Hs-pkg-config ============= [][Hackage: hs-pkg-config] Description ----------- Library for creating [pkg-config][Pkg-config Homepage] configuration files from Haskell. One of the possible usage examples of this library is generating `.pc` files from [Shake build system][Shake Homepage]. Example ------- Following Haskell code is able to generate package configuration file named `foo.pc` for library `foo`: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import Data.String (IsString) import Data.Default.Class (Default(def)) -- From data-default-class library: -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/data-default-class import Control.Lens -- From lens library: -- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens import Data.PkgConfig libraryBaseName :: IsString a => a libraryBaseName = "foo" main :: IO () main = writePkgConfig (libraryBaseName ++ ".pc") libPkgConfig where libPkgConfig = def & pkgVariables .~ [ ("prefix", "/usr/local" ) , ("includedir", var "prefix" </> "include") , ("libdir", var "prefix" </> "lib" ) , ("arch", "i386" ) ] & pkgName .~ libraryBaseName & pkgDescription .~ "Example pkg-config." & pkgVersion .~ version [1, 2, 3] & pkgCflags .~ includes [var "includedir"] & pkgRequires .~ list [ "bar" ~> [0], "bar" ~<= [3, 1] , "baz" ~= [1, 2, 3] ] & pkgLibs .~ options [ libraryPath [var "libdir", var "libdir" </> var "arch"] , libraries [libraryBaseName] ] ``` Content of `foo.pc`: ``` prefix=/usr/local includedir=${prefix}/include libdir=${prefix}/lib arch=i386 Name: foo Description: Example pkg-config. Version: 1.2.3 Requires: bar > 0, bar <= 3.1, baz = 1.2.3 Cflags: -I"${includedir}" Libs: -L"${libdir}" -L"${libdir}/${arch}" -lfoo ``` Now lets see if `pkg-config` would be able to tell us something about this library: $ PKG_CONFIG_PATH=`pwd` pkg-config --modversion foo 1.2.3 Note that asking for `--cflags` or other options would result in error saying that it is unable to find `bar` and `baz` libraries. That is OK, it means that it is able to parse file correctly, we just hadn't provided `bar.pc` and `baz.pc`. If we delete lines that define `Requires:` field, then `pkg-config` would be able to give us `--cflags`, `--libs`, etc. You can try it. [Hackage: hs-pkg-config]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hs-pkg-config "Hackage: hs-pkg-config" [Pkg-config Homepage]: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pkg-config/ "Pkg-config Homepage" [Shake Homepage]: http://shakebuild.com "Shake Homepage"