[0.8.1](https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/issues?q=milestone:v0.8.1+is:closed) ----- * Include additional test modules in package generated by sdist (issue #34) [0.8.0](https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/issues?q=milestone:v0.8.0+is:closed) ----- * Introduce retry policy to http requests (issue #31) * Fix coverage result reading (issue #32) [0.7.0](https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/issues?q=milestone:v0.7.0+is:closed) ----- * Fix coverage conversion rule for otherwise (issue #20) [0.6.1](https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/issues?milestone=8&state=closed) ----- * Safer implementation of the result coverage value retrieval from coveralls.io (issue 25) * Set the delay before retrieving the result to 10 seconds (issue #26) [0.6.0](https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/issues?milestone=7&state=closed) ----- * Add flag to print the raw json responses from coveralls.io (issue #24) * Retrieve and display total coverage result on success response from coveralls.io (issue #21) [0.5.0](https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/issues?milestone=6&state=closed) ----- * Mark `otherwise` as fully covered (issue #3) [0.4.0](https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/issues?milestone=5&state=closed) ----- * Add option to configure the coverage data conversion (issue #15) * Add option to prevent from sending the coverage report (issue #17) [0.3.0](https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/issues?milestone=4&state=closed) ----- * Support setting multiple test suites (issue #14) * Process --exclude-dir value as a string prefix instead of a regex (issue #16) [0.2.2](https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/issues?milestone=3&state=closed) ----- * Prevent double compilation (issue #11) * Concurrently process cabal test stdout and stderr channels (issue #12) * Test with GHC 7.8.2 [0.2.1](https://github.com/guillaume-nargeot/hpc-coveralls/issues?milestone=2&state=closed) ----- * Additional CI services support (issue #1) * Fixed an issue in which mix files could not be found, @maoe contribution (issue #5) * Introduced a command line argument to exclude files located under a given folder from the coverage report (issue #6) * Return with non-zero exit code when the tix file is not found (issue #7) * Introduced a command line argument to specify a custom cabal executable name (issue #8) * Parse and display response from coveralls.io (issue #9) 0.1.0 ----- * Initial release