- 140615 * introduced the ServerOnly compilation flag to avoid unnecessary dependency on OpenGL and GLUT in a server environment 0.5.4 - 130304 * fixed compilation with ghc-7.6 by Daniel Seidel and Sönke Hahn 0.5.3 - 110413 * updated for the latest parseargs * cleaned up warnings 0.5.2 - 091121 * updated for the latest OpenGL 0.5.1 - 090812 * adjusted path handling code to be more robust (so it works on Windows too) 0.5.0 - 090811 * made GraphData abstract (the users don't need its internals) * switched to GLUT * removed no-grapher flag * added a simple test example 0.4.1 - 090809 * added no-grapher flag to cabal due to GLFW breakage 0.4.0 - 090802 * unified some functions by introducing the graph mode type 0.3.0 - 090729 * can handle the case when the executable doesn't create a .hp file or doesn't even start 0.2.0 - 090717 * factored OpenGL graphing capabilities into a library 0.1.0 - 090629 * added a basic relay server * added remote profiling capability to the grapher 0.0.0 - 090613 * first public version featuring separate and cumulative graphs as well