{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
-- | A front-end to run Hpp with textual arguments as from a command
-- line invocation.
module Hpp.CmdLine (runWithArgs) where
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Hpp
import Hpp.Config
import Hpp.Env (deleteKey, emptyEnv, insertPair)
import Hpp.Tokens
import Hpp.Types (Env, Error(..))
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, makeAbsolute)

-- | Break a string on an equals sign. For example, the string @x=y@
-- is broken into @[x,"=",y]@.
breakEqs :: String -> [String]
breakEqs = aux . break (== '=')
  where aux (h,[]) = [h]
        aux (h,'=':t) = [h,"=",t]
        aux _ = error "breakEqs broke"

-- | If no space is included between a switch and its argument, break
-- it into two tokens to simplify parsing.
splitSwitches :: String -> [String]
splitSwitches ('-':'I':t@(_:_)) = ["-I",t]
splitSwitches ('-':'D':t@(_:_)) = ["-D",t]
splitSwitches ('-':'U':t@(_:_)) = ["-U",t]
splitSwitches ('-':'o':t@(_:_)) = ["-o",t]
splitSwitches ('-':'i':'n':'c':'l':'u':'d':'e':t@(_:_)) = ["-include",t]
splitSwitches x = [x]

-- FIXME: Defining function macros probably doesn't work here.
parseArgs :: ConfigF Maybe -> [String]
          -> IO (Either Error (Env, [String], Config, Maybe FilePath))
parseArgs cfg0 = go emptyEnv id cfg0 Nothing . concatMap breakEqs
  where go env acc cfg out [] =
          case realizeConfig cfg of
            Just cfg' -> return (Right (env, acc [], cfg', out))
            Nothing -> return (Left NoInputFile)
        go env acc cfg out ("-D":name:"=":body:rst) =
          case parseDefinition (Important name : Other " " : tokenize body) of
            Nothing -> return . Left $ BadMacroDefinition 0
            Just def -> go (insertPair def env) acc cfg out rst
        go env acc cfg out ("-D":name:rst) =
          case parseDefinition ([Important name, Other " ", Important "1"]) of
            Nothing -> return . Left $ BadMacroDefinition 0
            Just def -> go (insertPair def env) acc cfg out rst
        go env acc cfg out ("-U":name:rst) =
          go (deleteKey name env) acc cfg out rst
        go env acc cfg out ("-I":dir:rst) =
          let cfg' = cfg { includePathsF = fmap (++[dir]) (includePathsF cfg) }
          in go env acc cfg' out rst
        go env acc cfg out ("-include":file:rst) =
          let ln = "#include \"" ++ file ++ "\""
          in go env (acc . (ln:)) cfg out rst
        go env acc cfg out ("-P":rst) =
          let cfg' = cfg { inhibitLinemarkersF = Just True }
          in go env acc cfg' out rst
        go env acc cfg out ("--cpp":rst) =
          let cfg' = cfg { spliceLongLinesF = Just True
                         , eraseCCommentsF = Just True }
              defs = concatMap ("-D":)
                       [ ["__STDC__"]
                         -- __STDC_VERSION__ is only defined in C94 and later
                       , ["__STDC_VERSION__","=","199409L"]
                       , ["_POSIX_C_SOURCE","=","200112L"] ]
          in go env acc cfg' out (defs ++ rst)
        go env acc cfg out ("--fline-splice":rst) =
          go env acc (cfg { spliceLongLinesF = Just True }) out rst
        go env acc cfg out ("--ferase-comments":rst) =
          go env acc (cfg { eraseCCommentsF = Just True }) out rst
        go env acc cfg _ ("-o":file:rst) =
          go env acc cfg (Just file) rst
        go env acc cfg out ("-x":_lang:rst) =
          go env acc cfg out rst -- We ignore source language specification
        go env acc cfg Nothing (file:rst) =
          case curFileNameF cfg of
            Nothing -> go env acc (cfg { curFileNameF = Just file }) Nothing rst
            Just _ -> go env acc cfg (Just file) rst
        go _ _ _ (Just _) _ =
          return . Left $ BadCommandLine "Multiple output files given"

-- | Run Hpp with the given commandline arguments.
runWithArgs :: [String] -> IO ()
runWithArgs args =
  do cfgNow <- defaultConfigFNow
     let args' = concatMap splitSwitches args
     (env,lns,cfg,outPath) <- fmap (either (error . show) id)
                                   (parseArgs cfgNow args')
     exists <- doesFileExist (curFileName cfg)
     unless exists . error $
       "Couldn't open input file: "++curFileName cfg
     let fileName = curFileName cfg
         cfg' = cfg { curFileNameF = pure fileName }
     snk <- case outPath of
              Nothing -> pure sinkToStdOut
              Just f -> fmap (\f' -> sinkToFile hppRegisterCleanup f')
                             (makeAbsolute f)
     _ <- hppIO cfg' env
            (preprocess (before (source lns) (streamHpp fileName)))
     return ()