-- | Point type and associated functions.
module Graphics.PS.Pt (Pt(Pt)
                      ,ptMin, ptMax, ptXYs, origin
                      ,ptTransform) where

import Graphics.PS.Matrix

-- | Cartesian co-ordinate with real valued /x/ and /y/ fields.
data Pt = Pt Double Double
          deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Num Pt where
    negate (Pt x y) = Pt (- x) (- y)
    Pt x0 y0 + Pt x1 y1 = Pt (x0 + x1) (y0 + y1)
    Pt x0 y0 - Pt x1 y1 = Pt (x0 - x1) (y0 - y1)
    Pt x0 y0 * Pt x1 y1 = Pt (x0 * x1) (y0 * y1)
    abs (Pt x y) = Pt (abs x) (abs y)
    signum _ = 0
    fromInteger a = let a' = fromInteger a
                    in Pt a' a'

instance Ord Pt where
    (Pt x0 y0) <= (Pt x1 y1) = x0 <= x1 && y0 <= y1

-- | Origin, ie. (Pt 0 0).
origin :: Pt
origin = Pt 0 0

-- | /x/ and /y/ elements of a set of 'Pt's.
ptXYs :: [Pt] -> [Double]
ptXYs [] = []
ptXYs (Pt x y : ps) = x : y : ptXYs ps

ptOp :: (Double -> Double -> Double) -> Pt -> Pt -> Pt
ptOp op (Pt x1 y1) (Pt x2 y2) = Pt (op x1 x2) (op y1 y2)

-- | 'Pt' at /x/ and /y/ minima of inputs.
ptMin :: Pt -> Pt -> Pt
ptMin = ptOp min

-- | 'Pt' at /x/ and /y/ maxima of inputs.
ptMax :: Pt -> Pt -> Pt
ptMax = ptOp max

-- | Convert from polar to rectangular co-ordinates.
polarToRectangular :: Pt -> Pt
polarToRectangular (Pt r t) = Pt (r * cos t) (r * sin t)

-- | Apply a transformation matrix to a point.
ptTransform :: Matrix -> Pt -> Pt
ptTransform (Matrix a b c d e f) (Pt x y) =
    let x' = x * a + y * c + e
        y' = x * b + y * d + f
    in  Pt x' y'


pt :: (Double, Double) -> Pt
pt (x,y) = Pt x y

ptX :: Pt -> Double
ptX (Pt x _) = x

ptY :: Pt -> Double
ptY (Pt _ y) = y

hypot :: (Floating a) => a -> a -> a
hypot x y = sqrt (x * x + y * y)

distance :: Pt -> Pt -> Double
distance (Pt x1 y1) (Pt x2 y2) = hypot (x2 - x1) (y2 - y1)

rectangularToPolar :: Pt -> Pt
rectangularToPolar (Pt x y)
    | (x == 0) && (y == 0) = Pt 0 t
    | otherwise = Pt (atan2 y x) t
    where t = hypot x y
