zero = g_new [(1, AddToTail, 0)] sc_init = let h = b (NTPr 0) [group_zero,instr_osc nc] in h : map (b (NTPr 0) . return) (ld ix) sc_end = [b (NTPr (pp_duration pp + 12)) [g_freeAll [1]]] in NRT (sc_init ++ map p_osc pp ++ sc_end) -- | Variant of 'pp_osc' that writes @NRT@ score to named file using -- 'writeNRT'. pp_nrt_write :: FilePath -> NC -> Sample_Loader -> PP -> IO () pp_nrt_write nm nc ld = writeNRT nm . pp_nrt nc ld -- * Instrument instr_osc :: NC -> Message instr_osc nc = d_recv (synthdef "s" (smplr nc)) smplr :: NC -> UGen smplr nc = let b = control KR "b" 0 -- buffer a = control KR "a" 1 -- amplitude o = control KR "o" 0 -- output channel b_d = bufDur KR b b_r = bufRateScale KR b c = envCoord [(0,1),(1,1)] b_d 1 EnvLin e = envGen KR 1 a 0 1 RemoveSynth c in out o (playBuf nc AR b b_r 1 0 NoLoop DoNothing * e) -- * Audition -- | Load sample playback instrument to @scsynth@ at 'Transport'. au_load_instr :: Transport m => NC -> m () au_load_instr nc = do _ <- async (instr_osc nc) return () au_chd :: Transport m => (Chord,Duration) -> m () au_chd (c,d) = do --putStrLn ("au_chd: " ++ show d) mapM_ send (chd_osc c) pauseThread d pp_st_to_dur :: PP -> [(Chord,Duration)] pp_st_to_dur pp = let (t,x) = (pp_start_times pp,pp_chords pp) in zip x (zipWith (-) (drop 1 t) t ++ [0]) -- | Audition 'PP' at @scsynth@ instance at 'Transport'. pp_audition :: (Transport m) => PP -> m () pp_audition pp = mapM_ au_chd (pp_st_to_dur pp)