{- | Osc related timing functions. Osc timestamps are 64-bit @Ntp@ values, . -} module Sound.Osc.Time where import Data.Word {- base -} import qualified Data.Time as Time {- time -} import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Clock {- time -} import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as Clock.Posix {- time -} import Sound.Osc.Coding.Convert {- hosc -} -- * Temporal types {- | Type for binary (integeral) representation of a 64-bit Ntp timestamp (ie. ntpi). The Ntp epoch is January 1, 1900. Ntp v4 also includes a 128-bit format, which is not used by Osc. -} type Ntp64 = Word64 -- | @Ntp@ time in real-valued (fractional) form. type NtpReal = Double {- | @Unix/Posix@ time in real-valued (fractional) form. The Unix/Posix epoch is January 1, 1970. -} type PosixReal = Double -- * Time conversion {- | Convert an NtpReal timestamp to an Ntp64 timestamp. >>> ntpr_to_ntpi 0 0 > fmap ntpr_to_ntpi time -} ntpr_to_ntpi :: NtpReal -> Ntp64 ntpr_to_ntpi t = round (t * (2 ^ (32 :: Int))) {- | Convert an 'Ntp64' timestamp to a real-valued Ntp timestamp. >>> ntpi_to_ntpr 0 0.0 -} ntpi_to_ntpr :: Ntp64 -> NtpReal ntpi_to_ntpr t = word64_to_double t / 2 ^ (32 :: Int) {- | Difference (in seconds) between /Ntp/ and /Posix/ epochs. >>> ntp_posix_epoch_diff / (24 * 60 * 60) 25567.0 >>> 25567 `div` 365 70 -} ntp_posix_epoch_diff :: Num n => n ntp_posix_epoch_diff = (70 * 365 + 17) * 24 * 60 * 60 -- | Convert a PosixReal timestamp to an Ntp64 timestamp. posix_to_ntpi :: PosixReal -> Ntp64 posix_to_ntpi t = ntpr_to_ntpi (t + ntp_posix_epoch_diff) -- | Convert @Unix/Posix@ to @Ntp@. posix_to_ntpr :: Num n => n -> n posix_to_ntpr = (+) ntp_posix_epoch_diff -- | Convert @Ntp@ to @Unix/Posix@. ntpr_to_posix :: Num n => n -> n ntpr_to_posix = (+) (negate ntp_posix_epoch_diff) -- | Convert 'Ntp64' to @Unix/Posix@. ntpi_to_posix :: Ntp64 -> PosixReal ntpi_to_posix = ntpr_to_posix . ntpi_to_ntpr -- | Convert 'Time' to 'Clock.Posix.POSIXTime'. ntpr_to_posixtime :: NtpReal -> Clock.Posix.POSIXTime ntpr_to_posixtime = realToFrac . ntpr_to_posix -- | Convert 'Clock.Posix.POSIXTime' to 'Time'. posixtime_to_ntpr :: Clock.Posix.POSIXTime -> NtpReal posixtime_to_ntpr = posix_to_ntpr . realToFrac -- * 'Data.Time' inter-operation. -- | The time at 1970-01-01:00:00:00 which is the Unix/Posix epoch. posix_epoch :: Time.UTCTime posix_epoch = let d = Time.fromGregorian 1970 1 1 s = fromInteger 0 -- Time.secondsToDiffTime in Time.UTCTime d s -- | Convert 'Time.UTCTime' to @Unix/Posix@. utc_to_posix :: Fractional n => Time.UTCTime -> n utc_to_posix t = realToFrac (Time.diffUTCTime t posix_epoch) -- * Clock operations -- | utc_to_posix of Clock.getCurrentTime. getCurrentTimeAsPosix :: IO PosixReal getCurrentTimeAsPosix = fmap utc_to_posix Clock.getCurrentTime {- | realToFrac of Clock.Posix.getPOSIXTime > get_ct = getCurrentTimeAsPosix > get_pt = getPosixTimeAsPosix > (ct,pt) <- get_ct >>= \t0 -> get_pt >>= \t1 -> return (t0,t1) > print (pt - ct,pt - ct < 1e-5) -} getPosixTimeAsPosix :: IO PosixReal getPosixTimeAsPosix = fmap realToFrac Clock.Posix.getPOSIXTime -- | Read current real-valued @Ntp@ timestamp. currentTime :: IO NtpReal currentTime = fmap posixtime_to_ntpr Clock.Posix.getPOSIXTime