let deps = [ "aeson" , "aeson-pretty" , "base >= 4.13 && < 5" , "bytestring" , "dhall >= 1.41.1" , "dhall-json >= 1.7.10" , "filepath" , "hpack ^>= 0.34.7" , "megaparsec >= 9.2" , "microlens" , "prettyprinter" , "text" , "transformers" , "yaml" ] in let exe-deps = [ "optparse-applicative" ] in { name = "hpack-dhall" , version = "0.5.5" , maintainer = "Phil de Joux " , copyright = "© 2018 - 2022 Phil de Joux, © 2018 - 2022 Block Scope Limited" , license = "BSD3" , license-file = "LICENSE" , category = "Development" , synopsis = "hpack's dhalling" , description = '' Use hpack phrasing in dhall to write cabal files. There are two main reasons why you'd use hpack-dhall, convenience and safety. Get the convenience of hpack. Don't bother to state what can be inferred or defaulted, easing the burden of completing a package description by hand. For example `other-modules` can be inferred by taking the set difference between modules on disk and the set of `exposed-modules`. Get the safety of dhall's programmable configuration: typed fields, safe imports and functions. '' , github = "cabalism/hpack-dhall" , tested-with = "GHC == 8.8.4, GHC == 8.10.7, GHC == 9.0.2, GHC == 9.2.2" , extra-source-files = [ "package.dhall" , "changelog.md" , "test-suite-golden/**/*.dhall" , "test-suite-golden/**/*.dhl" , "test-suite-golden/**/*.cabal" , "test-suite-golden/**/*.json" , "test-suite-golden/**/*.yaml" , "test-suite-golden/**/*.golden" ] , ghc-options = [ "-Wall" , "-Wincomplete-uni-patterns" , "-Wcompat" , "-Widentities" , "-Wredundant-constraints" , "-fhide-source-paths" ] , dependencies = deps , source-dirs = "library" , library.exposed-modules = [ "Hpack.Dhall", "Hpack.Fields" ] , executables = { dhall-hpack-cabal = { main = "CabalMain.hs" , source-dirs = [ "exe/options", "exe/dhall-hpack-cabal" ] , dependencies = exe-deps } , dhall-hpack-json = { main = "JsonMain.hs" , source-dirs = [ "exe/options", "exe/dhall-hpack-json" ] , dependencies = exe-deps } , dhall-hpack-yaml = { main = "YamlMain.hs" , source-dirs = [ "exe/options", "exe/dhall-hpack-yaml" ] , dependencies = exe-deps } , dhall-hpack-dhall = { main = "DhallMain.hs" , source-dirs = [ "exe/options", "exe/dhall-hpack-dhall" ] , dependencies = exe-deps } } , tests.golden = { main = "Golden.hs" , source-dirs = [ "test-suite-golden/src" ] , dependencies = [ "Cabal" , "Diff" , "directory" , "tasty" , "tasty-golden" , "utf8-string" ] } }