---- ; mulAdd ; optimisations The order of the multiplier inputs is significant regards multi-rate inputs. sclang re-orders these if required. hsc3 does not. The graph below will crash scsynth. mulAdd 0.1 (sinOsc ar 440 0) 0.05 c.f. MulAdd.new(in: 0.1, mul: SinOsc.ar(freq: 440, phase: 0), add: 0.05) Note: mulAdd with i-rate at input 0 and k-rate thereafter crashes scsynth. sinOsc ar (mulAdd (control ir "x" 110) (control kr "y" 2) (control ir "z" 110)) 0 * 0.1 c.f. 0.05 + (0.1 * SinOsc.ar(freq: 440, phase: 0))