hsSqlite3: sqlite3 bindings

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Maintainer's Corner

Package maintainers

For package maintainers and hackage trustees


  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS] 0.0.1, 0.0.2, 0.0.3, 0.0.4,, 0.0.6, 0.1
Dependencies base [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Evgeny Jukov
Maintainer Maurício C. Antunes <mauricio.antunes@gmail.com>
Category database
Home page http://code.haskell.org/hsSqlite3
Uploaded by MauricioAntunes at 2008-10-31T13:13:43Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Executables 5minutes
Downloads 5272 total (7 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs uploaded by user
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Readme for hsSqlite3-

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** 0.0.5 **

As  of this  release,  maintainer changed  from  original author  Evgeny
to Maurício.

The  new plan  is  to build  a  compreensive binding  to  all sqlite3  C
library, and then rewrite the  high level code after that, following the
original ideas.

A new  example was  added, '5minutes.hs', a  close translation of  the C
example  code found  in sqlite3  site at  page “SQLite  In 5  Minutes Or

This is an experimental  release, important only for maintainer, license
and  repository  change. For  the  sake  of  documentation, here  is  an
abridgement  of the  exchange of  messages  between the  author and  new

    M> Dear Evgeny,
    M> I've tried  your package in hackage, 'hsSqlite3',  and from darcs
    M> list of changes  it seems you have no longer update  it for a lot
    M> of time. Would  you like to give me  maintenance of that project?
    M> I'll need sqlite3 in my job  work, so I'll have to write at least
    M> enough to get  it running, but it seems you already  did a lot of
    M> nice  work  there  and  I  think that  package  should  be  keept
    M> alive. (...)
    M> Thanks,
    M> Maurício
    E> I agree :) What is required?
    M> Great. I'll check what is needed and let you know. I think I just
    M> need to get  a password for hackagedb (I've  just applied to one)
    M> and upload a new package, (...)
    M> About   the  license:   (...)   sqlite3   itself  is   in  public
    M> domain. Since this is a wrapper, although a high level one, would
    M> you mind changing the license  for public domain?  (Or (...) BSD3
    M> (...))?
    M> (...)
    E> GPL or BSD is ok :)