{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | Test codes for running @hpc-codecov@ executable. module Test.Main (main) where -- base import Control.Exception (SomeException (..), try) import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSubsequenceOf) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import System.Environment (getExecutablePath, lookupEnv, setEnv, unsetEnv, withArgs) import System.Exit (ExitCode) import System.IO (IOMode (..), hClose, hGetContents, openBinaryFile, openTempFile) import System.Info (os) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) #endif -- filepath import System.FilePath (joinPath, takeFileName, (<.>), ()) -- directory import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive, removeFile, withCurrentDirectory) -- hpc import Trace.Hpc.Mix (readMix) import Trace.Hpc.Tix (readTix) -- process import System.Process (CreateProcess (..), callProcess, shell, waitForProcess, withCreateProcess) -- tasty import Test.Tasty (DependencyType (..), TestTree, after, defaultMain, testGroup, withResource) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertEqual, assertFailure, testCase) -- tasty-golden import Test.Tasty.Golden (goldenVsFile, writeBinaryFile) -- Internal import Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Discover import Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Exception import qualified Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Main as HpcCodecov import Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Parser import Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Report -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Tests -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ main :: IO () main = do test_in_test <- isTestInTest mb_tool <- getBuildTool when test_in_test $ putStr $ unlines [ "" , "=================================" , "Running test to generate hpc data" , "=================================" , "" ] defaultMain $ testGroup "main" $ [reportTest, cmdline, recipReport, exceptionTest, parserTest] ++ [exprOnly, ignoreDittos] ++ [selfReportTest | not test_in_test, isJust mb_tool] ++ [discoverStackTest | not test_in_test, mb_tool == Just Stack] ++ [discoverCabalTest | not test_in_test, mb_tool == Just Cabal] parserTest :: TestTree parserTest = testGroup "parser" [ testGroup "readTix'" [ testCase "compare" $ do let read_with f = f (reciprocal_dir "reciprocal.tix") tix1 <- read_with readTix tix2 <- read_with readTix' assertEqual "readTix'" tix1 tix2 ] , testGroup "readMix'" [ testCase "compare" $ do let read_with f = f [reciprocal_dir ".hpc"] (Left "Main") mix1 <- read_with readMix mix2 <- read_with readMix' assertEqual "readMix'" mix1 mix2 , testCase "malformed timestamp" $ shouldFail $ readMix' [reciprocal_dir ".hpc"] (Left "Malformed") ] ] where reciprocal_dir = joinPath ["test", "data", "reciprocal"] exceptionTest :: TestTree exceptionTest = testGroup "exception" [ testCase "NoTarget" $ assertEqual "NoTarget" "NoTarget" (show NoTarget) , testCase "TixNotFound" $ assertEqual "TixNotFound" "TixNotFound \"foo\"" (show (TixNotFound "foo")) ] reportTest :: TestTree reportTest = testGroup "report" [ testCase "mempty" $ do shouldFail (print $ reportTix mempty) assertEqual "empty mix dirs" (reportMixDirs mempty) [] assertEqual "empty src dirs" (reportSrcDirs mempty) [] assertEqual "non verbose" (reportVerbose mempty) False let r1 = mempty { reportExcludes = ["M1"] } r2 = mempty { reportExcludes = ["M2", "M3"] , reportVerbose = True } r3 = r1 <> r2 assertEqual "<> for verbose" (reportVerbose r3) True assertEqual "<> for excludes" (reportExcludes r3) ["M1","M2","M3"] assertEqual "default format" (reportFormat mempty) Codecov ] cmdline :: TestTree cmdline = testGroup "cmdline" [ testCase "non-existing-option" (shouldFail (main' ["--foo"])) , testCase "non-existing-options" (shouldFail (main' ["--foo", "--bar", "--buzz"])) , testCase "mixdir-without-argument" (shouldFail (main' ["--mix"])) , testCase "no-tix-file" (shouldFail (main' [])) , testCase "non-existing-tix" (shouldFail (main' ["no_such_file.tix"])) , testCase "invalid-build-tool" (shouldFail (main' ["foo:tests"])) , testCase "invalid-test-suite" (shouldFail (main' ["cabal:no-such-test"])) , testCase "invalid-format" (shouldFail (main' ["--format=foo"])) , testCase "help" (main' ["--help"]) , testCase "version" (main' ["--version"]) , testCase "numeric-version" (main' ["--numeric-version"]) ] recipReport :: TestTree recipReport = testGroup "recip" [ testCase "recip-data-to-stdout" (main' ["--mix=test/data/reciprocal/.hpc" ,"--src=test/data/reciprocal" ,"--exclude=NoSuchModule" ,"--verbose" ,"test/data/reciprocal/reciprocal.tix"]) , testCase "recip-lcov-data-to-stdout" (main' ["--mix=test/data/reciprocal/.hpc" ,"--src=test/data/reciprocal" ,"--verbose" ,"--format=lcov" ,"test/data/reciprocal/reciprocal.tix"]) , testCase "recip-cobertura-data-to-stdout" (main' ["--mix=test/data/reciprocal/.hpc" ,"--src=test/data/reciprocal" ,"--verbose" ,"--format=cobertura" ,"test/data/reciprocal/reciprocal.tix"]) , testCase "recip-data-no-src" (shouldFail (main' ["--mix=test/data/reciprocal/.hpc" ,"--src=test/" ,"--src=test/data" ,"--verbose" ,"test/data/reciprocal/reciprocal.tix"])) ] exprOnly :: TestTree exprOnly = testGroup "expr-only" $ let eo01_dir = joinPath ["test", "data", "eo01"] common_args = ["--mix=" <> (eo01_dir ".hpc") ,"--src=" <> eo01_dir ,"--expr-only" ,eo01_dir "eo01.tix"] in [ let golden_path = goldenPath (ofile <.> "golden") ofile = eo01_dir "eo01.json" act = main' (common_args <> ["--out=" <> ofile]) in goldenVsFile "expr-only" golden_path ofile act , let golden_path = goldenPath (ofile <.> "golden") ofile = eo01_dir "eo01.info" act = main' (common_args <> ["--out=" <> ofile,"-flcov"]) in goldenVsFile "expr-only-lcov" golden_path ofile act ] ignoreDittos :: TestTree ignoreDittos = testGroup "ignore-dittos" $ let doGolden name = let golden_path = goldenPath (ofile <.> "golden") ofile = dir name <.> "json" tix = dir name <.> "tix" dir = joinPath ["test", "data", name] act = main' [ "--mix=" <> (dir ".hpc") , "--src=" <> dir , "--out=" <> ofile , "--ignore-dittos" , tix ] in goldenVsFile name golden_path ofile act in [ doGolden "ifd01" , doGolden "ith01" ] -- Note: Running test to generate .mix and .tix of hpc-codecov package -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- -- The test recursively runs itself to generate .mix and .tix files of -- the hpc-codecov package itself. -- -- To terminate the recursive run, the "main" function in this module -- is looking up an environment variable to check whether the test is -- running inside the test or not. Recursive run is done only for the -- known build tool (e.g.: cabal install, stack). selfReportTest :: TestTree selfReportTest = withTempDir work1 where work1 getDir = withResource (acquire getDir) release selfReport acquire getDir = setEnv testInTestKey "TRUE" >> getDir >>= getSelfReportArgs release _ = unsetEnv testInTestKey -- | Self Report Arguments data SRA = SRA { sra_tix :: FilePath , sra_mixs :: [FilePath] , sra_excludes :: [String] , sra_verbose :: Bool , sra_format :: Format , sra_out :: Maybe FilePath } emptySRA :: SRA emptySRA = SRA { sra_tix = "" , sra_mixs = [] , sra_excludes = [] , sra_verbose = False , sra_format = Codecov , sra_out = Nothing } getBuildTool :: IO (Maybe BuildTool) getBuildTool = do path <- getExecutablePath if ".stack-work" `isSubsequenceOf` path then return $ Just Stack else if "dist-newstyle" `isSubsequenceOf` path then return $ Just Cabal else return Nothing getSelfReportArgs :: FilePath -> IO SRA getSelfReportArgs builddir = do mb_tool <- getBuildTool case mb_tool of Just Stack -> getSelfReportStackArgs builddir Just Cabal -> getSelfReportCabalArgs setupV2 builddir _ -> error "Cannot determine build tool" getSelfReportStackArgs :: FilePath -> IO SRA getSelfReportStackArgs wd = do callProcess "stack" [ "--work-dir=" ++ wd, "test", "--coverage"] mb_tix <- findUnder (\p -> takeFileName p == "test-main.tix") wd mb_mix <- findUnder (\p -> takeFileName p == "hpc") (wd "dist") case (mb_tix, mb_mix) of (Just tix, Just mix) -> do return emptySRA { sra_tix = tix , sra_mixs = [mix] , sra_excludes = ["Paths_hpc_codecov"] } _ -> error "getting arguments for self test with stack failed" -- setupV1 :: FilePath -> IO () -- setupV1 bd = bracket acquire release work -- where -- -- Cabal v1 style build complains when "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH" -- -- environment were set, manually removing the variable. -- key = "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH" -- acquire = do -- mb_ghc_pkg_path <- lookupEnv key -- putStrLn $ "GHC_PACKAGE_PATH: " ++ show mb_ghc_pkg_path -- unsetEnv key -- pure mb_ghc_pkg_path -- release = mapM_ (setEnv key) -- work _ = do -- let setup args = callProcess "runhaskell" ("Setup.hs" : args) -- setup [ "configure", "--builddir=" ++ bd -- , "--enable-test", "--enable-coverage" -- , "--package-db=/build/package.conf.d" ] -- setup ["build", "--builddir=" ++ bd] -- setup ["test", "--builddir=" ++ bd] setupV2 :: FilePath -> IO () setupV2 bd = callProcess "cabal" [ "test", "--builddir=" ++ bd, "--enable-coverage"] getSelfReportCabalArgs :: (FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> IO SRA getSelfReportCabalArgs setup bd = do setup bd mb_tix <- findUnder (\p -> takeFileName p == "test-main.tix") bd putStrLn $ "tix: " ++ show mb_tix mb_vanilla <- findUnder (\p -> takeFileName p == "vanilla") bd putStrLn $ "vanilla: " ++ show mb_vanilla case (mb_tix, mb_vanilla) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> error "failed to find tix and vanilla" (Nothing, _) -> error "failed to find tix" (_, Nothing) -> error "failed to find vanilla" (Just tix, Just vanilla) -> do let mixdir = vanilla "mix" mixs <- map (mixdir ) <$> listDirectory mixdir return emptySRA { sra_tix = tix , sra_mixs = mixs , sra_excludes = ["Main", "Paths_hpc_codecov"] } selfReport :: IO SRA -> TestTree selfReport getArgs = testGroup "self" [ testCase "self-data-to-stdout" (getArgs >>= sraMain) , testCase "self-data-to-stdout-lcov" (do args <- getArgs sraMain (args {sra_format=Lcov})) , testCase "self-data-to-stdout-cobertura" (do args <- getArgs sraMain (args {sra_format=Cobertura})) , testCase "self-data-to-stdout-verbose" (do args <- getArgs sraMain (args {sra_verbose=True})) , withTempFile (\getPath -> testCase "self-data-to-file-verbose" (do path <- getPath args <- getArgs sraMain (args {sra_out=Just path ,sra_verbose=True}))) , testCase "self-data-no-mix-none" (getArgs >>= shouldFail . sraMain . tixOnly) , testCase "self-data-no-mix-one" (do args <- getArgs shouldFail (sraMain ((tixOnly args) {sra_mixs=["foo"]}))) , testCase "self-data-no-all-two" (do args <- getArgs let args' = (tixOnly args) { sra_mixs = ["foo", "bar"] } shouldFail (sraMain args')) ] where tixOnly sra = emptySRA { sra_tix = sra_tix sra } -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Discover tests -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ discoverStackTest :: TestTree discoverStackTest = let t = buildAndTestWith Stack withProject name act = case getAcquireAndRelease Stack name [] of (a,r) -> withResource a r (const act) in testGroup "discover_stack" [ testGroup "plain" [ t "project1" [ "--root=" ++ testData "project1" , "--verbose" , "stack:project1-test"] [] ] , testGroup "dot-stack-work" [ t "project1" [ "--root=" ++ testData "project1" , "--verbose" , "--exclude=Paths_project1,Spec" , "--build=dot-stack-work" , "stack:project1-test.tix"] ["--work-dir=dot-stack-work"] ] , testGroup "lcov" [ t "project1" [ "--root=" ++ testData "project1" , "--verbose" , "--format=lcov" , "stack:project1-test"] [] ] , testGroup "cobertura" [ t "project1" [ "--root=" ++ testData "project1" , "--verbose" , "--format=cobertura" , "--out=project1.xml" , "stack:project1-test"] [] ] , after AllSucceed "cobertura.project1" $ testGroup "golden" [ let ofile = "project1-refilled.xml" golden_file = goldenPath "project1.xml.golden" golden_path = joinPath ["test", "data", "golden", golden_file] act = refillTimestampWithZero "project1.xml" ofile in goldenVsFile "cobertura" golden_path ofile act ] , withProject "project1" $ testCase "project1" $ withCurrentDirectory (testData "project1") $ main' [ "--verbose", "stack:project1-test" ] , withProject "project1" $ withResource (findUnder (\p -> takeFileName p == "project1-test.tix") (testData "project1" ".stack-work")) (\_ -> pure ()) (\getTixPath -> testCase "project1" $ do tix_path <- fromMaybe "project1-test.tix" <$> getTixPath canonical_tix_path <- canonicalizePath tix_path putStrLn $ "tix_path: " ++ tix_path ++ "\n" ++ "canonical_tix_path: " ++ canonical_tix_path main' [ "--verbose", "stack:" ++ canonical_tix_path ]) ] refillTimestampWithZero :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () refillTimestampWithZero ipath opath = do hdl <- openBinaryFile ipath ReadMode contents <- hGetContents hdl writeBinaryFile opath $ unwords [ w' | w <- words contents , let w' = if "timestamp" `isPrefixOf` w then "timestamp=\"0\"" else w ] discoverCabalTest :: TestTree discoverCabalTest = let t = buildAndTestWith Cabal withProject name act = case getAcquireAndRelease Cabal name [] of (a,r) -> withResource a r (const act) in testGroup "discover_cabal" [ t "project1" [ "--root=" ++ testData "project1" , "--verbose" , "-x", "Paths_project1,Spec" , "-X", "project1-exe" , "cabal:project1-test" ] [] , withProject "project1" $ withResource (findUnder (\p -> takeFileName p == "project1-test.tix") (testData "project1" "dist-newstyle")) (\_ -> pure ()) (\getTixPath -> testCase "project1" $ do tix_path <- fromMaybe "project1-test.tix" <$> getTixPath canonical_tix_path <- canonicalizePath tix_path main' [ "--verbose" , "-x", "Main,Paths_project1" , "-f", "lcov" , "cabal:" ++ canonical_tix_path]) ] buildAndTestWith :: BuildTool -> String -> [String] -> [String] -> TestTree buildAndTestWith tool name args tool_args = withResource acquire release work where (acquire, release) = getAcquireAndRelease tool name tool_args work _ec = testCase name $ main' args getAcquireAndRelease :: BuildTool -> String -> [String] -> (IO ExitCode, ExitCode -> IO ()) getAcquireAndRelease tool name tool_args = (acquire, release) where dir = testData name acq_cmd = case tool of Stack -> ("stack", ["test", "--coverage"]) Cabal -> ("cabal", ["test", "--enable-coverage"]) call (cmd,args) = callProcessIn dir cmd (tool_args ++ args) acquire = do putStrLn $ "Testing " ++ name ++ " with " ++ show tool ++ " ..." ec <- call acq_cmd putStrLn $ "ec: " ++ show ec return ec release _ec = pure () callProcessIn :: FilePath -> String -> [String] -> IO ExitCode callProcessIn dir cmd args = withCreateProcess cp f where f _ _ _ = waitForProcess cp = (shell (unwords (cmd : args))) {cwd = Just dir} -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Auxiliary functions -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ isTestInTest :: IO Bool isTestInTest = isJust <$> lookupEnv testInTestKey testInTestKey :: String testInTestKey = "HPC_CODECOV_TEST_IN_TEST" findUnder :: (FilePath -> Bool) -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) findUnder test root = foldDir f Nothing [root] where f _ acc@(Just _) = return acc f path Nothing = if test path then return (Just path) else return Nothing -- | Wrapper to run 'Trace.Hpc.Codecov.Main.main' with given argument -- strings. main' :: [String] -> IO () main' args = withArgs args HpcCodecov.defaultMain sraMain :: SRA -> IO () sraMain sra = main' args where args = map ("--mix=" ++) (sra_mixs sra) ++ map ("--exclude=" ++) (sra_excludes sra) ++ maybe [] (\p -> ["--out=" ++ p]) (sra_out sra) ++ ["--verbose" | sra_verbose sra] ++ ["--format=" ++ asFormat (sra_format sra)] ++ [sra_tix sra] asFormat = map toLower . show -- | Run test with path to temporary file. withTempFile :: (IO FilePath -> TestTree) -> TestTree withTempFile = withResource acquire release where acquire = do (path,hdl) <- openTempFile "." "test.tmp" hClose hdl return path release = removeFile withTempDir :: (IO FilePath -> TestTree) -> TestTree withTempDir = withResource acquire release where acquire = do mb_tool <- getBuildTool dir <- case mb_tool of Just Stack -> pure ".hpc_codecov_test_tmp_stack" Just Cabal -> pure ".hpc_codecov_test_tmp_cabal_v2" _ -> error "Cannot determine build tool" exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir pure dir release _ = return () -- | Pass the HUnit test when an exception was thrown, otherwise a -- test failure. shouldFail :: IO a -> IO () shouldFail act = do et_err <- try act case et_err of Left SomeException {} -> return () _ -> assertFailure "should fail" -- | Get directory under test data. testData :: String -> FilePath testData dir = "test" "data" dir goldenPath :: FilePath -> FilePath goldenPath path | os == "mingw32" = path <.> "windows" | otherwise = path