module Network.Monitoring.Riemann.BatchClient where

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Concurrent.Chan.Unagi          as Unagi
import           Control.Concurrent.KazuraQueue
import           Data.Sequence                          as Seq
import           Network.Monitoring.Riemann.Client
import qualified Network.Monitoring.Riemann.Proto.Event as PE
import           Network.Monitoring.Riemann.TCP         as TCP
import           Network.Socket

data BatchClient = BatchClient (Unagi.InChan LogCommand)

data BatchClientNoBuffer = BatchClientNoBuffer (Queue LogCommand)

data LogCommand = Event PE.Event
                | Stop (MVar ())

    A new BatchClient

    The BatchClient is a 'Client' that will do the following

    * Batch events into a specified batch size
    * If events are produced more quickly than Riemann can cope with, they will be passed to the overflow function

    Batching events is important for throughput, see <>

    It is important to deal with back pressure, if the buffer of events to be sent to Riemann fills up, they will be
    passed to the overflow function until the buffer has space again. This overflow function can be as simple as 'print'

    Current time and host name will be set if not provided.

    '''Note''': We never use IPv6 address resolved for given hostname.
batchClient :: HostName
            -> Port
            -> Int
            -> Int
            -> (PE.Event -> IO ())
            -> IO BatchClient
batchClient hostname port bufferSize batchSize overflow
    | batchSize <= 0 = error "Batch Size must be positive"
    | otherwise = do
          connection <- TCP.tcpConnection hostname port
          (inChan, outChan) <- Unagi.newChan
          q <- newQueue
          _ <- forkIO $ overflowConsumer outChan q bufferSize overflow
          _ <- forkIO $ riemannConsumer batchSize q connection
          return $ BatchClient inChan

overflowConsumer :: Unagi.OutChan LogCommand
                 -> Queue LogCommand
                 -> Int
                 -> (PE.Event -> IO ())
                 -> IO ()
overflowConsumer outChan q bufferSize f =
    loop = do
        cmd <- Unagi.readChan outChan
        case cmd of
            Event event -> do
                qSize <- lengthQueue q
                if qSize >= bufferSize
                    then do
                        f event
                    else do
                        writeQueue q cmd
            Stop _ -> do
                putStrLn "stopping log consumer"
                writeQueue q cmd

drainAll :: Queue a -> Int -> IO (Seq a)
drainAll q n = do
    msg <- readQueue q
    loop $ singleton msg
    loop msgs = if Seq.length msgs >= n
                then return msgs
                else do
                    msg <- tryReadQueue q
                    case msg of
                        Just m  -> loop $ msgs |> m
                        Nothing -> return msgs

riemannConsumer :: Int -> Queue LogCommand -> TCPConnection -> IO ()
riemannConsumer batchSize q connection =
    loop = do
        cmds <- drainAll q batchSize
        let (events', stops') = Seq.partition (\cmd -> case cmd of
                                                   Event _ -> True
                                                   Stop _  -> False)
            events = fmap (\(Event e) -> e) events'
            stops = fmap (\(Stop s) -> s) stops'
        TCP.sendEvents connection events
        if Seq.null stops
            then loop
            else let s = Seq.index stops 0
                 in do
                     putStrLn "stopping riemann consumer"
                     putMVar s ()

instance Client BatchClient where
    sendEvent (BatchClient inChan) event =
        Unagi.writeChan inChan $ Event event
    close (BatchClient inChan) = do
        s <- newEmptyMVar
        Unagi.writeChan inChan (Stop s)
        takeMVar s

instance Client BatchClientNoBuffer where
    sendEvent (BatchClientNoBuffer q) event =
        writeQueue q $ Event event
    close (BatchClientNoBuffer q) = do
        s <- newEmptyMVar
        writeQueue q (Stop s)
        takeMVar s