/* * wordout.c * * (Word 2007 format) * * Copyright (c) Chris Putnam 2007-2019 * * Source code released under the GPL version 2 * */ #include #include #include #include "str.h" #include "fields.h" #include "utf8.h" #include "bibformats.h" /***************************************************** PUBLIC: int wordout_initparams() *****************************************************/ static void wordout_writeheader( FILE *outptr, param *p ); static void wordout_writefooter( FILE *outptr ); static int wordout_write( fields *info, FILE *outptr, param *p, unsigned long numrefs ); int wordout_initparams( param *pm, const char *progname ) { pm->writeformat = BIBL_WORD2007OUT; pm->format_opts = 0; pm->charsetout = BIBL_CHARSET_UNICODE; pm->charsetout_src = BIBL_SRC_DEFAULT; pm->latexout = 0; pm->utf8out = BIBL_CHARSET_UTF8_DEFAULT; pm->utf8bom = BIBL_CHARSET_BOM_DEFAULT; if ( !pm->utf8out ) pm->xmlout = BIBL_XMLOUT_ENTITIES; else pm->xmlout = BIBL_XMLOUT_TRUE; pm->nosplittitle = 0; pm->verbose = 0; pm->addcount = 0; pm->singlerefperfile = 0; pm->headerf = wordout_writeheader; pm->footerf = wordout_writefooter; pm->assemblef = NULL; pm->writef = wordout_write; if ( !pm->progname ) { if ( !progname ) pm->progname = NULL; else { pm->progname = strdup( progname ); if ( !pm->progname ) return BIBL_ERR_MEMERR; } } return BIBL_OK; } /***************************************************** PUBLIC: int wordout_write() *****************************************************/ typedef struct convert { char *oldtag; char *newtag; char *prefix; int code; } convert; /* At the moment 17 unique types of sources are defined: {code} Art ArticleInAPeriodical Book BookSection Case Conference DocumentFromInternetSite ElectronicSource Film InternetSite Interview JournalArticle Report Misc Patent Performance Proceedings SoundRecording {code} */ enum { TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, TYPE_ART, TYPE_ARTICLEINAPERIODICAL, TYPE_BOOK, TYPE_BOOKSECTION, TYPE_CASE, TYPE_CONFERENCE, TYPE_DOCUMENTFROMINTERNETSITE, TYPE_ELECTRONICSOURCE, TYPE_FILM, TYPE_INTERNETSITE, TYPE_INTERVIEW, TYPE_JOURNALARTICLE, TYPE_MISC, TYPE_PATENT, TYPE_PERFORMANCE, TYPE_PROCEEDINGS, TYPE_REPORT, TYPE_SOUNDRECORDING, TYPE_THESIS, TYPE_MASTERSTHESIS, TYPE_PHDTHESIS, }; /* * fixed output */ static void output_fixed( FILE *outptr, char *tag, char *value, int level ) { int i; for ( i=0; i%s\n", tag, value, tag ); } /* detail output * */ static void output_item( fields *info, FILE *outptr, char *tag, char *prefix, int item, int level ) { int i; if ( item==-1 ) return; for ( i=0; i%s%s\n", tag, prefix, (char*) fields_value( info, item, FIELDS_CHRP ), tag ); } static void output_itemv( FILE *outptr, char *tag, char *item, int level ) { int i; for ( i=0; i%s\n", tag, item, tag ); } /* range output * * start-end * */ static void output_range( FILE *outptr, char *tag, char *start, char *end, int level ) { int i; if ( start==NULL && end==NULL ) return; if ( start==NULL ) output_itemv( outptr, tag, end, 0 ); else if ( end==NULL ) output_itemv( outptr, tag, start, 0 ); else { for ( i=0; i%s-%s\n", tag, start, end, tag ); } } static void output_list( fields *info, FILE *outptr, convert *c, int nc ) { int i, n; for ( i=0; in; ++i ) { tag = (char *) fields_tag( info, i, FIELDS_CHRP ); if ( strcasecmp( tag, "GENRE:MARC" ) && strcasecmp( tag, "GENRE:BIBUTILS" ) && strcasecmp( tag, "GENRE:UNKNOWN" ) ) continue; genre = (char *) fields_value( info, i, FIELDS_CHRP ); for ( j=0; jlevel[i]; if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "academic journal" ) ) { type = TYPE_JOURNALARTICLE; } else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "periodical" ) ) { if ( type == TYPE_UNKNOWN ) type = TYPE_ARTICLEINAPERIODICAL; } else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "book" ) || !strcasecmp( genre, "collection" ) ) { if ( info->level[i]==0 ) type = TYPE_BOOK; else type = TYPE_BOOKSECTION; } else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "conference publication" ) ) { if ( level==0 ) type=TYPE_CONFERENCE; else type = TYPE_PROCEEDINGS; } else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "thesis" ) ) { if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) type=TYPE_THESIS; } else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "Ph.D. thesis" ) ) { type = TYPE_PHDTHESIS; } else if ( !strcasecmp( genre, "Masters thesis" ) ) { type = TYPE_MASTERSTHESIS; } } } return type; } static int get_type_from_resource( fields *info ) { int type = TYPE_UNKNOWN, i; char *tag, *resource; for ( i=0; in; ++i ) { tag = (char *) fields_tag( info, i, FIELDS_CHRP ); if ( strcasecmp( tag, "RESOURCE" ) ) continue; resource = (char *) fields_value( info, i, FIELDS_CHRP ); if ( !strcasecmp( resource, "moving image" ) ) type = TYPE_FILM; } return type; } static int get_type( fields *info ) { int type; type = get_type_from_genre( info ); if ( type==TYPE_UNKNOWN ) type = get_type_from_resource( info ); return type; } static void output_titlebits( char *mainttl, char *subttl, FILE *outptr ) { if ( mainttl ) fprintf( outptr, "%s", mainttl ); if ( subttl ) { if ( mainttl ) { if ( mainttl[ strlen( mainttl ) - 1 ] != '?' ) fprintf( outptr, ": " ); else fprintf( outptr, " " ); } fprintf( outptr, "%s", subttl ); } } static void output_titleinfo( char *mainttl, char *subttl, FILE *outptr, char *tag, int level ) { if ( mainttl || subttl ) { fprintf( outptr, "<%s>", tag ); output_titlebits( mainttl, subttl, outptr ); fprintf( outptr, "\n", tag ); } } static void output_generaltitle( fields *info, FILE *outptr, char *tag, int level ) { char *ttl = fields_findv( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "TITLE" ); char *subttl = fields_findv( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "SUBTITLE" ); char *shrttl = fields_findv( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "SHORTTITLE" ); char *shrsubttl = fields_findv( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "SHORTSUBTITLE" ); if ( ttl ) { output_titleinfo( ttl, subttl, outptr, tag, level ); } else if ( shrttl ) { output_titleinfo( shrttl, shrsubttl, outptr, tag, level ); } } static void output_maintitle( fields *info, FILE *outptr, int level ) { char *ttl = fields_findv( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "TITLE" ); char *subttl = fields_findv( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "SUBTITLE" ); char *shrttl = fields_findv( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "SHORTTITLE" ); char *shrsubttl = fields_findv( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "SHORTSUBTITLE" ); if ( ttl ) { output_titleinfo( ttl, subttl, outptr, "b:Title", level ); /* output shorttitle if it's different from normal title */ if ( shrttl ) { if ( !ttl || ( strcmp( shrttl, ttl ) || subttl ) ) { fprintf( outptr, " " ); output_titlebits( shrttl, shrsubttl, outptr ); fprintf( outptr, "\n" ); } } } else if ( shrttl ) { output_titleinfo( shrttl, shrsubttl, outptr, "b:Title", level ); } } static void output_name_nomangle( FILE *outptr, char *p ) { fprintf( outptr, "" ); fprintf( outptr, "%s", p ); fprintf( outptr, "\n" ); } static void output_name( FILE *outptr, char *p ) { str family, part; int n=0, npart=0; str_init( &family ); while ( *p && *p!='|' ) str_addchar( &family, *p++ ); if ( *p=='|' ) p++; if ( str_has_value( &family ) ) { fprintf( outptr, "" ); fprintf( outptr, "%s", str_cstr( &family ) ); n++; } str_free( &family ); str_init( &part ); while ( *p ) { while ( *p && *p!='|' ) str_addchar( &part, *p++ ); if ( str_has_value( &part ) ) { if ( n==0 ) fprintf( outptr, "" ); if ( npart==0 ) fprintf( outptr, "%s", str_cstr( &part ) ); else fprintf( outptr, "%s", str_cstr( &part ) ); n++; npart++; } if ( *p=='|' ) { p++; str_empty( &part ); } } if ( n ) fprintf( outptr, "\n" ); str_free( &part ); } #define NAME (1) #define NAME_ASIS (2) #define NAME_CORP (4) static int extract_name_and_info( str *outtag, str *intag ) { int code = NAME; str_strcpy( outtag, intag ); if ( str_findreplace( outtag, ":ASIS", "" ) ) code = NAME_ASIS; if ( str_findreplace( outtag, ":CORP", "" ) ) code = NAME_CORP; return code; } static void output_name_type( fields *info, FILE *outptr, int level, char *map[], int nmap, char *tag ) { str ntag; int i, j, n=0, code, nfields; str_init( &ntag ); nfields = fields_num( info ); for ( j=0; jtag[i]) ); if ( strcasecmp( str_cstr( &ntag ), map[j] ) ) continue; if ( n==0 ) fprintf( outptr, "<%s>\n", tag ); if ( code != NAME ) output_name_nomangle( outptr, (char *) fields_value( info, i, FIELDS_CHRP ) ); else output_name( outptr, (char *) fields_value( info, i, FIELDS_CHRP ) ); n++; } } str_free( &ntag ); if ( n ) fprintf( outptr, "\n", tag ); } static void output_names( fields *info, FILE *outptr, int level, int type ) { char *authors[] = { "AUTHOR", "WRITER", "ASSIGNEE", "ARTIST", "CARTOGRAPHER", "INVENTOR", "ORGANIZER", "DIRECTOR", "PERFORMER", "REPORTER", "TRANSLATOR", "ADDRESSEE", "2ND_AUTHOR", "3RD_AUTHOR", "SUB_AUTHOR", "COMMITTEE", "COURT", "LEGISLATIVEBODY" }; int nauthors = sizeof( authors ) / sizeof( authors[0] ); char *editors[] = { "EDITOR" }; int neditors = sizeof( editors ) / sizeof( editors[0] ); char author_default[] = "b:Author", inventor[] = "b:Inventor"; char *author_type = author_default; if ( type == TYPE_PATENT ) author_type = inventor; fprintf( outptr, "\n" ); output_name_type( info, outptr, level, authors, nauthors, author_type ); output_name_type( info, outptr, level, editors, neditors, "b:Editor" ); fprintf( outptr, "\n" ); } static void output_date( fields *info, FILE *outptr, int level ) { char *year = fields_findv_firstof( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "PARTDATE:YEAR", "DATE:YEAR", NULL ); char *month = fields_findv_firstof( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "PARTDATE:MONTH", "DATE:MONTH", NULL ); char *day = fields_findv_firstof( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "PARTDATE:DAY", "DATE:DAY", NULL ); if ( year ) output_itemv( outptr, "b:Year", year, 0 ); if ( month ) output_itemv( outptr, "b:Month", month, 0 ); if ( day ) output_itemv( outptr, "b:Day", day, 0 ); } static void output_pages( fields *info, FILE *outptr, int level ) { char *sn = fields_findv( info, LEVEL_ANY, FIELDS_CHRP, "PAGES:START" ); char *en = fields_findv( info, LEVEL_ANY, FIELDS_CHRP, "PAGES:STOP" ); char *ar = fields_findv( info, LEVEL_ANY, FIELDS_CHRP, "ARTICLENUMBER" ); if ( sn || en ) output_range( outptr, "b:Pages", sn, en, level ); else if ( ar ) output_range( outptr, "b:Pages", ar, NULL, level ); } static void output_includedin( fields *info, FILE *outptr, int type ) { if ( type==TYPE_JOURNALARTICLE ) { output_generaltitle( info, outptr, "b:JournalName", 1 ); } else if ( type==TYPE_ARTICLEINAPERIODICAL ) { output_generaltitle( info, outptr, "b:PeriodicalTitle", 1 ); } else if ( type==TYPE_BOOKSECTION ) { output_generaltitle( info, outptr, "b:ConferenceName", 1 ); /*??*/ } else if ( type==TYPE_PROCEEDINGS ) { output_generaltitle( info, outptr, "b:ConferenceName", 1 ); } } static int type_is_thesis( int type ) { if ( type==TYPE_THESIS || type==TYPE_PHDTHESIS || type==TYPE_MASTERSTHESIS ) return 1; else return 0; } static void output_thesisdetails( fields *info, FILE *outptr, int type ) { char *tag; int i, n; if ( type==TYPE_PHDTHESIS ) output_fixed( outptr, "b:ThesisType", "Ph.D. Thesis", 0 ); else if ( type==TYPE_MASTERSTHESIS ) output_fixed( outptr, "b:ThesisType", "Masters Thesis", 0 ); n = fields_num( info ); for ( i=0; i" ); for ( i=0; i\n" ); if ( type_is_thesis( type ) ) output_thesisdetails( info, outptr, type ); } static void output_comments( fields *info, FILE *outptr, int level ) { vplist_index i; vplist notes; char *abs; vplist_init( ¬es ); abs = fields_findv( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, "ABSTRACT" ); fields_findv_each( info, level, FIELDS_CHRP, ¬es, "NOTES" ); if ( abs || notes.n ) fprintf( outptr, "" ); if ( abs ) fprintf( outptr, "%s", abs ); for ( i=0; i\n" ); vplist_free( ¬es ); } static void output_bibkey( fields *info, FILE *outptr ) { char *bibkey = fields_findv_firstof( info, LEVEL_ANY, FIELDS_CHRP, "REFNUM", "BIBKEY", NULL ); if ( bibkey ) output_itemv( outptr, "b:Tag", bibkey, 0 ); } static void output_citeparts( fields *info, FILE *outptr, int level, int max, int type ) { convert origin[] = { { "ADDRESS", "b:City", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "PUBLISHER", "b:Publisher", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "EDITION", "b:Edition", "", LEVEL_ANY } }; int norigin = sizeof( origin ) / sizeof ( convert ); convert parts[] = { { "VOLUME", "b:Volume", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "SECTION", "b:Section", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "ISSUE", "b:Issue", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "NUMBER", "b:Issue", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "PUBLICLAWNUMBER", "b:Volume", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "SESSION", "b:Issue", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "URL", "b:Url", "", LEVEL_ANY }, { "JSTOR", "b:Url", "http://www.jstor.org/stable/", LEVEL_ANY }, { "ARXIV", "b:Url", "http://arxiv.org/abs/", LEVEL_ANY }, { "PMID", "b:Url", "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/", LEVEL_ANY }, { "PMC", "b:Url", "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/", LEVEL_ANY }, { "DOI", "b:Url", "https://doi.org/", LEVEL_ANY }, { "MRNUMBER", "b:Url", "http://www.ams.org/mathscinet-getitem?mr=", LEVEL_ANY }, }; int nparts=sizeof(parts)/sizeof(convert); output_bibkey( info, outptr ); output_type( info, outptr, type ); output_list( info, outptr, origin, norigin ); output_date( info, outptr, level ); output_includedin( info, outptr, type ); output_list( info, outptr, parts, nparts ); output_pages( info, outptr, level ); output_names( info, outptr, level, type ); output_maintitle( info, outptr, 0 ); output_comments( info, outptr, level ); } static int wordout_write( fields *info, FILE *outptr, param *p, unsigned long numrefs ) { int max = fields_maxlevel( info ); int type = get_type( info ); fprintf( outptr, "\n" ); output_citeparts( info, outptr, -1, max, type ); fprintf( outptr, "\n" ); fflush( outptr ); return BIBL_OK; } /***************************************************** PUBLIC: void wordout_writeheader() *****************************************************/ static void wordout_writeheader( FILE *outptr, param *p ) { if ( p->utf8bom ) utf8_writebom( outptr ); fprintf(outptr,"\n"); fprintf(outptr,"\n"); } /***************************************************** PUBLIC: void wordout_writefooter() *****************************************************/ static void wordout_writefooter( FILE *outptr ) { fprintf(outptr,"\n"); fflush( outptr ); }