-- | Haskell implementations of SC3 UGens.
module Sound.SC3.UGen.HS where

import Data.List {- base -}
import qualified System.Random as R {- random -}

import Sound.SC3.Common.Math

-- | F = function, ST = state
type F_ST0 st o = st -> (o,st)
type F_ST1 st i o = (i,st) -> (o,st)

-- | U = uniform
type F_U2 n = n -> n -> n
type F_U3 n = n -> n -> n -> n
type F_U4 n = n -> n -> n -> n -> n
type F_U5 n = n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n
type F_U6 n = n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n
type F_U7 n = n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n
type F_U8 n = n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n
type F_U9 n = n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n -> n

-- | T = tuple
type T2 n = (n,n)
type T3 n = (n,n,n)
type T4 n = (n,n,n,n)
type T5 n = (n,n,n,n,n)
type T6 n = (n,n,n,n,n,n)
type T7 n = (n,n,n,n,n,n,n)
type T8 n = (n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n)
type T9 n = (n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n)

-- | avg = average
avg2 :: Fractional n => F_U2 n
avg2 p q = (p + q) / 2

avg3 :: Fractional n => F_U3 n
avg3 p q r = (p + q + r) / 3

avg4 :: Fractional n => F_U4 n
avg4 p q r s = (p + q + r + s) / 4

avg5 :: Fractional n => F_U5 n
avg5 p q r s t = (p + q + r + s + t) / 5

avg9 :: Fractional n => F_U9 n
avg9 p q r s t u v w x = (p + q + r + s + t + u + v + w + x) / 9

-- | fir = finite impulse response
fir1 :: F_U2 n -> F_ST1 n n n
fir1 f (n,z0) = (f n z0,n)

fir2 :: F_U3 n -> F_ST1 (T2 n) n n
fir2 f (n,(z1,z0)) = (f n z0 z1,(z0,n))

fir3 :: F_U4 n -> F_ST1 (T3 n) n n
fir3 f (n,(z2,z1,z0)) = (f n z0 z1 z2,(z1,z0,n))

fir4 :: F_U5 n -> F_ST1 (T4 n) n n
fir4 f (n,(z3,z2,z1,z0)) = (f n z0 z1 z2 z3,(z2,z1,z0,n))

fir8 :: F_U9 n -> F_ST1 (T8 n) n n
fir8 f (n,(z7,z6,z5,z4,z3,z2,z1,z0)) = (f n z0 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7,(z6,z5,z4,z4,z2,z1,z0,n))

-- | iir = infinite impulse response
iir1 :: F_U2 n -> F_ST1 n n n
iir1 f (n,y0) = let r = f n y0 in (r,r)

iir2 :: F_U3 n -> F_ST1 (T2 n) n n
iir2 f (n,(y1,y0)) = let r = f n y0 y1 in (r,(y0,r))

biquad :: F_U5 n -> F_ST1 (T4 n) n n
biquad f (n,(x1,x0,y1,y0)) = let r = f n x0 x1 y0 y1 in (r,(x0,n,y0,r))

-- | sos = second order section
sos_f :: Num n => T5 n -> F_U5 n
sos_f (a0,a1,a2,b1,b2) x x1 x2 y1 y2 = a0*x + a1*x1 + a2*x2 - b1*y1 - b2*y2

sos :: Num n => T5 n -> F_ST1 (T4 n) n n
sos p = biquad (sos_f p)

-- | hp = high pass
hpz1 :: Fractional n => F_ST1 n n n
hpz1 = fir1 (\n z0 -> 0.5 * (n - z0))

hpz2 :: Fractional n => F_ST1 (T2 n) n n
hpz2 = fir2 (\n z0 z1 -> 0.25 * (n - (2 * z0) + z1))

-- | lp = low pass
lpz1 :: Fractional n => F_ST1 n n n
lpz1 = fir1 avg2

lpz2 :: Fractional n => F_ST1 (T2 n) n n
lpz2 = fir2 (\n z0 z1 -> 0.25 * (n + (2 * z0) + z1))

-- | bp = band pass
bpz2 :: Fractional n => F_ST1 (T2 n) n n
bpz2 = fir2 (\n _z0 z1 -> 0.5 * (n - z1))

-- | br = band reject
brz2 :: Fractional n => F_ST1 (T2 n) n n
brz2 = fir2 (\n _z0 z1 -> 0.5 * (n + z1))

-- | mavg = moving average
mavg5 :: Fractional n => F_ST1 (T4 n) n n
mavg5 = fir4 avg5

mavg9 :: Fractional n => F_ST1 (T8 n) n n
mavg9 = fir8 avg9

-- | Sample rate (SR) to radians per sample (RPS).
-- > sr_to_rps 44100 == 0.00014247585730565955
sr_to_rps :: Floating n => n -> n
sr_to_rps sr = two_pi / sr

resonz_f :: Floating n => T3 n -> (n -> n -> n -> T2 n)
resonz_f (radians_per_sample,f,rq) x y1 y2 =
    let ff = f * radians_per_sample
        b = ff * rq
        r = 1.0 - b * 0.5
        two_r = 2.0 * r
        r2 = r * r
        ct = (two_r * cos ff) / (1.0 + r2)
        b1 = two_r * ct
        b2 = negate r2
        a0 = (1.0 - r2) * 0.5
        y0 = x + b1 * y1 + b2 * y2
    in (a0 * (y0 - y2),y0)

-- | ff = feed-forward, fb = feed-back
iir2_ff_fb :: (n -> n -> n -> T2 n) -> (n,T2 n) -> (n,T2 n)
iir2_ff_fb f (n,(y1,y0)) = let (r,y0') = f n y0 y1 in (r,(y0,y0'))

-- | ir = initialization rate
resonz_ir :: Floating n => T3 n -> F_ST1 (T2 n) n n
resonz_ir p = iir2_ff_fb (resonz_f p)

-- | rlp = resonant low pass
rlpf_f :: Floating n => (n -> n -> n) -> T3 n -> F_U3 n
rlpf_f max_f (radians_per_sample,f,rq) x y1 y2 =
    let qr = max_f 0.001 rq
        pf = f * radians_per_sample
        d = tan (pf * qr * 0.5)
        c = (1.0 - d) / (1.0 + d)
        b1 = (1.0 + c) * cos pf
        b2 = negate c
        a0 = (1.0 + c - b1) * 0.25
    in a0 * x + b1 * y1 + b2 * y2

rlpf_ir :: (Floating n, Ord n) => T3 n -> F_ST1 (T2 n) n n
rlpf_ir p = iir2 (rlpf_f max p)

bw_lpf_or_hpf_coef :: Floating n => Bool -> n -> n -> T5 n
bw_lpf_or_hpf_coef is_hpf sample_rate f =
    let f' = f * pi / sample_rate
        c = if is_hpf then tan f' else 1.0 / tan f'
        c2 = c * c
        s2c = sqrt 2.0 * c
        a0 = 1.0 / (1.0 + s2c + c2)
        a1 = if is_hpf then -2.0 * a0 else 2.0 * a0
        a2 = a0
        b1 = if is_hpf then 2.0 * (c2 - 1.0) * a0 else 2.0 * (1.0 - c2) * a0
        b2 = (1.0 - s2c + c2) * a0
    in (a0,a1,a2,b1,b2)

bw_hpf_ir :: Floating n => T2 n -> F_ST1 (T4 n) n n
bw_hpf_ir (sample_rate,f) = sos (bw_lpf_or_hpf_coef True sample_rate f)

bw_lpf_ir :: Floating n => T2 n -> F_ST1 (T4 n) n n
bw_lpf_ir (sample_rate,f) = sos (bw_lpf_or_hpf_coef False sample_rate f)

white_noise :: (R.RandomGen g, Fractional n, R.Random n) => F_ST0 g n
white_noise = R.randomR (-1.0,1.0)

brown_noise_f :: (Fractional n, Ord n) => n -> n -> n
brown_noise_f x y1 =
    let z = x + y1
    in if z > 1.0 then 2.0 - z else if z < (-1.0) then (-2.0) - z else z

brown_noise :: (R.RandomGen g, Fractional n, R.Random n, Ord n) => F_ST0 (g,n) n
brown_noise (g,y1) =
    let (n,g') = white_noise g
        r = brown_noise_f (n / 8.0) y1
    in (r,(g',r))

decay_f :: Floating a => a -> a -> a -> a -> a
decay_f sr dt x y1 =
    let b1 = exp (log 0.001 / (dt * sr))
    in x + b1 * y1

lag_f :: Floating a => a -> a -> a -> a -> a
lag_f sr t x y1 =
    let b1 = exp (log (0.001 / (t * sr)))
    in x + b1 * (y1 - x)

lag :: Floating t => t -> F_ST1 t (t,t) t
lag sr ((i,t),st) = let r = lag_f sr t i st in (r,r)

latch :: F_ST1 t (t,Bool) t
latch ((n,b),y1) = let r = if b then n else y1 in (r,r)

as_trig :: (Fractional t,Ord t) => F_ST1 t t Bool
as_trig (n,y1) = (y1 <= 0.0 && n > 0.0,n)

phasor :: RealFrac t => F_ST1 t (Bool,t,t,t,t) t
phasor ((trig,rate,start,end,resetPos),ph) =
    let r = if trig then resetPos else sc_wrap start end (ph + rate)
    in (ph,r)


l_apply_f_st0 :: F_ST0 st o -> st -> [o]
l_apply_f_st0 f st = let (r,st') = f st in r : l_apply_f_st0 f st'

l_white_noise :: (Enum e, Fractional n, R.Random n) => e -> [n]
l_white_noise e = l_apply_f_st0 white_noise (R.mkStdGen (fromEnum e))

l_brown_noise :: (Enum e, Fractional n, Ord n, R.Random n) => e -> [n]
l_brown_noise e = l_apply_f_st0 brown_noise (R.mkStdGen (fromEnum e),0.0)

l_apply_f_st1 :: F_ST1 st i o -> st -> [i] -> [o]
l_apply_f_st1 f st xs =
    case xs of
      [] -> []
      x:xs' -> let (r,st') = f (x,st) in r : l_apply_f_st1 f st' xs'

l_lag :: Floating t => t -> [t] -> [t] -> [t]
l_lag sr i t = l_apply_f_st1 (lag sr) 0 (zip i t)

-- > let rp = repeat
-- > take 10 (l_phasor (rp False) (rp 1) (rp 0) (rp 4) (rp 0)) == [0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1]
l_phasor :: RealFrac n => [Bool] -> [n] -> [n] -> [n] -> [n] -> [n]
l_phasor trig rate start end resetPos =
    let i = zip5 trig rate start end resetPos
    in l_apply_f_st1 phasor (head start) i

l_phasor_osc :: RealFrac n => n -> n -> [n] -> [n]
l_phasor_osc sr k f =
    let rp = repeat
    in l_phasor (rp False) (map (cps_to_incr sr k) f) (rp 0) (rp k) (rp 0)

l_sin_osc :: (Floating n, RealFrac n) => n -> [n] -> [n]
l_sin_osc sr f = map sin (l_phasor_osc sr two_pi f)

l_cos_osc :: (Floating n, RealFrac n) => n -> [n] -> [n]
l_cos_osc sr f = map cos (l_phasor_osc sr two_pi f)

l_hpz1 :: Fractional n => [n] -> [n]
l_hpz1 = l_apply_f_st1 hpz1 0

l_hpz2 :: Fractional n => [n] -> [n]
l_hpz2 = l_apply_f_st1 hpz2 (0,0)

l_lpz1 :: Fractional n => [n] -> [n]
l_lpz1 = l_apply_f_st1 lpz1 0

l_lpz2 :: Fractional n => [n] -> [n]
l_lpz2 = l_apply_f_st1 lpz2 (0,0)

l_bpz2 :: Fractional n => [n] -> [n]
l_bpz2 = l_apply_f_st1 bpz2 (0,0)

l_brz2 :: Fractional n => [n] -> [n]
l_brz2 = l_apply_f_st1 brz2 (0,0)

l_bw_hpf :: Floating n => T2 n -> [n] -> [n]
l_bw_hpf p = l_apply_f_st1 (bw_hpf_ir p) (0,0,0,0)

l_bw_lpf :: Floating n => T2 n -> [n] -> [n]
l_bw_lpf p = l_apply_f_st1 (bw_lpf_ir p) (0,0,0,0)

l_resonz_ir :: Floating n => T3 n -> [n] -> [n]
l_resonz_ir p = l_apply_f_st1 (resonz_ir p) (0,0)

l_rlpf_ir :: (Floating n, Ord n) => T3 n -> [n] -> [n]
l_rlpf_ir p = l_apply_f_st1 (rlpf_ir p) (0,0)

l_mavg5 :: Fractional n => [n] -> [n]
l_mavg5 = l_apply_f_st1 mavg5 (0,0,0,0)

l_mavg9 :: Fractional n => [n] -> [n]
l_mavg9 = l_apply_f_st1 mavg9 (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)


import Sound.SC3.Plot {- hsc3-plot -}
import Sound.SC3.Plot.FFT {- hsc3-plot -}

let n = take 4096 (l_white_noise 'α')

plotTable1 n
plotTable1 (take 4096 (l_brown_noise 'α'))

plotTable1 (l_lpz1 n)
plotTable1 (l_lpz2 n)
plotTable1 (l_hpz1 n)
plotTable1 (l_hpz2 n)

plotTable1 (rfft_pure n)
plotTable1 (rfft_pure (l_lpz1 n))
plotTable1 (rfft_pure (l_lpz2 n))
plotTable1 (rfft_pure (l_hpz1 n))
plotTable1 (rfft_pure (l_hpz2 n))
plotTable1 (rfft_pure (l_bpz2 n))
plotTable1 (rfft_pure (l_brz2 n))
plotTable1 (rfft_pure (l_bw_lpf (44100,9000) n))
plotTable1 (rfft_pure (l_bw_hpf (44100,9000) n))
plotTable1 (rfft_pure (l_resonz_ir (sr_to_rps 44100,440,0.1) n))
plotTable1 (rfft_pure (l_rlpf_ir (sr_to_rps 44100,1200,0.1) n))

import Sound.SC3.Common.Math

plot_fft1_mnn 44100 (rfft_pure (l_bw_lpf (44100,midi_to_cps 60) n))
plot_fft1_mnn 44100 (rfft_pure (l_resonz_ir (sr_to_rps 44100,midi_to_cps 69,0.1) n))
plot_fft1_mnn 44100 (rfft_pure (l_rlpf_ir (sr_to_rps 44100,midi_to_cps 86,0.1) n))

plotTable1 (l_mavg9 (rfft_pure n))
plotTable1 (l_mavg9 (rfft_pure (l_lpz2 n)))
plotTable1 (l_mavg9 (rfft_pure (l_hpz2 n)))
plotTable1 (l_mavg9 (rfft_pure (l_bpz2 n)))
plotTable1 (l_mavg9 (l_mavg9 (l_mavg9 (l_mavg9 (rfft_pure (l_brz2 n))))))

plotTable1 (take 512 (l_sin_osc 48000 (repeat 440)))
plotTable1 (take 512 (l_cos_osc 48000 (repeat 440)))