module Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.Domain (
  , mkChecks
  , sqlCreateDomain
  , sqlAlterDomain
  , sqlDropDomain
  ) where

import Data.Monoid.Utils
import Data.Set (Set, fromList)
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes
import Prelude

import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.Check
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model.ColumnType

-- Domains are global, i.e. not bound to any particular table.
-- The first table that uses a new domain needs to create it
-- by a migration.
-- If a migration that alters the domain needs to be performed,
-- there are three possible situations:
-- 1) The modification doesn't require data change in any of the tables.
-- 2) The modification requires data change, but only in one table.
-- 3) The modification requires data change in more than one table.
-- These situations should be handled as follows:
-- 1) One of the tables that use the domain should migrate it.
-- 2) The table that requires data modification should migrate it.
-- 3) One of the tables that require data modification should migrate it.
-- Note that modification of constraints may conflict with the data in
-- the other tables. In this case, these constraints should be created
-- as NOT VALID (see
-- for more info) and VALIDATEd in the migration of the last table with
-- the conflicting data.
-- TODO: the proper solution to this is to version the domains to be
-- able to handle (1) and the first and last part of (3) by migrating
-- the domain itself, however that requires substantial change to the
-- migration system.
-- As opposed to the current solution, the other temporary one is to
-- create domains statically and not worry about migrations. The problem
-- with this approach is the separation of domain creation from the rest
-- of the universe, which results in problems later, when the proper
-- solution will have to be implemented (i.e. one would need to go back
-- and edit old migrations), whereas the current solution makes the
-- transition trivial.

data Domain = Domain {
  -- | Name of the domain.
  domName :: RawSQL ()
  -- | Type of the domain.
, domType :: ColumnType
  -- | Defines whether the domain value can be NULL.
  -- *Cannot* be superseded by a table column definition.
, domNullable :: Bool
  -- Default value for the domain. *Can* be
  -- superseded by a table column definition.
, domDefault :: Maybe (RawSQL ())
  -- Set of constraint checks on the domain.
, domChecks :: Set Check
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

mkChecks :: [Check] -> Set Check
mkChecks = fromList

sqlCreateDomain :: Domain -> RawSQL ()
sqlCreateDomain Domain{..} = smconcat [
    "CREATE DOMAIN" <+> domName <+> "AS"
  , columnTypeToSQL domType
  , if domNullable then "NULL" else "NOT NULL"
  , maybe "" ("DEFAULT" <+>) domDefault

sqlAlterDomain :: RawSQL () -> RawSQL () -> RawSQL ()
sqlAlterDomain dname alter = "ALTER DOMAIN" <+> dname <+> alter

sqlDropDomain :: RawSQL () -> RawSQL ()
sqlDropDomain dname = "DROP DOMAIN" <+> dname